SBY Meaning

The SBY meaning is "Susilo Bambang Yudoyono". The SBY abbreviation has 22 different full form.

SBY Full Forms

  1. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono
  2. Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  3. Sosilo Bambang Yudhoyono
  4. Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  5. Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono
  6. Si Butet Yogya Indonesia, Pur, Reshuffle
  7. Si Buni Yani Indonesia, Jakarta, Agama
  8. Susilo Bambang Yudhyono
  9. Sesuatu Banget Yah Indonesia, Archive, Orang
  10. Susilo Bambang Yudhono
  11. Iata Code for Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport, Salisbury, Maryland, United States Locations
  12. Santai Bareng Yuk
  13. Shiloh Baptist Youth Religion
  14. Sambil Buka Yuk
  15. Standby When electronic devices are receiving power but are not running, they are in standby mode. For example, a television is in standby mode when it is plugged in, but turned off. While the TV is not "on," it is ready to receive a signal from the remote control. An A/V receiver is also in standby mode when it is plugged in and turned off. This is because the receiver may be activated by receiving input from a connected device or by being turned on directly with the remote control. Technology, Aviation, Telecom, Telecommunications, Transportation, Media, Military, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  16. Suslio Bambang Yudhoyono Indonesia, Jakarta, Agro
  17. Small Business of The Year
  18. Super Brain Yoga
  19. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Jusuf Indonesia, Jakarta, Election
  20. Space Battleship Yamato
  21. Ship Breaking Yard
  22. Sekuntum Bunga Yonina

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SBY stand for?

    SBY stands for Standby.

  2. What is the shortened form of Small Business of The Year?

    The short form of "Small Business of The Year" is SBY.


SBY. (2020, May 23). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated