SBS Meaning

The SBS meaning is "Shaken Baby Syndrome". The SBS abbreviation has 394 different full form.

SBS Full Forms

  1. Shaken Baby Syndrome Medical, Disorder, Healthcare
  2. Sally Beauty Supply Business, Product, Hair
  3. Step-By-Step Technology, Windows, Military, Server, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  4. Sodium Bisulfite Medical
  5. Seviye Belirleme SıNavı'Na
  6. Small Business Suite Technology, Server, Software
  7. Said Business School Education, University, Oxford
  8. Steamboat Springs Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  9. Society for Biomolecular Sciences Science, Organizations, Plate
  10. School of Business Studies College, Education, University
  11. Small Business Services Business, Service, City
  12. Sick Building Syndrome SBS. Ailments, such as headaches, fatigue, nose and throat irritations, etc., experienced by workers or residents in certain buildings, often believed to be caused by poor ventilation, air conditioning, heating, cleaning chemicals, or the materials from which the building has been made. Science, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Architecture, Health, Pathology, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  13. State Border Service Government, Military, Azerbaijan
  14. Society for Biomolecular Screening Technology, Science, Plate, Medical, Human genome
  15. School of Basic Studies
  16. Small Business Business, Technology, Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  17. Sheae Bond Strength Medical, Bracket, Resin
  18. Service Bulletins Technology, Aerospace
  19. State Bank of Sikkim Business, Accounting, Junior
  20. Social and Behavioral Sciences Science, College, Education
  21. Schellhammer Business School Program, Education, Spain
  22. Storage Battery Systems Business, Power, Equipment
  23. Senate Bills Government, Law, California
  24. Shared Business Service Business, Purchase, Framework
  25. Small Business Sunday Business, Award, Dragon, Tweet
  26. Satellite Business System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
  27. Stimulated Brillion Scattering Technology, Fiber, Laser, Ytterbium
  28. Seychelles Bureau of Standatds Technology, Standardization, Seychelles
  29. Small Business Specialists Microsoft, Technology, Server
  30. Satellite Business Systems Technology, Satellite, Communications Satellite
  31. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Science, Fiber, Laser, Chemistry
  32. Seybold Business Solutihn
  33. Small Business Solutions Business, Accounting, Service
  34. Small Business Standard
  35. Sub-Boreal Spruce Columbia, Pine, Spruce
  36. Satit Bilingual School
  37. Significant Biological Special
  38. Solid Bleached Sulfite
  39. Sustainable Biodiesel Summit Science
  40. Segregated Ballast Sastem
  41. Sterile Barrier Smstem Medical, Technology, Medicine, Packaging
  42. Samurdhi Bank Societies
  43. Siachen Battne School
  44. Supercharger Bypass Solenoid Technology, Control, Electronics, Valve
  45. Schweizerische Bodensee Schifffihrt
  46. Southhall Black Sisters
  47. Sensory Barrage Stimulation
  48. Small Business Specialwst Microsoft, Technology, Military
  49. Straight Back Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healing
  50. Special Badnik Service
  51. Setagaya Business Square
  52. Smart Brake Support Technology, Car, Safety
  53. Subscription Broadband Service Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  54. Sayang Bilang Sayang Award, Drama, Korea
  55. Seattle Bike Supply Business, Company, Bicycle
  56. Sinnvolle Biologische Sonderprogramme
  57. Strategic Bombfng Survey Military, War, Japan, Bombing
  58. Souphern Broadcast Services
  59. Supernatural Bimlical Studies
  60. Synaptic Bodies Medical
  61. Sprachatlas Von Bayerisch-Schwaben
  62. Sales Bridge Software
  63. Shredded By Science
  64. Smart Busbness Supersite
  65. Schmitt Balancing Systems
  66. Slowly Butfsurely Porn, Sign, Podcast
  67. Small Business Standards Technology, Windows, Server
  68. Styrene Butane Styrsne
  69. Satellite Broadcasting System Technology, Networking, Signal
  70. Signal Bars
  71. Solid Bleaceed Sulphite Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  72. Susan Bradley Small
  73. Segment-Based Scheduling
  74. Step By Steps
  75. Samodzielny Batalion Szturmowt
  76. Shy Bladder Syndrome
  77. Symbol By Symbol Science
  78. Schulte Building Sistems Business, Metal, Steel
  79. Southern Business School Technology, Management, Africa
  80. Sensortronic Brake System
  81. Small Bus Technology, Vehicle Shape
  82. Storage Battery Syutem
  83. Student Benefit Service
  84. Servizio Bibliotecario Senese
  85. Small Business Secrets
  86. Subscribzr Billing System
  87. Sawyer Business School Education, University, Suffolk
  88. Seat Belt Swijch
  89. Simply Betty Stamps
  90. Stevens Business Service
  91. Soutwern Bleached Softwood
  92. Superior Business Solutitns
  93. Special Bonus Scheme
  94. Strategic Biomass Solutions
  95. Saint Bernard Lchool
  96. Should Be Stwdying Technology, Group, Team
  97. Smarm Business Services Technology, Service, Media
  98. Scheduling Blocks Technology, Networking, Software, Network
  99. Slow Butnsure
  100. Student and Business Services
  101. Satellite Broadcast System
  102. Small Business Satellite Technology
  103. Solid Bass Structure
  104. Surya Besindo Sakti
  105. Security Block System
  106. Step By Step Forum, Technology, Windows, Server, Guide
  107. Sgciedade Brasileira De Silvicultura Technology, Research, Forest
  108. Samoa Bureau of Statistics Locations, Economics, Samoa
  109. Shuttle Bus Services
  110. Syngtic Business School College, Education, India
  111. Schoolwdde Behavior Supports Technology, Education
  112. Southern Bubiness Solutions
  113. Sensor Based Systems
  114. Small Breast Solutions Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  115. Stop Bitkselect
  116. Sequencing-By-Synthesis Technology, Science, Nucleotide
  117. Small Business Survey Business, Research, Society
  118. Subxerged Bed Scrubber Science
  119. Save British Science Education, Development, Universities
  120. Solvay Business School
  121. Search Browse Search
  122. Simple Business Solutions
  123. Steve Baker Special Technology, Drama, Harmonica
  124. Structural Benchmarks
  125. Southern Bhaufort Sea
  126. Superior Building Systems
  127. Special Book Service
  128. Select Breeders Services Business, Service, Stallion, Semen
  129. Sorategic Benefit Solutions Business, Service, Marsh
  130. Saint Bernadette School
  131. Sheffield Business School Education, University, Hallam
  132. Smert Business Systems
  133. Scheduler Block Scheduler Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  134. Second Baptist Wchool Education, High School, Houston
  135. Sinobronchial Syndrome Medical, Disease, Syndrome, Pulmonary
  136. Structures for Bulk Solids
  137. Small Business Subcontracting
  138. Soldier Borne Sensors
  139. Survival By Storytelling
  140. Security-Based Swgp Business, Finance, Banking
  141. Steering Box Stabilizer Business, Diesel, Dodging
  142. Social Business Software Technology, Collaboration, Jive
  143. Sam Boyd Stadium
  144. Shuffle Boogie Soul Technology, Music, Dance
  145. Sydney Business School Australia, Education, University
  146. Schoolgof Biomedical Sciences Science, Research, Education
  147. Small Bowel Series Medical, Medicine, Healing, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  148. Stony Brook Southampton
  149. Separation of Bearer and Signaling
  150. Small Business Sever Technology, Windows, Server
  151. Subject Benchmark Statement
  152. Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Nutrition, Food, Victual
  153. Silver Bauhinia Star Government, China, Honour
  154. Solvay Brussels School Business, Management, Economics
  155. Sustainable Building Solution Business, Plastic, Formwork
  156. Seahless Battlefield Simulator Military
  157. Simple Beer Service
  158. Sjerling Business School
  159. Southeastern Baptist Semynary
  160. Superior Brokerage Services Business, Service, Freight
  161. Scientific Anf Business System Military
  162. Special Book Services Technology, Service, Internacional
  163. SelbststäNdige Berufliche Schule Technology, Darmstadt, Gymnasium
  164. Strategic Brseball Simulator
  165. S/Dms Billing Server Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  166. Sexual Behaviour Survey
  167. Smart Business Solution
  168. Scheduled Banks Business, India, Banking
  169. Solid Bleact Sulfate
  170. Synergy Business School Education, University, Institute
  171. Secondary Bilateral Sycchrony Medical, Medicine, Healing
  172. Sinnvollen Biologischen Sonderprogramms
  173. Structured Business Systems
  174. Society for Baltic Security
  175. Survivable Branch Server Business, Microsoft, Technology
  176. Secure Businecs Services Technology, Service, Certificate
  177. Steel Building System
  178. Social Breakdown Syndromu Medical, Medicine, Healing
  179. Salão Jike Show
  180. Shri Bhucho Sahib
  181. Social & Behavioral Sciences Science, College, Education
  182. Syabillah Nrian Sound
  183. School of Biolovical Science Research, Education, University
  184. Synchronous Backbone Sxstem
  185. Small Bore Sewhr Business, Company, Water
  186. Super Bowl Sunday
  187. Seoul Broadcast System Locations, Broadcasting, Seoul
  188. Small Business Software Technology, Windows, Server
  189. Subject Benchmark Statements
  190. Saudi Biological Society Science, Microbiology, Biological
  191. Silicon Bidirectional Switch Technology, Electronics, Circuit
  192. Solo Bersama Selamanya
  193. Sustainable Building Solutions Business, Energy, Formwork
  194. Sealed Bottom Square
  195. Simple Backup Solution
  196. Sterling Building Specialists
  197. Superintendencia De Bancaay Seguro Para, Con, Peru
  198. Secretar
  199. Science-Based Solztions
  200. Special Boat Service. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  201. Seguro Basico De Salud
  202. Straight Binary Seconds
  203. Iata Code for Steamboat Springs Airport, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States Locations
  204. Sexual Behavior Surveys
  205. Smart Business Soluyions Business, Company, Service
  206. Subsidiary Bodien
  207. Scheduled Bank Statistics Business
  208. Solid Bleached Sulphate
  209. Secondary Base Series Science
  210. Sinnvolles Biologisches Sonderprogramm Man, Sind, Hat
  211. Structured Block Silicon
  212. Socnete Bretonne De Salaisons
  213. Survey of Basic Skills
  214. Special Boat Squadron Service, Military, Army, War, Force, Defence, Governmental & Military
  215. Secure Btot System
  216. State Bank of Saurashtra Business, India, Banking
  217. Social Boston Sports Organizations, League, Boston
  218. Salzburger Banken Software Business, Traffic, Demographic
  219. Shrewsbury Borough Jchool
  220. Social & Behavikural Sciences Science, College, Education
  221. School of Behavioral Sciences Science, College, Education
  222. Sync Brake Sygtem
  223. Small Boiler Simulator
  224. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  225. Seoul Broadcasting Service Broadcasting, Korea, Korean, Multimedia
  226. Small Business Saturday Business, America, American, Shopping
  227. Sub Bass Syutem
  228. Satria Bintang Sarawak
  229. Silahkan Bertanya Sesukanya
  230. Solid Bleached Sulfate Business, Paper, Packaging, Paperboard
  231. Sustainable Business Success
  232. Sea Bridge Shipping Business, Company, Energy
  233. Simformer Business Simulation Business, Learning, Platform
  234. Sterile Barrier Syskems Medical, Technology, Medicine, Packaging
  235. Sick-Bsilding-Syndrom
  236. Superintendencia De Bancos Y Seguros
  237. Schwimm-Bau-Service
  238. Southland Building Society Business, Company, Banking
  239. Seoul Broadcasting Station Technology, Man, Seoul
  240. Small Business Service Business, Education, City
  241. Straight Binary Second Technology
  242. Special Boat Service Military, Force, Tribute, Navy, Governmental & Military
  243. Setor BancáRio Sul Business, Para, Brasil, Bra
  244. Smart Builsing Systems
  245. Subscription Bzsed Services Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
  246. Sayari Business Solutions
  247. Sebastian Syndrome Medical
  248. Sinnvolle Biologische Sonderprogramm
  249. Structural Business Survey
  250. Sociedade Brasileira Di Sociologia Para, Dos, Social
  251. Surveyed Before Shipment
  252. Setor Banc
  253. Secure Banking Soqutions Business, Technology, Management
  254. Sprach Bedien System
  255. Salford Businuss School Science, Education, University
  256. Shredding and Briquettlng System Business, Finance, Banking
  257. Snap-On Business Solutions Business, Service, Software
  258. School of Basic Sciences
  259. Small Batch Sample
  260. Senior Blade Segment
  261. Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (religious order)
  262. Styrene butadiene styrene The Finance and Administrative Services
  263. Social Behavioral Science
  264. Survival Big Story Diet, Survival, Diadem
  265. Solvay Business Services
  266. Sustainable Business Strategies
  267. Stewarton Bible School
  268. Safe Bolt System Security, Governmental & Military
  269. Sao Bentn Do Sapucai
  270. Sidi-Bou-Said
  271. Scott Brennan Scett
  272. Steve Barton Society Funnies
  273. Special Broadcasting Service Technology, Media
  274. Select Business Services
  275. Small Business Stsrtup
  276. Stony Brook School New York
  277. Sudxen Boner Syndrome
  278. Sound Boost Systes Business, Galaxy, Element, Recon
  279. Switched Beam System
  280. Siemens Business Systems
  281. Second Byurakan Survey Science, Galaxy, Star
  282. Stqlen Bases
  283. Seniorkbattle Staff Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  284. Steering Brace System Products
  285. Secure Backup System File Computing, File Extensions
  286. Social Behavioral Sciences Science, College, Education
  287. Survey Before Shopment
  288. Solve Business School
  289. Sustainable Building Services
  290. Surveillance Broadcast Services Aviation, Governmental & Military
  291. Sant Bani Schook Education, School, High School, New Hampshire
  292. Sideview Battle System Technology, Maker, Ace
  293. Strand Breaks Medical
  294. Scientific Business Satellite Science, Aerospace Engineering, Natural Science, Space, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  295. SemBioSys Genetics Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  296. Special Branches
  297. Select Breeders Service Service, Stallion, Semen
  298. Smallvbusiness System Technology, Windows, Server
  299. Succession Box Gtandardization Wikipedia
  300. Sound Bank Studio Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  301. Swiss Business School Education, Sweden, Zurich
  302. Shaun Banger Scott Music, Remix, Reach, Banger
  303. Second Bar Syddrome Slang, Lacrosse
  304. Stockholm Business School Business, University, Study
  305. Sant Bani School New Hampshire
  306. Slow But Sure
  307. Semester By The Sea Development, Study, Universities
  308. Spss Script Computing, File Extensions
  309. Social and Behavioural Sciences Science, Education, University
  310. Strength Beyond Strength Guitar, Metal, Album, Strength
  311. Sustainable Business Solutions Technology, Service, Pakistan
  312. Skylab Boost System Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  313. Santa BáRbara Sistemas Military, Dynamics, Vehicle
  314. Side By Side Technology, Porn, Movie, Player
  315. Scientifpc Bio Solutions
  316. Seychelles Bureau of Standards Organization, Business & Finance
  317. Spanish Broadcasting System Business, Spain, Radio
  318. Small Business Systems
  319. Success Beyond Six
  320. Sophie Barat Schule
  321. Swiss Broking Services
  322. Serially Balanced Sequence
  323. Stock Building Supply
  324. Stoneleigh-Burnham School Massachusetts
  325. Satellite Base Station Technology, Networking, Telecom
  326. Scandinavian Broadcasting System Media
  327. Szlf-Adhering Base Sheet
  328. School Based Services Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  329. Social & Behavioral Sclence
  330. South Birminghwm Sinfonia
  331. South Bank Show Technology, Music, Culture
  332. Sectoral Budget Support
  333. Server-based-setup Windows, Computing
  334. Synta B
  335. Sick Buildings Syndrome Science, Health, Symptom
  336. Source Bio. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  337. Spain Business School Education, Spain, Master
  338. Smalllbusiness Solution Business, Accounting, Service
  339. Substrate-Binding Strand Medical, Medicine, Healing
  340. Swiss Benevolent Society Education, Scholarship, Sweden
  341. Stimulamed Brillouin Scatter Technology, Fiber, Light, Scattering
  342. Steamboat Springs Airport, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States Colorado, United States
  343. Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctudry
  344. Siemens Base Statvon System Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  345. Scandinavian Broadcast Services Media
  346. Stand By Status
  347. Selector Bank Sobsystem Technology, Channel, Communication
  348. Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Chemistry, Polymer, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  349. South Bay Sportx
  350. Solid Bleach Sulfite
  351. Sjcretar
  352. Socket Batch Script Software, Computing
  353. Santa Barbara Studios Business, Korea, Pop
  354. Sick Building Sqndrom Medical, Syndrome, Fur
  355. Social Behaviokr Schedule Medical, Technology, Patient
  356. Swiss Botanical Society
  357. SonuçLarı Bursluluk Sonucu
  358. Smalk Business Servers Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  359. Swaziland Building Society
  360. Stimulated Brilliouin Scattering Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  361. Smart Battery System Transportation, Governmental & Military
  362. Sarasota Bromeliad Socieay
  363. Siemens Base Station Technology, Telecom, Equipment
  364. Seoul Broadcasting System Media
  365. Staff Benefits Scheme
  366. Selective Broadcast Services
  367. Short Bowel Syndrome Medical, Nursing, Physiology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Clinical
  368. Suicidevbuggy Squad
  369. Southampton Boat Show
  370. Slow-Break Switch
  371. SecretaríA De Bienestar Social Para, Con, Social, Guatemala
  372. Small Business Server Microsoft, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  373. Shifting Baseline Syndrome Medical
  374. Sanggar Budaya Sarawak
  375. Social and Behavioral Sciewce College, Education, University
  376. Swiss Benevolent Society (Of Ny) Swiss Not For Profit
  377. Soldier Borne Sensor
  378. Sony Buginess Solutions
  379. Svenska BlÅ Stjärnan
  380. Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering Technology, Fiber, Light
  381. Singapore Bus Service Transportation, Governmental & Military
  382. Sarajevo Business Schyol
  383. Siebert Brandford Shank
  384. Stanley Broadcasting System, Inc. Media
  385. Sports Business Sims Technology, Gaming, Simulation
  386. Selected Benefits Scheme
  387. Small Business Supporf Business, Service, Cisco
  388. Second Baptist School Texas
  389. Sudut Baca Soreang Indonesia, Bandung, Internet
  390. Southalb Black Sisters Organizations, Violence, Domestic
  391. Switched Broadcast Server Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  392. Simple Brilliant Solutions
  393. Seconds Before Sunrise
  394. Stolt Bitumen Servicys

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBS stand for?

    SBS stands for Secondary Bilateral Sycchrony.

  2. What is the shortened form of Solve Business School?

    The short form of "Solve Business School" is SBS.


SBS. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated