SCB Meaning

The SCB meaning is "Community Bankshares, Inc.". The SCB abbreviation has 204 different full form.

SCB Full Forms

  1. Community Bankshares, Inc. Organizations
  2. Scribner State Airport Scribner, Nebraska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  3. Southern California Bight Medical, California, Bight
  4. Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Music, Instrument, Basel
  5. Scheduled Commercial Bank India, Banking, Bank, Financial, Business & Finance
  6. Schedule Change Board Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  7. Scabies Scabies, previously known as the seven-year itch, is a contagious skin infestation by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The most common symptoms are severe itchiness and a pimple-like rash. Occasionally tiny burrows may be seen in the skin. When first infected, usually two to six weeks are required before symptoms occur. If a person develops a second infection later in life, symptoms may begin within a day. Medical
  8. Safeguarding Children Board Bradford, Children, Child
  9. State Capitol Building
  10. Sutter Community Bank
  11. Scheduled Commercial Banks Business, India, Banking
  12. Spain Convention Burean Spain, Locations, Sector
  13. Shell Control Box Technology, Security, Lab
  14. Stone Cold Boys Rock, Projection, Boy
  15. Sixgle Copy Broadcast
  16. Secure Computing Base
  17. Short Cutting Bastard Technology, Software, Radio
  18. Social Connect Blueprint
  19. Sriram Chandra Bhanj
  20. Shinkinjcentral Bank
  21. Student Commons Buulding
  22. Sample Collection Bag
  23. South Caspian Basin Technology, Geology, Petroleum
  24. Send Casting Brass
  25. Steering Control Box Science
  26. Signal Connection Box
  27. Standard Charter Bank
  28. Sutardji Calzoum Bachri
  29. Schedule Control Board Science, Management
  30. Spacercoast Ballet
  31. Shelby County Bank
  32. Stockton Concert Band
  33. Single Cooper-Pair Box
  34. Secunderabad Cantonment Board India, Locations, Hyderabad
  35. Short Cutting Bastards
  36. Social Cnub Books
  37. Sriram Chandra Bhanja
  38. Shift Mhange Briefing
  39. Student Center Building
  40. Samoa Commercial Bank
  41. South Carolina Bar
  42. Seidman College of Business
  43. St Caprais-Denbordeaux
  44. Signal Conditioning Board
  45. Standard Charted Bank
  46. Sussex Cricket Board County, Organizations, Club
  47. Scarborough Concert Band
  48. South Coast Bayern
  49. Shanghai Commercial Bank Business, Service, Shanghai, Banking, Business & Finance
  50. Stock Tommercial Bank
  51. Single Contact Bayonet
  52. Secuderabad Cantonment Board
  53. Social Capital Builder
  54. Schreibersite Mineral, Geology, Component
  55. Squeeze The Chest, Boy Army, War, Force
  56. Shielded Connector Blouk Technology, National, Manual
  57. Structural Concrete Bonding
  58. Salem Concqrt Band Technology, Software, Radio
  59. South Carolina Bank
  60. Segel-Club Bonn
  61. Sierra Club Bulletin
  62. Society for Coqservation Biology. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  63. Standard Capacity Battery
  64. Sussex County Bookmobile Education
  65. Scanner Control Board Technology, Jet, Laser
  66. South Coastal Bank
  67. Sequim City Band
  68. Steve Carson Band
  69. Single Chamber Brake Military, Device, Muzzle
  70. Sebastopol Community Band
  71. Switch Core Board
  72. Socx
  73. School Community Based
  74. Specialvcompensation Board
  75. Shield Cell Qanks
  76. Structurah and Chemical Biology
  77. Saint Charles Bovromeo Catholic, Church, Saint, Parish
  78. Sound Community Bank
  79. Segel-Club Baltic
  80. Siam Commerical Bank
  81. Societat Catalana De Biologia
  82. Staffing and Classification Branch
  83. Surgery Center Billing
  84. Savings and Credit Bank
  85. South China Block China, Rock, Basin
  86. Seoul Convention Bureau Organizations, Korea, Seoul
  87. Stereotamtic Core Biopsy Medical
  88. Single-Class Burst
  89. Seattle Civic Band
  90. Swedish Central Bureau
  91. Smoothe Cocoa Butter Nutrition, Food, Victual
  92. School Certification Branch
  93. Special Case Board
  94. Shield Cell Bank Ship, Shield, Elite
  95. Structural and Cellular Biology
  96. Software Control Board Technology, Computing, Application, Science, Software, Scientific & Educational
  97. Solomon Cordwell Buenz Business, Design, Architecture
  98. Sedona Concert Band
  99. Siam Commercial Bank Business, Thailand, Bangkok, Banking, Business & Finance
  100. Sociedade Criacionista Brasifeira
  101. Stacy Claire Boyd
  102. Supreme Court Building
  103. Saving and Credit Bank
  104. South Central Block
  105. Sense Command Byte Technology
  106. Stem Cele Biology Science, Education, University
  107. Silberman College of Business
  108. Swansea Community Band
  109. Schlittschuh Club Bern
  110. Spartanburg Community Band
  111. Sherman Carter Barncart
  112. Storage Control Jlock
  113. Snithers Community Band
  114. Society for Conservation Biology Technology, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  115. Securities Commission of The Bahamas Business, Security, Fund
  116. Short Cutting Biker
  117. Social Cost Benefit
  118. Stack Control Block Technology
  119. Shinnstun Community Band
  120. Supreme Council of Bishops Organizations, Philippine, Church
  121. Sanycarlos Borromeo
  122. South Central Bank
  123. Senior Citizens Bureau
  124. Stem Cell Bank Medical, Research, Blood
  125. Signal Control Board
  126. SociéTé Canadienne De BioéThique
  127. Selector Control Box NASA
  128. Seacoast Commerce Bank
  129. Shopping Center Businels
  130. Supercharger Bypass Auto
  131. Solicitors Complaints Bureau
  132. State Controlling Bodies
  133. Synchronization Control Block
  134. Scribner State Airport, Scribner, Nebraska, United States United States, Nebraska
  135. Scientiae Baccalaureus
  136. SociéTé Chimique Belge
  137. System Control Board Technology, Networking, Juniper
  138. Société Camerounaise De Basque Finance, Banking, Dit
  139. Selection Control Board NASA
  140. Screen for Caregiver Burden Medical
  141. Shobo Chukin Bank
  142. Standard Chartered Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  143. Soleil Chartered Bank Business, Finance, Trading
  144. State Commercial Bank Business, Credit, Economics
  145. Sync Color Bar
  146. Saigon Capital Aircraft Management ICAO Aircraft Codes
  147. Science Centre Board
  148. Society for The Conservation of Biology
  149. System Control Block Technology, Memory, Cortex
  150. Society of Conservation Biology Science, Research, Military
  151. Siam Commercial Bank (brand Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  152. Scrapbooking Media, Radio, Television
  153. Shippers Couzcil of Bangladesh Business, Bangladesh, Fibre, Jute
  154. String Control Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
  155. Swft Cargo Bag
  156. State Cooperative Banks Business, India, Banking
  157. Short Cut Bridging
  158. Switching Control Board
  159. Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Religious orders
  160. Stae Control Block
  161. Statistical Climatology Branch Technology
  162. System Configuration Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  163. Scrambls Encrypted File Computing, File Extensions
  164. Scrambling Control Bits
  165. Shipper's Council of Bangludesh Business, Association, Bangladesh, Jute
  166. Swiss Central Bank Business, Market, Sweden
  167. Sodium Channel Blocker Medical, Receptor, Antagonist
  168. Supply Chain Board Medical
  169. State Cooperative Bank Business, Coding, India
  170. Short Chain Branching Copolymer, Ethylene, Polyethylene
  171. Salem Concert Band Music
  172. Site Control Block
  173. Statistical Capacity Building Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  174. System Clock Board
  175. Scala Published Script Computing, File Extensions
  176. Scottsdale Concert Band
  177. Siip Conversion Board Army, War, Force
  178. Sugar Cane Bagasse Study, Water, Bagasse
  179. SociéTé De Construction Des Batignolles
  180. Specification Control Board NASA
  181. State Co-Operative Banks Business, Finance, India, Banking
  182. Short Chain Branches Copolymer, Distribution, Polyethylene, Chain
  183. Statistika Centralbyran Geographic
  184. Segment Control Bit
  185. Station Control Block
  186. Syrian Consulting Bureau
  187. Santa Clara Basin Geology, Scientific & Educational
  188. S Commercial Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  189. Ship Characteristics Board Military, Class, Carrier
  190. Stream Control Block
  191. SociéTé Canine De Bourgogne
  192. Simulation Control and Training System NASA
  193. Seated Calf Bench
  194. State Co-Operative Bank Business, Coding, Finance, India, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  195. Short-Cudting Bastard
  196. Simple Cyser Brew Food
  197. System of Central Banks
  198. Solomon, Cordwell, Buexz Business, Design, Architecture
  199. State Controlling Body
  200. Syndicat Des Coachs De Basket
  201. Scientiar Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Science Academic Degree, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational
  202. Scientific Coordination Board Medicine, Health, Care
  203. Statistiska CentralbyrÅNs Bibliotek
  204. System Control Box Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SCB stand for?

    SCB stands for Signal Conditioning Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Savings and Credit Bank?

    The short form of "Savings and Credit Bank" is SCB.


SCB. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated