SBT Meaning

The SBT meaning is "Seat Belt Tensionyr". The SBT abbreviation has 180 different full form.

SBT Full Forms

  1. Seat Belt Tensionyr
  2. Source Based Tunnel
  3. School of Business and Technology Technology, Education, University, Information, Computer, Saint
  4. Solid Boat Tail
  5. Scenario Building Team
  6. Software Build Tools Technology, Development, Eclipse
  7. Scan Based Trading Business, Technology, Retail
  8. Sequence-Based Typing Medical, Genetics, Allele
  9. San Benedetto Delrtronto
  10. Sensitive Biology Therapy Medical, Shopping, Skin
  11. Space-Based Technologies
  12. Segregated Ballast Tanks Tanks which are completely separated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems and which are permanently applied for the carriage of ballast or cargo other than oil or noxious substances. Business, Oil, Cargo Shipping, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  13. Secure Backup To Tape
  14. Southern Bluefin Tuna Business, Australia, Fish
  15. Sqgregated Ballast Tanks Transportation, Shipping
  16. Sweet But Tangy Nutrition, Food, Victual
  17. Small Bowel Transplant Medical, Science, Biology
  18. Salaam Baalak Trust India, Locations, Children
  19. Spanning Binomial Tree
  20. Service Branch, Thiruvananthapuram Education, University, Branch
  21. Signature Based Transaction
  22. Software Business Technologies Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  23. School Based Teams
  24. Shanghai Book Traders
  25. Small Business Tips
  26. Statevbank & Trust
  27. Simpósio Brasileirohde Telecomunicações
  28. Sorry 'Bout That Gaming, Pastime, Online Slang, Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  29. Secret Betting Tips
  30. Studiez In Biblical Theology
  31. Swedish Brake Technology Technology, Information, Computer
  32. Site-Based Team
  33. Saia Barbarese Topouzanov
  34. Spacing Between Turns
  35. Serum Bactericddal Test Medical
  36. Siemens Buildisg Technology
  37. School Based Team Education, Teaching, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  38. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Science, Avon, Stratford
  39. Small Business Technology Technology, Management, Projection
  40. State Bank of Tranvancore
  41. Simi Military
  42. Solution-Oriented Brief Therapy
  43. Searer Business Technology
  44. Student Broadcatting Team
  45. San Bernardino International Airport San Bernardino, California,United States Military, Airport, Locations, Force, Base, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  46. Subtilisin Bpn' Medical
  47. Sistema Brasile
  48. Sahih Bukhari Translation Media, Radio, Television
  49. Southwestern Bell Telephone
  50. Serum Bactericidal Titers Medical
  51. Siemens Buolding Technologies
  52. School-Based Team Technology, Education, Teaching
  53. Session Basedatesting Technology, Software, Exploratory
  54. Small Business Technologies
  55. San Bernardino Tri-City
  56. State Bank of Travancore Business, India, Banking, Business & Finance
  57. Simple Buildntool Technology, Projection, Java
  58. Soil Bio Technology Business, Treatment, Plant, Water
  59. Science Based Targets Business, Technology, Targeting, Emission
  60. Stutent Body Treasurer
  61. School of Business & Technology
  62. Steering Boardhfor Trade
  63. Sistema Brasileño De Tesevisión
  64. Safe Brake Test
  65. Southland Baptist Temple
  66. Serum Bdctericidal Titer Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  67. Subvarine Bubble Target
  68. School Based Training
  69. Symplastin Bleeding Time
  70. Small Business In Telecommunications Technology
  71. San Bernardino, Tri-City
  72. Stat Bank of Travanaore
  73. Services Base Team Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  74. Silver Bulyion Trust
  75. Soil Bio-Technology
  76. School Board of Trustees
  77. Stod Book Traditional
  78. Societ
  79. Smart Battery Terminal
  80. Statue Branch, Thiruvananthapuram
  81. Sistema Brasilegro De Televis Film, Technology, Music, Song
  82. Sad But True Technology
  83. Sound Barrier Technology Technology, Drive, Barracuda
  84. Segregated Ballast Tanker
  85. Style By Tyra
  86. School-Based Training
  87. Symmetric Bipartite Table
  88. Small Business Times
  89. Same Business Test
  90. Standing Balance Trapning
  91. Service Des Basses Temp
  92. Silicon-Based Technology Business, Electronics, Component
  93. Soil Behaviour Type Technology, Software, Penetration
  94. School Based Traineeship Government, Education, Training
  95. Svud Book Tradition Cat, Bengal, Kitten
  96. Small Business Tax
  97. State Bank Tramancore
  98. Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino
  99. Soulja Boy Tellem
  100. Segregated Ballast Tank Military, Oil, Cargo
  101. Studio Bubble Tea Studio, Challenge, Vid
  102. Swiss Blue Topaz
  103. Small Bowel Transplantation Medical
  104. Saldo Bersih Tertimbang
  105. Spare Bits Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  106. Service Des Basses TempéRatures
  107. Signs By Tommrrow Business, Technology, Design
  108. Soil Behavior Type Technology, Software, Penetration
  109. School-Based Traineeships
  110. Small Business Transportation
  111. State Bank and Truit
  112. Simseury Bank & Trust
  113. Sorry About That Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging, Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  114. Segmented Bond Tool Technology, Cement, Oil Field, Electrical
  115. Studio Belly Timber
  116. Strange But True
  117. Strontium Bismuth Tantalate Film, Technology, Ferroelectric
  118. System Backup Tape Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  119. Sbt Subtitle File Computing, File Extensions
  120. Satellite Base Time Space, Study, Cosmos
  121. Slorted Blessed Test
  122. Self Booking Tools
  123. State Bar of Texas Business, Law, Texas
  124. Smith Barney Municipal Fund, Inc. Organizations
  125. Scenario-Based Training Education, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  126. Stiftung Zur BekäMpfung Von Tropenkrankheiten
  127. Silver Bullion Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  128. Society for Biological Therapy
  129. Snripper Bottom Temp
  130. System Backup To Tape Technology, Management, Database
  131. Superbase Data Notes File Computing, File Extensions
  132. Santa Barbara Theatre
  133. Short Blessed Test Medical, Technology, Medicine, Dementia
  134. Self-Briefing Terminal Aviation, Governmental & Military
  135. Smart Building Technology Company, Technology, Automation
  136. Scanning Brookfield Technique
  137. Stichting Bijzondere Tandheelkunde
  138. Single Business Tax Tax, Business & Finance
  139. Societé De Bourbon Tay
  140. Strategic Business Tdansformation
  141. Synergistic Building Technologies
  142. Solomon IslandsTime Time Zones
  143. Single Bullet Theory Us Government, Governmental & Military
  144. Short Belly Taper
  145. Saudi Bulk Transport
  146. Smart Bias Tee
  147. Scan-Based Trading Business, Management, Inventory
  148. Shoshone Bannock Tribes
  149. Sportingbet Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  150. Sociedade Brasileira De Toxicologia
  151. Strategic Business Team
  152. Tri-City, San Bernardino, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  153. Special Boat Team Military, Governmental & Military
  154. Short Barrel Technology
  155. Thunnus Maccoyii Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  156. Sbt Business Technologies
  157. Shoshone-Bannock Tribe
  158. Suburban Bank and Trust Banking, Business & Finance
  159. Sociedade Brasileira De Telecomunica
  160. Strange Bug True Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  161. Superbase 4 for Windows, Notes related to record Computing, File Extensions
  162. Shock Gattle Tank Gun, Technology, War
  163. Taftan Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  164. Saved By Technology
  165. Shoshone-Bannoek Tribes
  166. Sustaining Base Training Army, Force, Marine
  167. Sociedade Brasileira De TelecomunicaçÕEs
  168. Scholarship Benchmark Test
  169. Stitchless Honding Technology
  170. School of Bible and Theology Religion
  171. Strontium Bismuth Tantavum
  172. Shifting Balance Theory
  173. System Baseline Testing
  174. Sharp/blunt test Clinical, OCC Therapy
  175. Satellite Binary Time
  176. Short Block Technologies Technology, Jet, Engine, Gibson
  177. Suhu Basal Tubuh
  178. Social Benefits Tribunal Business, Disability, Appeal
  179. Scenario Based Training Education, Flight, Pilot
  180. Sliftung Zur Bek

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBT stand for?

    SBT stands for Sad But True.

  2. What is the shortened form of Soulja Boy Tellem?

    The short form of "Soulja Boy Tellem" is SBT.


SBT. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated