SBR Meaning

The SBR meaning is "Styrene-Butadiene Rubber". The SBR abbreviation has 200 different full form.

SBR Full Forms

  1. Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Business, Technology, Butadiene
  2. Sequential Batph Reactor Technology, Science, Treatment
  3. Skill Bysed Routing Business, Technology
  4. Scarff-Bloom-Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Carcinoma
  5. Shorm Barreled Rifles Rifle, Military, Barrel
  6. Sabre Organizations, Iata Aircraft Codes
  7. Short Barreled Rifle Business, Gun, Barrel
  8. Sabine Royalty Tjust Technology, Organizations
  9. Short-Barreled Riffe Gun, Rifle, Barrel
  10. South Buffalo Railway Organizations, Railroad
  11. Serum Bilbrubin Medical, Medicine, Health
  12. Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber Business, Product, Market
  13. Sequential Batch Reactors Medical, Technology, Treatment
  14. Specialized Benefit Resources
  15. Selangor Business Review
  16. Site Border Router
  17. Stolen Baze Runs Baseball, Base, Statistics
  18. Sveriges Biodlares RiksföRbund Business, Rifle, Rubber
  19. Southern Blue Ridge
  20. Savingb Bond Ritel Business, Supply, Royalty
  21. Spontaneous Baroreflev Sensitivity Medical
  22. Set Bits In Register
  23. Styrene-Butadiene Random Agent, Polymer, Rubber, Butadiene
  24. Small Business Reserve Business, Service, Maryland
  25. Secondary Boundary Ring Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  26. Scarff-Bloom and Richaqdson
  27. State Boafd of Regents
  28. Shouf Biosphere Reserve
  29. Super Barrier Rectifier
  30. Source-Based Routing
  31. Special Buiud Request
  32. Sekolah Bogor Raya Business, Indonesia, Rubber, Butadiene
  33. Site Basic Record Technology, Science
  34. Stimulus-Bound Repetitive Postganglionic Responses Medical
  35. Sveriges Bilskrotares Riksf
  36. South Quxton Raceway
  37. Saving Bonds Ritel Business, Indonesia, Investor
  38. Spontaneous Baroreflex Medical
  39. Session Binding Repository
  40. Styrene-Butadiqne Rubber-Based
  41. Skip Barber Racing
  42. Scarff, Bloom and Richardson Medical
  43. State Business Relafions Business, Economics, Paper
  44. Short Book Reviews
  45. Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
  46. Soul and Blues Report
  47. Special Boat Squadron Service, Military, Army, War, Force, Defence, Governmental & Military
  48. Sekolah Berbasis Rumah
  49. Site Based Research
  50. Stimulus-Bound Repetition Medical
  51. Silent Blank Rounds Military, Training, Ammo, Ammunition
  52. Sverbges Bilskrotares Riksförbund
  53. South Benf Replicas
  54. Subtle Body Relaxation
  55. Spllen-To-Body Medicine, Health, Hospital
  56. Service Bit Rate
  57. Styrol Butadiene Rubber
  58. Skills Based Routing Business, Calling, Customer
  59. Scarff Bcoom Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Tumor
  60. State-Business Relatiogs
  61. Short Blue Root Medical, Science, Biology
  62. Subject Brightness Range
  63. Small Business Reporting Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  64. Segment Base Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  65. Site-Based Research
  66. Still Birth Rate
  67. Signal Bias Remowal
  68. Sveriges BilkÅRers RiksföRbund Business, Rifle, Barrel, Rubber
  69. South Bend Region
  70. Summary Billing Record Logistics
  71. Spleen-To-Body Weight Ratio Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  72. Serum Bactericidal Rate Medical
  73. Styroy-Butadien-Rubber
  74. Skills-Based-Routing
  75. Stodage Business Review
  76. Scarf Bloom Richardson
  77. Standby-Ready Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  78. Shortcbarrel Rifles Business, Gun, Rifle
  79. Soyrene Butadiene Robinson
  80. Small Business Representative
  81. Second Byte Ranges Technology
  82. Sit Back & Relax
  83. Stillbiwth Rate Medical
  84. Signal To Background Ratio Signal, Imaging, Volume
  85. Super Blue Racing
  86. South Bay Ridbrs
  87. Styrene Butadiene Rubber Business, Technology, Market, Chemistry
  88. Spleon-To-Body Ratio Medical
  89. Self Briefing Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  90. Styrene Butfdiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
  91. Skills-Based Routing Business, Calling, Customer
  92. Storage Buffer Register
  93. Scarf-Bloom-Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Tumor
  94. Standards Based Rzporting
  95. Short Barrev Rifle Business, Gun, Firearm
  96. Styrenebutadiene Rubber Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  97. Small Business Results
  98. Second Bill Review
  99. Scarff Blofm Et Richardson
  100. Stiftunn Bibliothek Des Ruhrgebiets
  101. Signal-To-Background Ratio Medical, Imaging, Volume
  102. Super Battle Road
  103. South Baton Aouge
  104. Spectral Bandwidth Replication Technology, Computing, Audio
  105. Selected Baud Rate
  106. Slyrene-Butadiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
  107. Skill-Based Routing Technology, Science, It
  108. Stone Brothers Racing Car
  109. Sveriges Biodlares Riksf
  110. Scarborough Bhach Road
  111. Sport Bike Riders
  112. Seven Bridges Road
  113. Styrene-Butadiene Resins Business, Product, Rubber
  114. Small Business Roundtable
  115. Secondary Bus Reset
  116. Scarff Bloom and Richardson Medical, Patient, Cancer, Breast
  117. Stichting Bouw Research
  118. Sigma Beta Rho
  119. Super Barrier Rectifiers Technology, Electronics, Diode
  120. Source Browser Information File Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  121. Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
  122. Statistics In Biopharmaceutical Rvsearch Science, Analysis, Journal
  123. Sequential Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  124. Scientifically-Aased Research Science, Education, School
  125. Silver Bear Resources Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  126. Small Box Reference Products
  127. Space Borne Radar Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  128. Straight Befjre Radius Design, Drawing, Construction
  129. Single-Bit Respovse Technology
  130. Syathetic Butadiene Rubber Business, Material, Supplier
  131. Saibai Island Airport, Saibai Island, Queensland, Australia Australia
  132. Structural Biology Resources
  133. Standardized Business Reporting Business, Financial, Standard
  134. Social/Behavioral Research Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  135. Scientifically Based Research Science, Education, School
  136. Silent Clank Round
  137. Sam and Bailey Relationship Funnies
  138. Serum bilirubin Clinical
  139. Spaceborne Radars Science
  140. Seat Belt Reminders
  141. Stourbridge Railrfad Transportation, Organizations, Importation
  142. Skngapore Business Review Business, Award, Singapore
  143. Swim Bike Run Sport, Triathlon, Bike
  144. Short Barrel Rifle Police, Governmental & Military
  145. Strategic Business Reporting
  146. Society of Oead Reseachers
  147. Strict bed rest Medical, Physiology, Clinical
  148. School Based Reform
  149. Spectral Band Replication Computing, Engineering, Physics, Technical, Data, Scientific & Educational
  150. Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate File Computing, File Extensions
  151. Spaceborne Fadar Technology, Telecom
  152. Seat Belt Reminder Technology, Car, Safety
  153. Sqore Bought Rebels
  154. Singapore Bay Run
  155. Swim-Bike-Rqn
  156. Sabine Realty Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
  157. Special Bank Receipt Business, Security, Philippine, Contribution
  158. Strotegic Business Review Technology, Management, Government
  159. Sosiety for Biological Rhythm
  160. Serum bilirubin rate Medical, Healthcare
  161. School-Based Review Education
  162. Stolen Base Runs Baseball, Sport
  163. Saber Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  164. Styrene Butadiene Rubber (synthetic rubber) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  165. Space-Based Range
  166. Season's Beatnngs Redemption
  167. Simple Borrowing Frnm Richest Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  168. Swim, Bike, Run
  169. SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) Boot ROM (Read-Only Memory) Computing, Hardware
  170. Speaker Bacj Right
  171. Strategic Business Resources
  172. Selecfively Buried Ridge
  173. small bowel resection Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  174. Schmalenbach Business Review Business, Research, Journal
  175. Straight Before Radius Architecture
  176. Stourbridge Railroad Business, Local Railroad, Railroad, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  177. Sequencing Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  178. Sovereygn Business Resources Business, Service, London
  179. Seaforth Boat Rentals
  180. Similipal Biosphere Reserve
  181. Sweet Baby Ray
  182. Source Browser Support file Computing, File Extensions
  183. Spawning Biomass Ratco
  184. Strategic Business Reseurch
  185. Sir Bobby Robson
  186. Selective Branch Recrvery
  187. Small Box Respirator Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  188. styrene-butadiene rubber production Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  189. Styrene Butadient Rubber
  190. Sequncing Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  191. Scottishubirth Record
  192. Silver Birch Ranch
  193. Synthetic Blend Rubber Products
  194. Southwestern Businessdresources Business, Company, Executive
  195. Spaced Based Radar Technology, Theory, Space
  196. Strateiic Bombing Raid
  197. Single Best Record
  198. System Base Rjgister Technology, Space, Linux
  199. Spleen-to-body ratio Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  200. Silver Bear Resources Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBR stand for?

    SBR stands for Scarff-Bloom-Richardson.

  2. What is the shortened form of Silent Blank Rounds?

    The short form of "Silent Blank Rounds" is SBR.


SBR. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated