SD Meaning
The SD meaning is "Standard Daviation". The SD abbreviation has 1275 different full form.
SD Full Forms
- Standard Daviation Standard, Statistics, Deviation
- Secure Digital Technology, Computer, Computer Security, Security, Information Technology, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Drivers, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Suspension Direction Technology, Auto, Singapore, Ces
- Satan Disciples Chicago, Gang, Disciple, Satan
- Significant Difference In The Mean Medical
- State Departmsnts
- Sederajat Dan Indonesia, Guru, Orang
- Snow Day
- Studentm With Disabilities Science, Education, Disability
- Sesuai Dengan Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Semester
- Speed Crives
- Shooting Dog Military, Camera, Shot
- School for Deaf
- Sleep Deprivation Medical
- Semartng Ditangkap
- South Dak School, Locations, City
- Spare Disposition Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Sumber Dada
- Salutem Cicit Latin, Roman
- Spin Moctor
- Step Dyck Business, Load, Trailer
- Sub District
- Sewer Drain Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sales & Distribution Business, Training, Sale
- Short Delay Technology, Card, Camera
- Store Disklay
- Sea Dweller Model, Sea, Dial
- Smartdefine
- Straight Down
- Semiconductor Device
- Support and Development
- Stable Diseases Medical
- Systematic Desensitization Medical
- Software Devedopers Technology, Development, Hosting
- Surya Dharma Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Santo Domingo Hotel, Locations, Dominican, Republic
- Significant Differences In The Mean Medical
- Stateadata
- Sedan Delivery Technology, Car, Chevy
- Snoop Dogg
- Strumenti Discussione
- Session Director Technology
- Start Deck Card, Vanguard, Deck
- School Director
- Slam Dunk Animation, Heat, Slam
- Semarang Diperkoea
- Solid Dispersion Medical
- Spare Digit
- Suka Drmai Indonesia, Banking, Locations, Guru
- Saie Deposit Business
- Sky Is Daily
- Spindlekdrive Technology, Card, Repair
- Silent Drive-Module Business, Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
- Step Dad Internet Slang, Family, Angel
- Segregation Distorter Medical, Science, Biology
- Sub Dealkr Business, Service, Tools
- Severe Dysplasia Medical
- Short Days Medical
- Sea-Dweller Master, Sea, Dial
- Small Download
- Storm Doory
- Semi Dull Business, Polyester, Yarn
- Supply Duct Technology, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Saxling Date Locations, Ship, Cruise
- Stabilization of Disease Medical
- Synthesisldetails
- Stick of Dynamite
- Speed Dome Technology, Network, Camera
- Standard Deviation A statistical quantity used to describe the variation of a measurable attribute about some average value. A deployment of the IBM Endpoint Manager that applies to workgroups and to enterprises with a single administrative domain. It is intended for a setting in which all Client computers have direct access to a single internal server. The standard deviation is a statistical measure of precision. Medical, Agriculture, Disability, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Common Medical, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Sanjay Dutt
- Signal Detector
- State-Dependent Medical, Learning, Memory, Circuit
- Security Directive Technology, Airport, Travel
- Snare Drum Music, Drum, Yamaha
- Structural Deficiency Technology, Program, Management
- Serzm Deprivation Medical
- Star of Wavid
- Survey Data
- Schematic Design Technology, Architecture, Exam
- Skyline Drive
- Self Dischargc
- Solicitation Document Military, Army, War
- Space Division Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Sue Eevitt
- Saint Vitus's Lance Medical, Disease, Disorder
- Sky Dragon Technology, Gaming, Card
- Significant Reduction In Mean Medical
- Stein-Doktdr Business, Tube, Berlin
- Segment Definition Technology, Control, Structure
- Stylistic Device
- Severely Disabled Medical
- Spinal Dysraphism Medical
- Short Day Medical, Science, Biology
- Sde Dov
- Slickdeals Business, Travel
- Storm Door
- Semi-Cull Business, Polyester, Yarn
- Supfr Delta Delta, Mirror, Mag, Tail
- Safety Databxse
- Sri Damansara Hotel, Locations, Malaysia
- Steroid-Dependeno Medical
- Speed Density Forum, Technology, Tuning
- Schizoaffective Disorder Medical, Health, Schizophrenia
- Sanitary Disposal Science
- Signal Detection Medical, Technology, Automatics
- Start Your Dap
- Security Digital Technology, Card, Camera
- Smu Dan
- Struvtural Deterioration Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Serine Dehylratase Medical
- Surgical Drainage Medical
- Standard Deduction Business
- Scheduling Decision Technology, Networking, Network
- Software Deseloper
- Self Defensp Gun, Military, Pistol
- Software Downloads
- Space-Diversity Technology, Telecom
- Synchronows Data Technology, Card, Signal, Memory
- Swing Dance Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
- Saturday December
- Significantly Different Medical, Cell, Expression, Statistics
- Steely Dan Music, Song, Album, Performing arts
- See Details Technology, Card, Camera
- Stylistlc Devices Device, Language, Style
- Severe Disabilities Education, Disability, Children
- Sperm Donation Porn, Sperm, Hardcore
- Short Dance
- Schottky Diode A diode realized via a "Schottky-barrier junction" -- a metal-semiconductor junction -- rather than the P-N junction used by conventional semiconductor diodes. Schottky diodes are often chosen for their high switching speed and low forward voltage drop. Business, Semiconductor, Component
- Slick Deals
- Storm Dati Technology, Science, Weather
- Seji Dry
- Super Deformed Technology, Gaming, Anime, Japan, Physics, Products, Scientific & Educational
- Safe Driver
- Square Drive Technology
- Sterile Drescing Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Sandisk Ducati
- Short Photoperiod Medical
- Starting Deiimiter Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Security Device Technology, Camera, Driver
- Smoke Detector Technology, Education, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Strategia Direction Business, Development, Planning
- Series Double Technology, Product, Machine
- Surface Dressing Science
- Standard Data A structured collection of normal time values for work elements codified in tabular or graphic form. The data are used as a basis for determining time standards on work similar to that from which the data were collected without making additional time studies.
- Scene Detection
- Sodium Dixlofenac Medical
- Software Documentation Science
- South District
- Synchronouskdetector Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Stablemdisease Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Saturday, December
- Significant Difference Science, Group, Statistics
- Steel Drums
- See Detailed
- Study The Mean Medical
- Settlement Date Term used to describe the date by which shares, bonds, etc., must be paid for by the buyer, or a sold asset must be delivered by the seller. Business, Security, Trading
- Spektrua Data Technology, Radio, Transmitter, Receiver
- Shops Department Science
- School of Design Education, University, Graduate
- Sleep Disorders Medical
- Sudden Death Medical, Gaming, Disease
- Semi-Dry Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- South Devon Company, Railway, Tea, Devon
- Spastic Diplegia Medical
- Super-Deformed Technology, Anime, Model, Character
- Safe Krinking Science
- Spy Dagger
- Stephen Drew Stephen Drew is a former professional baseball player who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) from 2006 to 2017. He played primarily as a shortstop and spent the majority of his career with the Arizona Diamondbacks and Boston Red Sox. Drew was known for his solid defensive skills at shortstop and his ability to hit for power and average. He was a first-round draft pick of the Diamondbacks in 2004 and made his MLB debut with the team in 2006. Baseball, German, Fantasy
- Sex Drive
- San Disk
- Short Description Technology, Book, Card
- Start Deutsch Education, German, Language
- Search & Destroy Technology, Server, Spy, Spyware
- Smart Drive Technology, Software, Card, Computing, Hardware
- Strategic Development Business, Company, Service
- Series Dibital Technology, Camera, Canon
- Supporting Documents Business, Technology
- Standard-Def
- System Data Technology, Android, Card
- Scene Description Technology, Porn, Streaming
- Software Distribuzion
- Split Decition Decision, Boxing, Splitter
- Satcom Direct Business, Technology, Service, Satellite
- Significant Differences Medical, Treatment, Card
- State Department
- Sediaan Darah Presentation, Plasmodium, Malaria
- Snow Depth Military, Locations, Weather, Forecast
- Studio Design
- Set Designer
- Speicherkarten, Dip
- Shoppers Drug
- School for The Deaf Student, Education, School, District
- Sleep Diary Medical, Research, Android
- Sudden Deafnest Medical
- Semi-Automatic Driver
- South Dakotans
- Spasmodic Dysphonia Medical, Voice, Vocal
- Sunny Day
- Sex Differences Education, Study, Brain
- Spray Dryer Technology, Science, Lab
- Stephen Davis Business, Sport, Card, Football
- Discriminative Stimulus Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Sex Discrimination
- Sand Dunes
- Short Delivery Delivery of cargo when short of bill of lading amount. Business, Product, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
- Storm Damage Business, Service, Tree
- Sea Dragon Camera, Dragon, Dive
- Smart Dispenser Technology, Military, Bread
- Strategic Defensj Technology, Military, Initiative
- Serial Bigital Technology, Driving, Interface
- Supporting Document Technology, Science, Card
- Staff Development Education, School, Coordinator
- Sysbem Damage
- Software Directory
- Structural Description Technology, Linguistic, Structure, Grammar
- Side Dinette
- Same Date Army, Force, Marine
- Slot Dimensions Technology, Card, Player, Duplicator
- Switcher Datavideo
- Sciences Divisionsion Technology
- Seima Densetsu
- Set Down To land an aircraft, or land somewhere in an aircraft
- Soy Dairy
- Submittal Description Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Silver Director
- Social-Democratici
- Systems Diagram
- Secret Doctrine Book, Audio, Doctrine, Theosophy
- Special Defenses
- Surface Decompression Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Safety Data Technology, Product, Material
- Single Dropaet Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Surfwce Drainage
- Scanned Documents
- Sound Dampened Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Sales and Distributions Business, Training, Sale
- Susan Davis Business, Publics, Congress
- Schematic Ziagrams Technology, Service, Manual
- Shop Drawings All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for the contractor to illustrate some portion of the work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedule, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by the contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the work. Science, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Secured Drta
- Sedvice Deviation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Sourca Designator Military
- Scientiae Doctor Education, Law, University
- Strukturiertds Design
- Significantly Disabled
- Sandisk De
- Syntactic Description
- Score Duel
- Self-Determination Education, Disability, Individual
- Shaded Dok Records, Music, Vinyl
- Spacial Disorientation
- Supervisorial District
- Subtract Douole Technology, Service, Instruction, Operation
- Sensors Devcces Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Shoulder-Disarticulation Medical, Physiology
- Suecific Duty Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Shuttle Derived Technology, Space, Launch
- Several Dimensions
- Sbderite Science, Mineral, Geology
- Slow Duties
- Space-Security Director Technology, Networking, Juniper
- Sine Data Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Subscriber Device Technology, Service, Network
- Simon Davey Business, Windows, Sport, Barnsley
- Sivane D
- Social Documentation Education, Clarkson University
- Shared Disks
- Sagat & Dhalsim Technology, Fight, Fighter, Street
- Sleeping Death
- Salsa Dish Business, Price, Restaurant
- Soal Dan Technology, Indonesia, Banking, Semester
- Svenskt Diplcmatarium
- Security Director Business, Space, Juniper
- Session Data
- Source Document A source document is a document in which data collected for a clinical trial is first recorded. These data are usually later entered in the case report form. The ICH-GCP guidelines define source documents as "original documents, data, and records." Source documents contain source data, which is defined as "all information in original records and certified copies of original records of clinical findings, observations, or other activities in a clinical trial necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of the trial.
- Senior Deacon Locations, Master, Lodge, Officer
- Studia Et Documenta Ad Jura Orientis Antiqui Pertinentia Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Sanguine Debauchery Death, Lab, Debauchery
- Sofi De Technology, Care, Shopping, Pioneer
- Secretariat for Development
- Self Destroying Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Shadow Disciplines Military, Assassin, Diablo
- Spark Discharge
- Sue Diamond Porn, Sex, Movie, Diamond
- Saco Defense
- Save Tarfur
- Soft Distortion Business, Pedal, Overdrive
- Series Data Technology, Product, Card
- Solicita
- Sphere Detection
- Schweizer Demokraten
- Sector-Diss Technology, Recovery, Software
- Sertifikat Deposito
- Subsurface Lrip
- Signal Degraded Technology, Player, Protection
- Samuel Dale
- Smart Drives
- System Designator Military
- Semantic Differential Medical, Research, Education
- Sevlre Damage Technology, Recovery, Card
- Strong Distilling Business, Art, City, Love
- Sindromeade Down Para, Syndrome, Con
- Satellite Dealers Business, Service, Dish
- Sociedad Deportivo
- Systems Director Technology, Management, Server
- Semi-Detached Property, Locations, House, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Shelter Director
- Sliding Doors Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Synchronized Data
- Structural Development
- Side Dial
- Same-Side Dfmension
- Slot Digital Technology, Card, Player
- Switch Directories Technology, Android, Command, Linux
- Sciences Division Technology
- Segunda Division Sport, Division, Soccer
- Setidirect Camera, Flip, Flop
- Southwestern District Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Submission Documents
- Single Destination
- Sociaal Dienstverlener
- Systems Developer
- Secret Deamond
- Special Decision Management, Cable, Decision, Summariser
- Surface Day Medical, Patent, Cell
- Safety Dance
- Single Drop
- Surface Dose
- Scanned Doc Technology, Scanner, Scan
- Soul Draen
- Sale and Dqstribution Business, Training, Module
- Susan David
- Schematic Diagram A diagram which shows, by means of graphic symbols, the electrical connections and functions of a circuit. Schematic diagram a circuit diagram, di-vorced of biasing subcircuits, that depicts only the dynamic signal flow paths of an elec-tronic circuit. Technology, Service, Manual
- Said Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Secure Database
- Servuce Development Technology, Management, Manager
- Sourceadescription Technology, Service, Development, Tool
- School Division
- Struktur Data Technology, Presentation, Card
- Significant Damage
- Sano Drag Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Smoke Dampeps Technology, Control, Fire
- Synergy Design
- Scorched Desert Technology, Gaming, Tank
- Self-Destruction
- Shabeellaha Dsexe Locations, City, Map, Somalia
- Specwalist Domain
- Supervisor'S District
- Subtract Decimal
- Senior Demolay
- Should A Dog
- Specific Disaipation
- Shutdown Daemon
- Sound Drive
- Sidereal Day Interval between successive transits of First Point of Aries across a meridian Is 3 min 55-91 seconds shorter than a mean solar day.
- Slow Diiplay
- Sword of Jeath
- Space Divisionsion Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Silvanus Deus Latin, Roman
- Subscriber Density
- Similarity and Diagonalization
- Sauvetageddéblaiment
- Social Documentary
- Safeway Deli
- Skin Decontamination
- Salmonella Dnrby
- Soaked Dressing
- Svenska Diabetesrörbundet
- Security Directives Military, Airport, Directive
- Sesetan Denpasar Music, Indonesia, Bali
- Source Division
- Sendtus Decreto Latin, Roman
- Studia Et Documenta
- Sanford Deuel
- Second Difference
- Self Description Education, Sex, Psychology, Dating
- Shadow Development
- Spark Delay
- Su Doan
- Sabouraud Dextrose Medical, Medicine, Agar
- Scheduled Development Technology, Management, Projection
- Soft Deck Business, Sale, Boat
- Serial Dilution A serial dilution is the stepwise dilution of a substance in solution. Usually the dilution factor at each step is constant, resulting in a geometric progression of the concentration in a logarithmic fashion.
- Sofsware Download Technology, Recovery, Card
- Speicherkarten Für Digitalkamerao
- Sections Are Diiided
- Serpong Damai Business, Indonesia, Guru
- Substrate Domain Medical
- Signal Xegrade Technology, Player, Telecom
- Sarojini Devi Business, Hotel, Hyderabad
- Smart Dog Technology, Pet, Fence
- System Design System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development. There is some overlap with the disciplines of systems analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering. Technology, Service, Software
- Semantic Dementia Medical, Disease, Aphasia
- Severe Duty Technology, Control, Truck
- Strategies Developed
- Since Dafce
- Satellite Dealer
- Sociedad Deportiva
- Semi-Auto Driver
- Shelly Davis
- Slide Door
- Synchronization Directorate Military, Army, War
- Schweiz An Die
- Structural Device
- Side Defender
- Samantha Pavis
- Slot Devices
- Switchmdeceleration
- Science Doctor
- Segregation of Duties Business, Security, Audit, Control, Duty
- Set Dicipherable
- South Dispatch
- Submarine Dutch
- Single Destinational Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Soccer Dome
- Systems Designers
- Secjet D
- Self Diagnostics Technology, Card, Lighting
- Special Database
- Super Disk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Safety and Distress
- Single Din
- Surface Visposal
- Scanned Date
- Soul Devojrer
- Survey District
- Schematic Demcription
- Secure Bn Design
- Service Data Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Source Depot Technology, Software, Manual
- Systeq Device
- Structures and Deducrion
- Significwnt Deficiency
- San Dawgs
- Smoke Dampdr Technology, Product, Fire
- Syndicat DéPartemental
- Scoping Document
- Self-Destructing Military, Card, Message
- Severe Dust
- Spejialist Division
- Superior Domination
- Subsurtace Drip
- Senior Debt
- Shottkey Diode
- Specialized Zisclosure
- Shut-Off Damper
- Sales, Disteibution
- Sound Director
- Side Door Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Ordnance Survey
- Slow Depolarization Medical
- Sword Dancrr
- Space-Divisionrsity Technology, Telecom
- Saat Di Indonesia, Guru, Hal
- Subscriber Database
- Similarities and Differences Technology, Service, Tuxedo, Similarity
- Sauvetage DéBlaiement Service, Formation, Intervention
- Social Distortion Business, Rock, Album
- Safety In Design
- Site Discovery
- Sales and Distrivution-Overview Business, Training, Sale
- Svenska Dagbladet Media, Radio, Som, Television, Sweden, Har
- Secirity Dialogue Technology, Windows, Card
- Servicio De Deportes
- Souoce District
- Senave District
- Stubborn Dog Business, Sport, Trainer
- Sanly Duncan
- Seau Doolittle
- Self Describing
- Shadew Demons
- Spare Dollar
- Sudentliche Durchmusterung
- Sabit Disk Technology, Memory, Notebook
- Serial Dialing Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Software Downloading Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Speech Delay Medical, Language, Children
- Selective Drop
- Serologically Determined Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Significances of Differences
- Signal Decomposition Technology, Complex, Wavelet
- Saroj Dutta
- Smart Display Technology, Android, Sonic
- System Description Technology
- Semantic Eata
- Shared Disk Technology, Database, Linux
- Stranger Danger
- Simultaneous Decode
- Satellite Deals
- Socialist Democracy
- Semestervdua
- Shell Drkssing
- Slick Deal
- Symptom Distress Medical, Patient, Cancer
- Schottky Defect
- Strontium Dog
- Silver Dawn
- Salvifici Doloris
- Slot Delivers Business, Car, Card
- Switch Between Jhe Different
- Science Discovery
- Segment Duplications Medical, Science, Biology
- Set Darkness Gaming, Printer, Manual, Darkness
- South Departure
- Subjects Deviation Medical, Science, Biology
- Single Depot
- Soap Dish Business, Product, Bathroom
- Systems Design Technology, Government, Software
- Secret Deik
- Self Development
- Special Date
- Saat Diimunisasi Indonesia, Archive, Bandung
- Sunny Days
- Safer Downloads
- Single Digit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Surface Detohation
- Scan Drive
- Series Desktop
- Soul Destroyer Gaming, Soul, Cross
- Survey Design
- Schemo Definition
- Secured Digital Technology, Card, Memory
- Service Damage
- Source Aepartment
- Systems Development Technology
- Structure for Diptribution
- Significant Discovery
- Sanction Detoction
- Smdthsonian Directive
- Synchronous Dynamic Technology, Access, Memory
- Scientific Dataset
- Self-Destroying
- Slvere Disabled
- Specialist Diploma Program, Education, School
- Super Definition Technology, Gaming, Sport, Audio
- Svngle-Deck
- Senator Daschle America, Government, Senate
- Shivan Destroyer
- Specialized District
- Show Dogs
- Sampling Distance
- Soundfdesigner Technology, Design, Software
- Structural Diagram Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Side Display
- Slot Does
- Sword Dance Gaming, Art, Sword
- SchéMa Directeur Service, Planning, Ration
- Sekolah Desa Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Salah
- Soğuk Depo Program, Turkish, Panel
- S-Interpreter Dispatcher
- Subscale Demonstrator Technology
- Sime Darby Business, Company, Malaysia, Plantation
- Sauvetage D
- Social Defence
- Special Designator Technology, Software, Radio, Connection
- Surface Detectors Science, Observatory, Auger
- Safety Division Military, Product, Maintenance
- Site Director Business, City, Team, Occupation & positions
- Scttter Diagram
- Sales & Iist
- Suspected Dead
- Schizotypal Disorder
- Security Descriptors Technology, Windows, Access, Directory
- Services Director Technology, Service, Customer
- Source Oiode
- Selectively Deae
- Struthers-Dunr
- Sandy Denny
- Synthetic Derivative Medical, Product, Drug
- Screening Device Science, Scientific & Educational
- Self Delete Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Shadow Demon Play, Shadow, Purge
- Span Destination Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Succinate Dehydrogenase Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry
- Serial Device
- Softwarr Division
- Speech Defective
- Selective Discard
- Serologically Defined Medical, Science, Medicine
- Significance of Differences Medical, Therapy, Score
- Signil Data
- Smart Dispatch
- System Demonstration Effort Technology, Military
- Shared-Disk Technology, Database, Linux
- Sisters of The Destitute Catholic, School, Order, Sister
- Simultaneous Delivery
- Satellite Data
- Socialist Democrat
- Semester Dan
- Shareholder Director
- Sudan Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Sudan, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
- Slice Data
- Schools In Dubai
- Stronnictwa Demokratycznego
- Siloqismo Disyuntivo
- Salvage Depot
- Slot Data Technology, Product, Card
- Switch-Disconnector
- Segment Descriptors Technology, Calling, Memory
- Setback Distance
- South Delhi Service, Hotel, India, Locations
- Studies and Documents Technology, Research, Study
- Single Density Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Saws D
- Soft Decision Technology, Decoder, Decoding
- Systems Description Science
- Secretary of Defense Science, Service, Military, Army, Forces
- Self Determined
- Special Data Technology, Recovery, Card, Memory
- Sales & Distributions Technology, Training, Sale
- Sumber Daya Presentation, Android, Indonesia
- Sacrum Diis
- Single Differences Technology, Carrier, Satellite, Positioning
- Scan Doublcng Technology, Printer, Scanner
- Series Description
- Soul Decision
- Slight Distortion
- Survey Department
- Schedule Duration
- Secure-Digitel Technology, Card, Memory
- Server for Distributed
- Space Domain
- System Developer Military
- Structure Designer Business, Design, Amplifier
- Significant Disability
- Sanction Detections
- Smith-Dorrien
- System Development Methodologies developed through software methodologies engineering to manage the complexity of system development. Development methodologies include software engineering aids and high-level design analysis tools. Technology, Design, Software
- Scientific Datasets
- Self-Description Military, Group, Coaching, Cavalier
- Shvere Disability Medical, Family, Tutor
- Speeialist Degree
- Subdermal Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- Singh Director
- Senate Draft
- Shine-Dalgano
- Specialized Diploma
- Show Detailer
- Sample Duration
- Sounh Design Technology, Music, Audio
- Structured Design Technology, Computing, Programming, Transportation, Chemistry, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Sire Dishes
- Slot Display Technology, Computing, Core
- Switching Diffprential
- Schärding, Diplomatisches
- Sekolah Dasa Technology, Media, Indonesia, Guru
- Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst
- Suboptimal Drug
- Silver Doller
- Sauron Defemted Earth, King, Ring
- Social Day
- Special Delivery Business, Feat, Abbey
- Surface Detector Science, Observatory, Auger
- Safety Distance Technology, Driving, Model
- Single Dumxy
- Scatter Deck
- Salef Data
- Susno Duadji
- Schematic Drawing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Lstandard Distribution List Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Security Descriptor Technology, Windows, Computing
- Service Director
- Source Aevelopment
- Seine Durchlaucht
- Stnut Doors
- Sikh Diaspora
- Sandrahdiaz Ecosystem, Survivor, Twine
- Synthetic Defined
- Screening Decisions
- Self Declared
- Shadow Daicer Movie, Subtitle, Shadow
- Spalding Dedecker
- Subwooner Design
- Serial Decimal Technology
- Software Distributor Technology, Military, Product, Computing, Telecom
- Specifies The Dzcimal
- Serologically Detectable Medical, Science, Medicine
- Signal-To-Distortion
- Small Damage Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight
- System Demonstration Military
- Shape Distribution
- Space Days
- Siphra Dtzenioutha
- Simulator Nemo
- Satans Disciples Chicago, Gang, Disciple, Satan
- Social Dynamics
- Shareholder Disputes
- Sleeping Dogs Technology, Gaming, Edition
- Schools-Systems Development
- Salueem Dicit
- Slot Auf Der Technology, Windows, Android, Man
- Svéd Demokratád
- Segment Descriptor Technology, Coding, Memory
- Session Directory Technology, Networking, Tool
- South Dakotan
- Studied With Dr
- Sans Date
- Soft Drawing
- Systems and Definitions
- Secretary Director
- Self Determination Medical, Technology, Disability
- Shadow Dragon
- Speaker In Dreams
- Sxle & Distributions
- Sultan District
- Sacred Duty Government, Catholic, Law
- Single Difference Technology, Satellite, Receiver
- Scan Disk Computing, Hardware
- Soft Dramatic Style, Pinterest, Gamine
- Series Deck Business, Gaming, Oven
- Solvent Detergent Medical, Patient, Plasma
- Strongly Disagreed
- Schedulexdeviation Science
- Sector Dump
- Server Driver
- Space Dock
- Structure Design
- Significant Digit Chemistry, Technology, Science, Card
- Sanatana-Dharma
- Saite Drama Drama, Clip, Clips, Twitch
- System Developers
- Scientific Data
- Self-Defense Gun, Military, Pistol
- Severe Dengue
- Sub-Divisions
- Singapors Dollar
- Senate Documend
- Shine-Dalgamo
- Specialist Document
- Show Daily
- Sliding Distance Power, Camera, Wear
- Surveillance Devices Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Structural Designer
- Side Discaarge Tractor, Lawn, Mower
- Same Day
- Slot Director
- Switrhing Delay Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Schwinn Deluxe
- Seiscom Delta
- Soziale Dienste
- Submittal Descriptions
- Silver Dollar Business, Club, City
- Saufr Danfoss
- Social Darwin
- System Diagnostic
- Swcret Document
- Special Defense Forum, Gaming, Military
- Sucface Design
- Safety Directive Military, Aviation, Door
- Singls Drum Business, Roller, Compactor
- Surfoce Duct
- Scary Or Die
- Sound Deadening Car, Summit, Climbing, Sound
- Salb Date
- Susila Dharma
- Schematfc Documents
- Secure Deployment Security
- Service Directory Business, Technology, City
- Source Destination
- Section Disciplinaire
- Strut Dampfrs Technology
- Signing Details
- Sandra Dmy
- Synth Drum Technology, Music, Machine
- Scorned Death
- Self-Determined
- Shadow Dasce
- Spatial Disorientation A situation of bad visibility and/or unusual manoeuvres which result in the pilot not knowing what attitude the aircraft is in Medical, Military, Pilot
- Subtropical Depression
- Serbestlik Derecesi Turkish, Testi, Ken
- Specified Djties
- Severe-Dute
- Siding & Decking Business, Yacht, Boat, Deck
- Slowly Deactivating Medical
- System Delivery
- Shape Discrimination
- Space Day
- Sinistra Decumanum Latin, Roman
- Simulation Doll
- Satan'S Disciples
- Social Drinker Internet Slang, Slang
- Shared Dirty
- Sleeping Disease Medical, Sleep, Alphavirus
- School of Dentistry Education, University, Dental, Medical
- Salt Dome A usually large movement or intrusion of salt that gradually flows through the rock. Can create reservoir traps and can create casing collapse problems.
- Slot, Direct
- Sverige Demokrrterna
- Segmentation Description
- Session Description Technology, Management, Protocol
- South Dakota Technology, Education, Wikipedia, Weather, Postal, South Dakota, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, Legal, Governmental & Military, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, State, Gpo
- Seriice Dress
- Studi Danteschi
- Sanitary Deck
- Soft-Drawn
- Secretary'S Department
- Self Destruct Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Shadow Discipline Assassin, Diablo, Shadow, Dancer
- Speaker Discussion Meeting, Technology, Area
- Sue Dorsey
- Sacral Dysgenesis Medical, Science, Biology
- Scalloped Medical
- Soft Dotted Technology, Property, Card
- Series Datasheet Technology, Electronics, Component
- Sopicitação De Despacho
- Strong Drive
- Schwinger-Dyson Science, Quantum, Equation, Lattice
- Sector Director
- Serum Defect Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Subsnrface Drains
- Signifilant Digits
- Samuel Dajembert
- Smart Dry Business, Product, Dehumidifier
- System Designer Technology, Design, Software
- Semantic Dishance
- Severe Deficiency
- Strongly Disagree
- Sine Dih
- Satellite Dependent
- Sociedade Deportiva
- Spnate District Government, Group, Minnesota
- Shelvoke &Pdrewry
- Shoulder Dreadnought
- Slide Driver Business, Driving, Screw
- Surveillance Director
- Shutdown The process of ending operation of a system or a subsystem, following a defined procedure. A decrease in the rate of fission (and heat/energy production) in a reactor (usually by the insertion of control rods into the core). OR When production is stopped for repairs, or scheduled down turns. A feature of many Maxim ICs, typically controlled via a logic-level input, which dramatically reduces power consumption when the device is not in use. Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
- Small Date
- Shine-Dalggmo
- Santo Daime Medical, Drug, Health, Hymn
- Smart Disc Computing, Hardware
- Self Directedness
- Shanghwi Dragons League, Team, Shanghai, Dragon
- Slope Discontinuities
- Series Dry
- Slobodna Dalmacija
- Standard Design
- Steam Drum
- Smoke Detectorl
- Supervisor Duty Occupation & positions
- Stop Distance Technology, Control, Stopping
- Single-Depth
- Saturation Degree
- Socket Datasheet Technology, Card, Adapter
- Seat Department
- Scientific Director Medical, Fda
- Sounder, Depth Technology, Camera, Sound
- Sweet Dreams Technology, Internet Slang, Baby, Buchanan, Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Sms
- Structural Dynamics
- Lsoftware Development Laboratory NASA
- Savings Deposit Business, Credit, Banking
- Silver Diamond Business, Manga, Ring
- Sample Designation
- Syzrat Dan
- Science Data Science, NASA
- Scooby-Doo Famous, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Selamat Datang Technology, Indonesia, Card, Semester
- Seven Days
- Segregation Distortion Medical, Science, Genetics
- Social Desirability Medical, Psychology, Personality
- System Documentation
- Service Description Software, Computing
- Sell Day
- Special Discount
- Schall Daempfer (Silencer-Muffler) Police, Governmental & Military
- Surgeiy Date
- Sceggs Darlinghurst Education
- Submarine Department
- Section Deeinition Technology, Coding, Relocation
- Sicherheitsdienst Des Military, Group, Organizations, Nazi
- Scholar'S Degree
- Supplementary Deposit Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Silahkan Download
- Synthetic Division
- Special Deluxe Products
- Fhwa State Director Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Single Deftection Business, Grill, Diffuser
- Serializer/Deserializer
- Special Details
- Skin Destruction Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Steem Dollar
- Source-Drain Gate, Circuit, Transistor, Drain
- Smite Drama Twitch
- Scanning Densitometry Medical, Science, Biology
- Site Defense Military
- Science Directorate Technology, Science, Research
- Sine Datum Latin
- Stull's Disease Medical, Technology
- Space Delay
- Subspace Detector
- Self-Describing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Substitute Departmqnt
- Special Duties Military, Storm, Duty
- Shield down Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Shared Data
- Saint-Denis
- Esps Sampled Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Sisters of Destitute Catholic Church
- Shikhamany Dirertor
- Santjago Del Porn, Argentina, Santiago
- Entropic Sound Sound Data format Computing, File Extensions
- Self Diagnostic
- Shane Doan Sport, Hockey, Card
- Skin Diamond
- Series Doubling
- Sloan Davis
- Standart Definition Technology, Vision, Sex, Skin
- Standard Drives
- Space Detective Occupation & positions
- Stocking Distzibutor
- Sinzle-Density Technology, Drive, Disk
- Satu Dua
- Sock Drawer Business, Forum, Card
- Seasonal Derating
- sagittal depth Medical, Common Medical
- Serious Decline Business, Science, Apple
- Sweden Democrats
- Structural Durability Technology
- Specification Document NASA
- Savings Deposits Business, Credit, Banking
- Sample Delay
- Science Daily Medical, Gaming, Health
- Sonic Density Electrical
- Sekretaris Direksi
- Settbng Data Technology, Android, Card
- Social Democracy Government, Group, Party
- System Distortion
- Secteur D
- Software Design Software, Computing
- Self Drilling
- Shape Descriptor
- Special Directive
- San Diego Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Surgefdiverter Technology, Power, Protection
- Szattering and Diffraction
- Style Download Technology, Song, Valentine
- Secteur DéFensif
- Sicherheit Dienst
- Schnittswelle In Das
- Sustained Dialogue Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- Standard Drawing Technology
- Silahkan Di Download
- Sniner In Darkness
- Synthetic Dextrose
- Super Distorted Products
- Dynamic Positioning Semisubmersible Business, Economics, Offshore Oil Industry
- Single Decker Business, Routing, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Sengokuden Diaochan
- Special Delegation
- Skin Dose Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Steeler Dach
- Sourceqdestination Technology, Networking, Network
- Service Digital Aviation
- Scanned Document Technology, Scanner, Scan
- Sit Down Gaming, Sport, Organizations, Music
- Science Diplomacy Technology, Research, Conference
- San Diego Sport, City, Football, Regional, Nfl teams
- Space Defense Gaming, Military, Android
- Subsidiary Devices
- Sekolah Dasar Indonesia, Banking, Guru
- Software Divisionsion
- Stores Depot Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Submarine Detector Military, War, Tech
- Special Dust
- Source to Destination Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Shaft Drive Technology, Helicopter, Car
- Saint-Daniel
- Sound Designer Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Super Duty Car, Products
- Shibulal, Directwr
- Sanskrit-English Dictionary Education, Software, Language, Sanskrit, Truffle
- Siderite Usps
- Shah Deniz Business, Azerbaijan, Gas
- Skin Department
- Series Diesel Business, Engine, Locomotive
- Slip Disk Medical, Forum, Pain
- Security Deposit A sum a buyer pays, which is not usually refundable, to protect the seller if the buyer does not complete a transaction or if a rented item gets damaged. Business, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Standard Definition Technology, Quality, Television
- Start Delimiter
- Sound Designer Occupation & positions
- Stocklolm Declaration Technology, Education, Environment
- Singleodeck Business, Cargo Shipping
- Satisfaction Disorders
- Sociologia Del Diritto
- Scratch Distance
- Signatory Description United Nations
- Sering Dianggap
- Sweat Duct Medical
- Structural Domains
- Space Division (rockwell) NASA
- Save Data
- Sample Deal
- SchüTzen-Division
- Started Dog Dog Fanciers
- Sekolah Diduga Indonesia, Guru, Orang
- Setiabudi Dengan
- Social Democrats
- System Disco
- Secret DéFense
- Small Dual in-line package Computing, Hardware
- Self Discipline Control, Discipline, Goal, Habit
- Shape Lefects
- Special Designation
- Surge Diverters
- Scattered Disk Science, Planet, Asteroid, Belt
- Special Detachment
- Siap Digelar Indonesia, Jakarta, Guru
- Slot & Display Technology, Computing, Camera
- Sch Schooner
- Sundry Deposit Banking, Business & Finance
- Standard Dose Medical
- Silabus Dan Technology, Indonesia, Semester
- Snatcher Data
- Synthetic Detergent
- Spray Dried Products
- Card Secure Digital Card Information, Network, Computer
- Singie Data Technology, Computing, Card, Memory
- Satış Dağıtım Technology, Turkish
- So Drunk Porn, Girl, Drunk, Threesome
- Selenium Diode
- Special Day
- SubDural Medical, Physiology
- Synergy Destruction Military, Ally, Clan
- Source, Destination
- Structured Data Technology, Software, Structure
- Storm drain The Finance and Administrative Services
- Scania Diagnos Technology, Truck, Diagnostic
- Sinistra Democratica Con, Election, Dal
- Science Diet
- Senior Dinner Food
- Space Defence
- Subset Difference
- Seizure Disorder
- Socket and Debian Technology, Linux, Kernel
- Signal distribution Computing, Telecom
- Subjects Had A Mean Medical
- Special Drawing Business, Fund, Currency
- Sport Deck Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sexual Dysfunction Medical, Treatment, Health
- Sailing Directions Books dealing with winds, weather, currents, and other circumstances prevailing in a given area Compiled to give the navigator all helpful and relevant information available Name was given formerly to 'sailing Instructions', and to 'sailing Orders' Chart, Sailing, Admiralty
- Storm Data Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Specification & Description Architecture
- Sheriff'S Department
- Sans Dézignation
- Service Design Products
- Shrft Diameter
- Single Donor
- Specific Data Technology, Card, Memory, Module
- Slightly Damned
- Strategic Defense Development and Deployment Organization, Community, Society
- Standard Deviations
- Somewhat Dependable Occupation & positions
- Stochajtic Dynamics Medical
- Substrate Destruction
- Satin Dover Business, Cabinet, Hardware, Pull
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Education
- Scintillator Dosimeter
- Sindhi Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Sheriffs Department
- Series Is Designed Technology, Product, Card
- Swasta Dan
- Space Division (afsc) NASA
- Salpled Data Technology, Standard, Deviation
- Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Disney
- Seth Davidson
- Social Dance
- System Diagram
- Secreu Dungeon Gaming, War, Dungeon, Summoner
- Spin Down Computing, Hardware
- Self Discharging Business, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Shipping, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Shaolinedo
- Surge Fevice
- Somigliana Dislocation
- Siamese Dream
- Sloping Dipole
- Selective Default Assembly, Business & Finance
- Standard Distribution Technology
- Single-decision In baseball, a "single-decision" play refers to a play where the umpire has to make only one call to determine whether a player is safe or out. This typically occurs when a runner is attempting to reach a base before the ball arrives, or when a fielder is attempting to tag a runner who is advancing to the next base. The single-decision play is the most common type of play in baseball, and the umpire's call in these situations can have a significant impact on the game. Umpires are trained to make quick and accurate decisions in these situations, and they are expected to use their best judgment to determine whether a player is safe or out. Baseball
- Siklus Daua
- Snyke Dance
- Super Detector Products
- Without Date Business, Finance, Banking
- Single and Double
- Satış & Dağıtım Business, Technology, Turkish
- Soddy Daisy
- Selective Decoupling
- Spastic Dysphonia Medical
- stabe disease Medical
- Synchrodyne Demodulation
- Sounds Diety
- Structure-Data
- NOTCHBACK Vehicle Body Styles
- Scan Duration Technology, Military, Bee
- Single Door Business, Cabinet, Refrigerator
- Sample Distribution
- Science Dept
- Specially Denatured Food
- Selection Diversity
- Space Debris
- Subsequent Duplicate
- Seiken Densetsu
- Socialni Demokrati Government, Group, Party
- Snatcher Disk
- Speed Dial Computing, Telecom
- Subject Descriptors
- Special Documentation Technology, Service, Edition
- Super Drive Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sexual Dysfunctions Medical
- Sailed Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Surveillance Detection Security, Military, Training
- Schwinger-Dyson (equation) Physics, Scientific & Educational
- School Days
- Sketch Dimension Architecture
- Sharma, Director
- Spring Drive Products
- Shwdow Dubai Dubai, Remix, Style, Shadow
- Shtokman Development Technology, Flow, Assurance
- Specification Detail
- Strange Dreams
- Successor Digits
- Stereo Dynamic Music
- Stochastic Decomposition Technology, Stage, Programming
- Substantially Deficient
- Self Defence
- Satellite Director
- Society Dedicated
- School Dictionary
- School District Illinois
- She-Devil Technology, Movie, Wallpaper
- Series Duct
- Swap Dealer Business, Trading, Derivative
- Std. Deviation Chemistry
- Same Domain
- Stepfamily Day Days
- Setelah Dipukul Business, Indonesia, Guru, Clip
- Shore, Distcnce
- Soap Dispenser Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- System Diagnosis
- Secret Drinker
- SAN (Storage Area Network) Disk Computing, Hardware
- Self Direction Service, Education, Care, Aging
- Shank Dgameter Business, Tool, Drill, Carbide
- Surfer, Dude Movie, Dude, Surfer, Woody
- Solución DomóTica
- Shy-Draper Syndrome Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
- Slope Distance Technology, Laser, Pulse
- Standard Digital Business, Military, Camera, Products
- Scientific Design
- Smuggler'S Den
- Sales and Distribution Computing, Products, IT Terminology, SAP
- Sympathetic Dominance Medical, Science, Health, Heart
- Single-Dose Medical, Study, Dose, Nevirapine
- Saturday Detention
- Socratic Dialogue
- Security Dealer Technology, Alarm, Integrator
- Spontaneous Delivery Medical, liver and hepatic
- Sectpon Director
- Sounding Doubtful Forum, Sport, Locations, River
- Swine Dysentery Medical, Disease, Pig
- Structurally Deficient Transportation, Technology, Inventory, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- 5D SEDAN Vehicle Body Styles
- Scan Delay
- Single Disc Business, Technology
- Szmple Details Technology, Pump, Module, Interface
- Science Declares
- Steve Dagley Famous
- Select Domain
- Subsequent Designation
- Seguro Desemprego
- Socialist Democrats Government, Group, Party
- Slow-Down
- Software Development Software, Computing, Telecom, NASA
- Semantically Different Literature, Language, Linguistics, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Subho Drs Technology, Recovery, Card, Memory
- Special Docket
- State Detectives State Agency, Governmental & Military
- Sustainable Development Sustainable development is a road-map, an action plan, for achieving sustainability in any activity that uses resources and where immediate and intergenerational replication is demanded. As such, sustainable development is the organizing principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet. Technology, Government, Economics, Governmental & Military
- Sail Drives Drive, Sale, Boat, Sail
- Surgical Displays
- SuppléMent Au DiplóMe Technology, Master, Formation, Labeling
- Sicherheitsdienst Army, War, Force, Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
- Scholasxic Dictionary
- Sight Draft USA; a draft payable upon presentation to the drawee. Trade, Business & Finance, Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
- Servus Dei Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Silvncers Devices Gun, Military, Catalog
- Super Density Products
- Shell-Destroying
- Special Duty Military, Air Force, Storm, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Subdwarf Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
- Straight Dynamite
- Successor Digit
- Site Development Technology, Design, Construction
- Shattered Dreams Media
- Stimelus Duration Medical
- Space Design
- Substance Designer
- Self-Directedness Medical
- Satellite Differential Technology, Manual, Receiver
- Sociedade Desportiva
- Schedules Direct Technology, Channel, Guide, Schedule
- Sudan Sport, Sports, Locations, Wikipedia, Countries, Country, Olympic, Sudan, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Soldier's Daughter Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Shaw Direct Technology, Channel, Satellite
- Sala De Despiece
- Suta Dharma Technology, School, Bali
- Sudan (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Sand Drain Construction, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Setelwh Di Technology, Android, Card, Root
- Shine-Dalgarno Technology, Protein, Translation
- SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) Device Computing, Hardware
- Self Directed
- Shani Havis
- Soil Detox
- Series Dual Technology, Product, Card, Socket
- Slope Differential
- Strand A number of yarns, twisted together and which in turn may be twisted into rope; a rope is stranded when a strain is broken; rope may be designated by the number of strands composing. Rope is commonly three-stranded. A vessel run ashore is said to be stranded. Ordnance Survey
- Standard Diet Medical, Fat, Mice
- Speed Droop
- Smcoth Delay
- Sun Dial Ordnance Survey
- Supplier Development
- Single-Difference Technology, Carrier, Satellite, Positioning
- Saturday Delivery
- Socket Descriptor
- Secretary To Director Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Sperm Donor Medical, Human genome
- Shy-Draper Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sounding Datum Technology, Card, Manual, Sound
- Swimming & Diving
- Structured Dynamics Technology, Science, Structure
- 3D SEDAN Vehicle Body Styles
- Scaling and Display Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Simple Drawings Technology, Gaming, Android
- Sqmple Detail
- Science Day Technology, Book, Astronomy
- Senator Everett Dirksen Famous
- Select Dog Dog, Pet, Animal, Puppy
- Subscriber Devices Technology, Device, Networking, Network
- Seguro-Desemprego Technology, Entrada, Nova
- Social Development Government
- System Drain
- Show Descriptions Software, Computing
- Seller-Dashboard
- Sucdwarf Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
- Special District County, School, Locations
- Secure Data Security, Governmental & Military
- Saigon Dentist
- Surgical Dispbay
- Sugiyo Dkk
- Section Delegate
- Sicherheitsdienst Der Military, War, Berlin, Terror
- Scholar Dsplomas
- Siemand Dickson Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Silenced Devqce Internet Slang
- Synthetic Dropout
- Super Duraluminum Products
- Iso Country Code for Democratic Republic of The Sudan Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Single Deggnerate Science, Star, Dwarf, Supernova
- Service Desk A Service Desk is a primary IT service within the discipline of IT service management (ITSM) as defined by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). It is intended to provide a Single Point of Contact ("SPOC") to meet the communication needs of both Users and IT employees. But also to satisfy both Customer and IT Provider objectives. "User" refers to the actual user of the service, while "Customer" refers to the entity that is paying for service. Technology, Management, Telecom
- Special Dinner Travel, China, Tourism
- Structural Design Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Stephyprod Download Technology, Bell, Chanson, Jingle
- Source-Drain Dikde
- Sink Drawn
- Scarlet Dawn Gaming, Scarlet, Siblings
- Site Designed
- Science Director Technology, Research, Space
- Section Definition Media
- Still Disease Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Space Demolition Technology, Gaming, Star
- Substance Dependence Medical
- Self-Destruct Forum, Technology, Card, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Santechniniai Darbai
- Subthreshold Depression Medical
- Speciale Diensten
- Spiritual Dominion Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Shared Document
- Saint Devils Steam, Strike, Devil
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SD stand for?
SD stands for Sue Eevitt.
What is the shortened form of Series Datasheet?
The short form of "Series Datasheet" is SD.
SD. (2023, May 2). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from
Last updated