Scattering Abbreviations and Scattering Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Scattering terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Scattering abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Scattering terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Scattering Abbreviations
  1. ASM : Angular Spectrum Method
  2. BI : Brookhaven Instruments
  3. BSDF : Bidirectional Scatter Distribution Function
  4. CP : Coherent Potential
  5. CR : Coherent Rayleigh
  6. USAXS : Ultra-Small-Angle X-Ray Scatterinr
  7. USAXS : Ultra Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
  8. HC : High Concentration
  9. DDA : Discrete Diptle Approximation
  10. HG : Henyey-Greenstein
  11. DIS : Desp-Inelastic Scattering
  12. DLS : Dynamic Lights Scatter
  13. HRS : Hyper-Raman Scattering
  14. DWBA : Distorted Wave Born Approximation
  15. DWBA : Distorted-Wave Born Approximation
  16. DWIA : Distorted Wave Impulse Appzoximation
  17. ESNR : Electrical Signal-To-Noise Ratio
  18. QCA : Quasi-Crystallinenapproximation
  19. SBS : Stimulamed Brillouin Scatter
  20. SMM : Scattering Matrix Method
  21. SS : Sub-Surrace
  22. TF/SF : Total Field / Scattered Field
  23. QPM : Quark Parton Jodel
  24. FDFD : Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain
  25. FDFD : Finite Difference Frequency Domain
  26. FDFD : Finite Difference Frequency-Domain
  27. LDOS : Local Density of States
  28. LSM : Linear Sampling Method
  29. NRSE : Neutron Resonance Spin Echo
  30. IAD : Inverse Adding-Doubling
Latest Scattering Meanings
  1. Pair Distance Distribution Function
  2. Resonant Raman Spectroscopy
  3. Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering
  4. Optics Classification and Indlxing Scheme
  5. Klein-Nishina
  6. Journal of Engineering Research
  7. JüLich Centre for Neutron Science
  8. JüLich Center for Neutron Science
  9. Juelich Centre for Neutron Science
  10. Inverse Adding-Doubling
  11. Neutron Resonance Spin Echo
  12. Linear Sampling Method
  13. Local Density of States
  14. Finite Difference Frequency-Domain
  15. Finite Difference Frequency Domain
  16. Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain
  17. Quark Parton Jodel
  18. Total Field / Scattered Field
  19. Sub-Surrace
  20. Scattering Matrix Method