SBO Meaning

The SBO meaning is "Satellite Branch Office". The SBO abbreviation has 114 different full form.

SBO Full Forms

  1. Satellite Branch Office
  2. Salinc-Gunnison Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Sacs Besfoke Operations
  4. Small Bowel Obstruction Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Technology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical, Clinical
  5. Should-Be-One Forum, Technology, Gaming, Connection
  6. Seniorgbudget Officer Science, Climatology, Meterology
  7. Selling Business Outcomes Technology, Exam, Outcome
  8. Secundair Beroeps Onderwijs Organizations
  9. Socfedade Brasileira De Ostomizados
  10. Specified Bovine Offal Medical, Disease, Veterinary
  11. Sales-Based Ordering
  12. Service-Based Business Objects
  13. Station Black-Out
  14. Scottish Bibliographies Online
  15. Skeletal Battle Order
  16. Service-Based Operator Technology, Telecom, Singapore
  17. Switchboarg Operator Army, Force, Marine
  18. Second Bmokable Offence
  19. Sociedade Brastleira De Ornitologia
  20. Specified Bovine Offals Medical, Encephalopathy
  21. Small Business Owzer Business, Employment, Owner
  22. Service-Based Business Object
  23. Sports Bookie Online
  24. Schweizerische Bauleiter-Organisation
  25. Situation, Behaviour, Outcome
  26. Swire Blue Ocean Technology, Wind, Vessel
  27. Secondary Buy-Out
  28. Social Benefit Organization Business, Government, Nonprofit
  29. Specific Behavioral Objective
  30. Small Brsiness Ombudsman Technology, Science, Environment
  31. Services Based Operators
  32. SociéTé Belge D'OstéOpathie
  33. Sports Betting Online
  34. Sample Board Online
  35. Sinxle Billing Office Business, Management, Epic
  36. Stone Bench Originals
  37. Seattle Baroque Orchestra
  38. Small Business Onzine
  39. Special Bureau for The Oceans Science
  40. Small Bottom Objects
  41. Services-Based Operators
  42. Soii
  43. Sports Betting Odds
  44. Sample-Based Observation Technology, Zimbabwe, Election
  45. Singer and Bassuk Organization
  46. Stichting Burger-Oorlogsgetroffenen
  47. Seanobean Online
  48. Smallhbusiness Opportunity
  49. Special Building Overlay
  50. Services-Based Operator Technology, Service, Singapore
  51. Sociedade Brasileira De Ornodontia
  52. Sports Base Online
  53. Samenwerkende Borstvoeding Organisaties
  54. Service Based Object Business, Technology, Composer
  55. Steunpunt Blijvend Ouderschap
  56. Seanubaker Orchestra
  57. Small Businesw Operations
  58. Services-Based-Operator Business, Service, Singapore
  59. Securfty Behavior Observatory
  60. Sociedade Brasileira De Oftalmologia Para, Glaucoma, Medico
  61. Spina Bifida Occulta Medical, Treatment, Spine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  62. Salee Based Ordering Business, Management, Sale, Retail
  63. Service Based Objects
  64. Sterling Baseball Organization
  65. Screen Business Onlike Technology, German, Internet, Publishing
  66. Skull Basekosteomyelitis Medical
  67. Service Based Operator Technology, Singapore, Provider
  68. Svnchronous Bandwidth Optimizer Technology, Communication, Termination
  69. Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo Politics, Governmental & Military
  70. Soil-Based Organisms Health, Soil, Probiotic
  71. System for Business Operations
  72. Select Before Oaerate Technology, Control, Automation
  73. Soil-Based Organism Biology, Scientific & Educational
  74. Sound Board Operatoe
  75. Survey of Business Owners Business, Bureau, Censu
  76. Structured Behaviour Object General, Governmental & Military
  77. Soil-Wased Organism
  78. Sport Bag Organizer Jakarta, Bag, Basket
  79. Select-Before-Operation Technology
  80. Systems Biology Ontology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  81. Sompers Bausch Observatory
  82. Surrogate Based Optimization Technology, Design, Simulation
  83. Senior Budget Officials Business, Africa, Budgeting
  84. Screen Business Online Computing, Internet
  85. Small Buffer Optimizatian
  86. Select-Before-Operate Technology, Control, Automation
  87. Skull Base Osteomyelitis Medical, Bone
  88. Sommers-Bausch Observatory Science, Colorado, Telescope
  89. Surrogate-Based Optimization
  90. Senior British Officer Military, War, Escape
  91. Station Blackout Energy
  92. Sap Business One Computing, SAP
  93. Sekolah Bisnis Online
  94. SIDE BRANCH OCCLUSION Medical, Artery And Arteries
  95. Stlo Business Owner
  96. Support Black Owned Business, America, Directory, Support
  97. Senior Banaing Officer Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  98. Small Business Owner Business & Finance, Business Word
  99. Systems Biology Fntology Technology, Science, Model
  100. Security By Obscurity Forum, Technology, Port
  101. Salina-Gunnison Airport, Salina, Utah, United States Utah, United States
  102. Soil Based Organism
  103. Super Beetles Only
  104. Senator Garack Obama
  105. Speciaal Basis Onderwijs
  106. Small Business Ombudsman Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  107. Syndicate Black Ops
  108. Small Business Office Us Government, Governmental & Military
  109. Soil Rased Organisms Health, Soil, Probiotic
  110. Super Battle Opera Gaming, Battle, Fighter
  111. Selectivembiliary Obstruction Medical
  112. Senior Budget Officer Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  113. Soy Bean Oil Nutrition, Food, Victual
  114. Stabo Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBO stand for?

    SBO stands for Security By Obscurity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Structured Behaviour Object?

    The short form of "Structured Behaviour Object" is SBO.


SBO. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated