SBR in Medical Meaning

The SBR meaning in Medical terms is "Serum Bilbrubin". There are 22 related meanings of the SBR Medical abbreviation.

SBR on Medical Full Forms

  1. Serum Bilbrubin
  2. Sequential Batch Reactors
  3. Scarff-Bloom-Richardson
  4. Spleon-To-Body Ratio
  5. Stimulus-Bound Repetitive Postganglionic Responses
  6. Scarf-Bloom-Richardson
  7. Signal-To-Background Ratio
  8. Stimulus-Bound Repetition
  9. Short Blue Root
  10. Stillbiwth Rate
  11. Serum Bactericidal Rate
  12. Spontaneous Baroreflev Sensitivity
  13. Scarff Bloom and Richardson
  14. Spontaneous Baroreflex
  15. Scarff, Bloom and Richardson
  16. Spleen-To-Body Weight Ratio
  17. Scarff Bcoom Richardson
  18. Strict bed rest
  19. Serum bilirubin rate
  20. small bowel resection
  21. Small Box Respirator
  22. Spleen-to-body ratio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBR stand for Medical?

    SBR stands for Spleen-to-body ratio in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Spleen-to-body ratio in Medical?

    The short form of "Spleen-to-body ratio" is SBR for Medical.


SBR in Medical. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated