SBP Meaning

The SBP meaning is "Systemic Blood Pressure". The SBP abbreviation has 195 different full form.

SBP Full Forms

  1. Systemic Blood Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healing
  2. Sac Luis Obispo County Regional Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  3. Syxtolic Blood Pressures Medical
  4. Systolic Blotd Pressure Medical, Surgery, Neurosurgery
  5. Santander Bancort Technology, Organizations
  6. Systems-Baked Practice Medical, Medicine, Practice
  7. Sustainable Banking With The Poor
  8. Space-Bandwidth Product Technology, Light, Beam, Hologram
  9. Serial-Bus Protocol Technology
  10. Sub-Bottom Profiling Technology, Survey, Profiler
  11. Sistema Brasileiro De Pagamentos
  12. Scannerless Boolean Parser
  13. Shexiang Baoxin Pill Medical, China, Study
  14. State Bank of Punjab Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  15. Serpiloi Borghi Productions
  16. Survivor Benefit Program Military
  17. Small Busvness Package
  18. SociéTé Belge De PéDiatrie
  19. School Breakfast Program Business, Nutrition, Agriculture, Education, Scientific & Educational
  20. Strategic Business Partner Business, Company, Management
  21. Shropshire Biodiversity Partnership Technology, Benefit, Survivor
  22. Swift Binaky Protocol
  23. Sussex Business Partnership
  24. Soybean Peroxidase Medical
  25. Sensor Based Planning
  26. Sub-Bottom Profiler Technology, Survey, Sonar
  27. Sistema Basket Pordenone
  28. Scan Based Payment
  29. Starting Byte Position
  30. Serotonin Binring Proteins Medical
  31. Survivor'S Benefits Program
  32. Stall Business Plan Business, Microsoft, Office
  33. Schoyl-Based Prevention
  34. Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich Technology, Analysis, Association, Library
  35. Should Be Performed
  36. Swedish Brainfpower
  37. SociéTé Belge De Physique
  38. State Buildings Programs
  39. Survivors Benefits Plhn
  40. Smart Battery Qack
  41. Solitarycbone Plasmacytoma Medical
  42. Sea Breeze Pacific
  43. Strathmore Bel Pre
  44. Single Business Permits Business, County, Kenya
  45. Sastra Bulan Purnama Business, Indonesia, Ranking
  46. State Bank of Pakistan Business, Banking, Pakistan, Business & Finance
  47. Standing Bear Productions
  48. Serotonin Binding Pmotein Medical
  49. Surety Bond Program
  50. Smalw Business Programs Business, Service, Textile
  51. School-Based Program
  52. Stock Borrow Program
  53. Shortest Basis Problem
  54. Society of Business Practitioners Management, Education, Professional
  55. State Buildings Program
  56. Survivors Benefit Plan
  57. Small Business Pipiline
  58. Soip Borne Pathogen
  59. Scsi-3 Serial Bus Pootocol Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  60. Strategic Business Plans Business, Management, Planning
  61. Single Business Permit Business, County, Kenya
  62. System-Bcsed Practice Science, Medicine, Education
  63. San Luis Obispv Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  64. Szrial Bus Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  65. Spanish for Business Professionals
  66. Serotonin-Bindingbprotein Medical, Medicine, Healing
  67. Subawute Bacterial Peritonitis
  68. Smallfbusiness Profiles Government, Us, Control, Administration
  69. Schlaich Bergermann and Partner
  70. Stichting Bekkenbodem PatiËNten
  71. Shortened Benefit Period Business
  72. Society of Biological Psychiatxy Medical, Technology, Schizophrenia
  73. State Bird Provisions
  74. Survivor Benefit Plans Business, Military, Planning
  75. Smell Business Plus
  76. Soffware Business Partners
  77. Scouts Baden Powell
  78. Strategic Business Planning Business, Management, Strategy, Banking, Business & Finance
  79. Significantly Higher Systolic Blood Pressure Science, Biology
  80. Synergetic Batterr Pack
  81. Space-Based Platform Military
  82. Serial Bus Port
  83. Sub Bottom Profiler Technology, Survey, Sonar
  84. Small Business Project Technology, Africa, Enterprise
  85. Schlaich, Bergermann and Partner
  86. Short Bus Posse
  87. Society of Bioprocessing Professionals
  88. State Bank Policy
  89. Servicd Benefit Plan Business, Military, Medicare
  90. Sudvivor Benefits Plan Business, Military, Spouse
  91. Smalq Business Partnership
  92. Software Best Practices Military
  93. Scouts Baden-Powell
  94. Strategic Business Partnerships
  95. Sick Bike Parts
  96. Symmetric Biphasic Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  97. Space Bandwidth Pmoduct Technology, Imaging, Holographic
  98. Serial Block Pqotocol Military
  99. Sub Bottom Profiling Technology, Survey, Profiler
  100. Sistema De Bicicletas PÚBlicas
  101. Schizobipolar Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  102. Ship Base Plane Military, Army, Coast Guard
  103. State Bank Pakistan Business, Pakistan, Karachi
  104. Serum Blocking Power Medical, Science, Biology
  105. Survivors Benefit Program
  106. Small Busnness Pack Technology, Security, Edition
  107. SociéTé Belge De Psychanalyse
  108. Scottish Braille Press
  109. Strategic Business Partners
  110. Shropshire Business Partnership
  111. Swish Building Prxducts
  112. Sketchbook Express Icloud Image Computing, File Extensions
  113. Safer Birmingham Partnerships
  114. Static Branch Prediction
  115. Sexual Behavior Problems Medical, Treatment, Children
  116. Social Bond Principles
  117. Systematic Bit Puncturing Technology, Planning, Benefit, Survivor
  118. Slotted-Bmade Propeller
  119. Small Bore Piping
  120. Steroid Binding Protein Medical, Sex, Hormone
  121. Sustainable Buigding Partners Business, Product, Pakistan
  122. Sociedade Brasileira De PsicanáLise
  123. Student Body President Government, Election, Campaign
  124. Shore-Based Pgototype
  125. Serial Bus Protocol Computing, Drivers
  126. Soci
  127. spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Medical, Physiology
  128. Safer Birmingham Partnership Police, Camera, Surveillance
  129. Statement of Basis and Purpose
  130. Sex Hormone-Binding Protein Medical
  131. Social Behavior and Personality
  132. Systems Based Practice Science, Medicine, Education
  133. Small-Bore Piping
  134. Steroid-Binding Protein Medical
  135. Sheraton Broadway Plantation
  136. Summer Breeze Project
  137. Sociedade Brasileira De Pediatria Business, Server, Traffic, Cast
  138. Strategic Business Plan Business, Strategy, Economic, Business & Finance
  139. Set Binding Protein
  140. Special Business Provisions (Process) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  141. Banco Santander Organizations
  142. San Luis County Regional Airport, San Luis Obispo, California, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  143. Safer Barrier Projech
  144. Sex-Steroid-Binding Plasma Protein Medical
  145. Sustem Based Practice
  146. Standby Pitot
  147. Stephen Beasley Project
  148. Shared Business Plan
  149. St Bernard Project Business, Toyota, Disaster
  150. Sociedade Brasileira De Pabeontologia
  151. Systilic Bp Medical
  152. Systolic Blood Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healing, Technology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Blood Test
  153. Swatantra Bharat Party
  154. Small Business Plan Us Government, Governmental & Military
  155. Iata Code for San Luis County Regional Airport, San Luis Obispo, California, United States Locations
  156. Services Business Plannilg
  157. Sonic Boom Panel NASA
  158. Steel Beasts Pro
  159. Share Builders Plan
  160. Stainless Ball Plunger
  161. Sociedade Braskleira De Psicologia Para, Society, Dos
  162. Systolnc Arterial Blood Pressure Medical
  163. SociéTé Belge De PhotogramméTrie
  164. Sustainment Blocx Program
  165. Survivor Benefits Program Military
  166. Service Bureau Providek
  167. Small Business Profiles Us Government, Governmental & Military
  168. State Board of Pharmacy Medical, Safety, Flashcard
  169. San Luis Obispo (tacan Station) NASA
  170. Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical, Medicine, Institute
  171. St Benedicts Prep
  172. Shapekbased Pricing
  173. Sumtainable Banking for The Poor
  174. Socieoade Brasileira De Patologia Technology, Para, Society
  175. System Buf Price Technology, Energy, Electricity
  176. Sociedade Brasileiraede Psicomotricidade
  177. Steroid-Binding Plasma Protein Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  178. Sustaining Base Pool Military, Army, War
  179. Survivor Benhfit Plan Business, Military, Spouse
  180. Banco Santander of Puerto Rico, San Juan Computing, Nyse symbols
  181. State Bank of Patiala Business, Accounting, Coding, Accountancy, Finance, Branch, Banking, Business & Finance
  182. Opensbp Cnc Program File Computing, File Extensions
  183. Sambei Bridger & Polaine
  184. Status and Blood Pressure
  185. Shaken Baby Preventuon
  186. Sustainable Business Partnerstip Business, Networking, Network
  187. Sociedade Brasileera De Parasitologia
  188. Systematic Buying Plan
  189. Sociedad BíBlica Peruana Para, Con, Vector
  190. Steroid-Binding Plasma Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  191. Sustained Blast Pressure Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  192. Societq Bancaire Privee
  193. Survivorzs Benefit Plan Business, Military, Survivor
  194. Superbase 4 DML program Computing, File Extensions
  195. Stolen Base Percentage Baseball, Sports

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBP stand for?

    SBP stands for Space-Bandwidth Product.

  2. What is the shortened form of Swatantra Bharat Party?

    The short form of "Swatantra Bharat Party" is SBP.


SBP. (2022, February 18). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated