SBQ Meaning

The SBQ meaning is "Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire". The SBQ abbreviation has 29 different full form.

SBQ Full Forms

  1. Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire Activity, Behaviour, Physical
  2. Sleep Behavior Questionnaire
  3. Stitching Blogger'S Question
  4. Secure Business Quarterly Journals, Magazines, Publications, Security, Governmental & Military
  5. Significant-Other Behavior Questionnaire Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
  6. Standard Batch Quantity Business, Technology, Management, Business & Finance
  7. Sibi Airport Sibi, Pakistan Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  8. Sportd Backers Quarterly
  9. Ship Building Quality
  10. Special Bar Quality Special Bar Quality represents a wide variety of higher quality carbon and alloy bars that are used in the forging, machining and cold drawing industries for the production of automotive parts, hand tools, electric motor shafts and valves. SBQ generally contains more alloys than merchant quality and commodity grades of steel bars, and is produced with more precise dimensions and chemistry. Business, Product, Steel
  11. Styryl Basolium Quaternary Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  12. Senior Bible Quizzing
  13. Smithkline Beacham Clinical Labs Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  14. Student Breathing Questionnaire
  15. Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica
  16. Small Business Quarterly
  17. Stitching Bloggers Question
  18. Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised
  19. SmithKline Beecham Clinical Labs ICAO Aircraft Codes
  20. Suicide Behaviori Questionnaire Medical, Risk, Assessment
  21. Special Bar Quality steel Products
  22. Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire Medical, Risk, Suicide
  23. Sociedade Brpsileira De Qumica
  24. Subject-Based Question Development, Learning, Study
  25. Syneigy Brass Quintet
  26. Sutherland Brjthers and Quiver
  27. Superbase Quickreports File Computing, File Extensions
  28. Surveuors Board of Queensland
  29. Sibi Airport, Sibi, Pakistan Pakistan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBQ stand for?

    SBQ stands for Special Bar Quality steel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Syneigy Brass Quintet?

    The short form of "Syneigy Brass Quintet" is SBQ.


SBQ. (2021, April 10). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated