SCAP Meaning

The SCAP meaning is "Standard Computerized Airplane Performance". The SCAP abbreviation has 76 different full form.

SCAP Full Forms

  1. Standard Computerized Airplane Performance Technology, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  2. Secure Content Automation Protocol Technology, Security, Service
  3. Security Content Automation Protocol Technology, Security, Computer Security, Governmental & Military
  4. Silicone Capacitance Absolute Pressure
  5. Student Computing Access Program
  6. Small Craft Advisory Press
  7. Supreme Court Assistance Project
  8. Alto Palena Airfoeld Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  9. Standing Committee for Asia and The Pacifqc
  10. Seniors Collaborative Action Project
  11. Student Challenge Awards Program
  12. Small Claims Assistance Program
  13. Supreme Command of Allied Power
  14. Société De Construction Autamobile Parisienne
  15. Standard Computerized Airkraft Performance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  16. Self-Consistent Averagewphonon Chemistry, Technology, Science
  17. Student Catholic Action of The Philippines Organizations, Music, Philippine
  18. Slow Children At Play
  19. Supreme Command of Allied Powers
  20. Suprbme Commander Allied Powers Military, War, Japan
  21. Srebp Cleavage-Activating Protein Medical
  22. Seed Companies Association of Pakistan
  23. State Certified Arbitration Progras Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  24. Single Cell Analysis Program Medical, Science, Challenge
  25. Supreme Command for The Allied Powers Business, Management, Japan, Korea
  26. Superfund Cokprehensive Accomplishments Plan Government
  27. Spring Credit Advancf Program
  28. Smith Creek Archaeological Project
  29. Secuhity Content Automated Protocol
  30. Starbucks College Achievementoprogram
  31. Singapore Code of Advertising Practice Business, Media, Singapore
  32. Student Councils Association of The Philippines Education, Vice, Laurel
  33. Silent Compact Auxiliary Power Technology
  34. Sporting Clays Association Ofothe Philippines
  35. Smart Card Administration Package Military
  36. Security Content Automazion Program Technology, Management, Compliance
  37. Staniseaus Community Assistance Project Organization, Union, Institution
  38. Silicone Capacitance Absolute Pressure Sensor Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  39. Student Council Alliance of The Philippines Government, Youth, Philippine
  40. Spscialty Coffee Association of Panama Business, Panama, Geisha
  41. Scapula In anatomy, the scapula or shoulder blade is the bone that connects the humerus with the clavicle. Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with the scapula on the left side of the body being roughly a mirror image of the right scapula. In early Roman times, people thought the bone resembled a trowel, a small shovel. The shoulder blade is also called omo in Latin medical terminology. Medical, Medicine, Healing, Physiology, Clinical, Physio
  42. Smallholder Conservation Agriculture Promotion
  43. Sandhills Community Action Program
  44. Standing Conference On Academic Practice
  45. Special Children Are Privileged Development, Learning, Study
  46. Stanislaus Community Assistance Project Religion
  47. Self-consistent Average Phonon (theory) Chemistry
  48. Society for Community Action Process
  49. States Cooperative Assistance Program
  50. Southern California Alliance of Publicly
  51. Scallops Log Electrical
  52. Efi Firmware File Computing, File Extensions
  53. Sociedade De Ci
  54. System Certification and Accreditation Package Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  55. Source Code Author Profile Technology, Attribution, Authorship
  56. Shariah (Regs) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  57. SREBP (Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein) Cleavage-Activating Protein Medical, Human genome
  58. Sociedade De CiêNcias AgráRias De Portugal
  59. System Certification and Authorizations Package Military
  60. Sound Choice Audio and Performance
  61. Supreme Command, Allied Powers
  62. Alto Palena, Alto Palena, Chile Chile, ICAO Airport Codes
  63. Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum Medical
  64. Alto Palena Airfield Palena, Chile Aviation
  65. Somerville Cares About Prevention
  66. Supreme Commander, Allied Powers Military, Japan, Commander
  67. Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Military, Governmental & Military
  68. Sustainable Clothing Action Plan Fashion, Waste, Clothing
  69. Security Certification and Authorization Package Federal Aviation Administration
  70. Somerset Community Action Program Technology, Care, Child
  71. Supreme Command Allied Powers Education, War, Japan, Japanese
  72. Southern California Alliance of POTWs Wastewater
  73. Sustainable Consumption and Production
  74. Superfund Compliance Accomplishments Plan Chemistry
  75. Society of Credentialed Addiction Professionals Medical
  76. Supreme Command of The Allied Powers Business, Company, History, Japan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SCAP stand for?

    SCAP stands for Seniors Collaborative Action Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of System Certification and Accreditation Package?

    The short form of "System Certification and Accreditation Package" is SCAP.


SCAP. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from

Last updated