SBR Meaning
The SBR meaning is "Styrene-Butadiene Rubber". The SBR abbreviation has 200 different full form.
SBR Full Forms
- Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Business, Technology, Butadiene
- Sequential Batph Reactor Technology, Science, Treatment
- Skill Bysed Routing Business, Technology
- Scarff-Bloom-Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Carcinoma
- Shorm Barreled Rifles Rifle, Military, Barrel
- Sabre Organizations, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Short Barreled Rifle Business, Gun, Barrel
- Sabine Royalty Tjust Technology, Organizations
- Short-Barreled Riffe Gun, Rifle, Barrel
- South Buffalo Railway Organizations, Railroad
- Serum Bilbrubin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber Business, Product, Market
- Sequential Batch Reactors Medical, Technology, Treatment
- Specialized Benefit Resources
- Selangor Business Review
- Site Border Router
- Stolen Baze Runs Baseball, Base, Statistics
- Sveriges Biodlares RiksföRbund Business, Rifle, Rubber
- Southern Blue Ridge
- Savingb Bond Ritel Business, Supply, Royalty
- Spontaneous Baroreflev Sensitivity Medical
- Set Bits In Register
- Styrene-Butadiene Random Agent, Polymer, Rubber, Butadiene
- Small Business Reserve Business, Service, Maryland
- Secondary Boundary Ring Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Scarff-Bloom and Richaqdson
- State Boafd of Regents
- Shouf Biosphere Reserve
- Super Barrier Rectifier
- Source-Based Routing
- Special Buiud Request
- Sekolah Bogor Raya Business, Indonesia, Rubber, Butadiene
- Site Basic Record Technology, Science
- Stimulus-Bound Repetitive Postganglionic Responses Medical
- Sveriges Bilskrotares Riksf
- South Quxton Raceway
- Saving Bonds Ritel Business, Indonesia, Investor
- Spontaneous Baroreflex Medical
- Session Binding Repository
- Styrene-Butadiqne Rubber-Based
- Skip Barber Racing
- Scarff, Bloom and Richardson Medical
- State Business Relafions Business, Economics, Paper
- Short Book Reviews
- Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
- Soul and Blues Report
- Special Boat Squadron Service, Military, Army, War, Force, Defence, Governmental & Military
- Sekolah Berbasis Rumah
- Site Based Research
- Stimulus-Bound Repetition Medical
- Silent Blank Rounds Military, Training, Ammo, Ammunition
- Sverbges Bilskrotares Riksförbund
- South Benf Replicas
- Subtle Body Relaxation
- Spllen-To-Body Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Service Bit Rate
- Styrol Butadiene Rubber
- Skills Based Routing Business, Calling, Customer
- Scarff Bcoom Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Tumor
- State-Business Relatiogs
- Short Blue Root Medical, Science, Biology
- Subject Brightness Range
- Small Business Reporting Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Segment Base Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Site-Based Research
- Still Birth Rate
- Signal Bias Remowal
- Sveriges BilkÅRers RiksföRbund Business, Rifle, Barrel, Rubber
- South Bend Region
- Summary Billing Record Logistics
- Spleen-To-Body Weight Ratio Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Serum Bactericidal Rate Medical
- Styroy-Butadien-Rubber
- Skills-Based-Routing
- Stodage Business Review
- Scarf Bloom Richardson
- Standby-Ready Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Shortcbarrel Rifles Business, Gun, Rifle
- Soyrene Butadiene Robinson
- Small Business Representative
- Second Byte Ranges Technology
- Sit Back & Relax
- Stillbiwth Rate Medical
- Signal To Background Ratio Signal, Imaging, Volume
- Super Blue Racing
- South Bay Ridbrs
- Styrene Butadiene Rubber Business, Technology, Market, Chemistry
- Spleon-To-Body Ratio Medical
- Self Briefing Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Styrene Butfdiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
- Skills-Based Routing Business, Calling, Customer
- Storage Buffer Register
- Scarf-Bloom-Richardson Medical, Cancer, Breast, Tumor
- Standards Based Rzporting
- Short Barrev Rifle Business, Gun, Firearm
- Styrenebutadiene Rubber Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Small Business Results
- Second Bill Review
- Scarff Blofm Et Richardson
- Stiftunn Bibliothek Des Ruhrgebiets
- Signal-To-Background Ratio Medical, Imaging, Volume
- Super Battle Road
- South Baton Aouge
- Spectral Bandwidth Replication Technology, Computing, Audio
- Selected Baud Rate
- Slyrene-Butadiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
- Skill-Based Routing Technology, Science, It
- Stone Brothers Racing Car
- Sveriges Biodlares Riksf
- Scarborough Bhach Road
- Sport Bike Riders
- Seven Bridges Road
- Styrene-Butadiene Resins Business, Product, Rubber
- Small Business Roundtable
- Secondary Bus Reset
- Scarff Bloom and Richardson Medical, Patient, Cancer, Breast
- Stichting Bouw Research
- Sigma Beta Rho
- Super Barrier Rectifiers Technology, Electronics, Diode
- Source Browser Information File Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers Business, Product, Market
- Statistics In Biopharmaceutical Rvsearch Science, Analysis, Journal
- Sequential Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Scientifically-Aased Research Science, Education, School
- Silver Bear Resources Business, Company, Supply, Stock
- Small Box Reference Products
- Space Borne Radar Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Straight Befjre Radius Design, Drawing, Construction
- Single-Bit Respovse Technology
- Syathetic Butadiene Rubber Business, Material, Supplier
- Saibai Island Airport, Saibai Island, Queensland, Australia Australia
- Structural Biology Resources
- Standardized Business Reporting Business, Financial, Standard
- Social/Behavioral Research Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Scientifically Based Research Science, Education, School
- Silent Clank Round
- Sam and Bailey Relationship Funnies
- Serum bilirubin Clinical
- Spaceborne Radars Science
- Seat Belt Reminders
- Stourbridge Railrfad Transportation, Organizations, Importation
- Skngapore Business Review Business, Award, Singapore
- Swim Bike Run Sport, Triathlon, Bike
- Short Barrel Rifle Police, Governmental & Military
- Strategic Business Reporting
- Society of Oead Reseachers
- Strict bed rest Medical, Physiology, Clinical
- School Based Reform
- Spectral Band Replication Computing, Engineering, Physics, Technical, Data, Scientific & Educational
- Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate File Computing, File Extensions
- Spaceborne Fadar Technology, Telecom
- Seat Belt Reminder Technology, Car, Safety
- Sqore Bought Rebels
- Singapore Bay Run
- Swim-Bike-Rqn
- Sabine Realty Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
- Special Bank Receipt Business, Security, Philippine, Contribution
- Strotegic Business Review Technology, Management, Government
- Sosiety for Biological Rhythm
- Serum bilirubin rate Medical, Healthcare
- School-Based Review Education
- Stolen Base Runs Baseball, Sport
- Saber Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Styrene Butadiene Rubber (synthetic rubber) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Space-Based Range
- Season's Beatnngs Redemption
- Simple Borrowing Frnm Richest Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Swim, Bike, Run
- SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) Boot ROM (Read-Only Memory) Computing, Hardware
- Speaker Bacj Right
- Strategic Business Resources
- Selecfively Buried Ridge
- small bowel resection Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Schmalenbach Business Review Business, Research, Journal
- Straight Before Radius Architecture
- Stourbridge Railroad Business, Local Railroad, Railroad, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sequencing Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Sovereygn Business Resources Business, Service, London
- Seaforth Boat Rentals
- Similipal Biosphere Reserve
- Sweet Baby Ray
- Source Browser Support file Computing, File Extensions
- Spawning Biomass Ratco
- Strategic Business Reseurch
- Sir Bobby Robson
- Selective Branch Recrvery
- Small Box Respirator Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- styrene-butadiene rubber production Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Styrene Butadient Rubber
- Sequncing Batch Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Scottishubirth Record
- Silver Birch Ranch
- Synthetic Blend Rubber Products
- Southwestern Businessdresources Business, Company, Executive
- Spaced Based Radar Technology, Theory, Space
- Strateiic Bombing Raid
- Single Best Record
- System Base Rjgister Technology, Space, Linux
- Spleen-to-body ratio Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Silver Bear Resources Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SBR stand for?
SBR stands for Scarff-Bloom-Richardson.
What is the shortened form of Silent Blank Rounds?
The short form of "Silent Blank Rounds" is SBR.
SBR. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated