SD in Business Meaning

The SD meaning in Business terms is "Sales & Distribution". There are 74 related meanings of the SD Business abbreviation.

SD on Business Full Forms

  1. Sales & Distribution
  2. Stephen Davis
  3. Semi Dull
  4. Saie Deposit
  5. Step Dyck
  6. Semi-Cull
  7. Stein-Doktdr
  8. Schottky Diode A diode realized via a "Schottky-barrier junction" -- a metal-semiconductor junction -- rather than the P-N junction used by conventional semiconductor diodes. Schottky diodes are often chosen for their high switching speed and low forward voltage drop.
  9. Supporting Documents
  10. Storm Damage
  11. Sub Dealkr
  12. Silent Drive-Module
  13. Strategia Direction
  14. Short Delivery Delivery of cargo when short of bill of lading amount.
  15. Standard Deduction
  16. Satcom Direct
  17. Strategic Development
  18. Settlement Date Term used to describe the date by which shares, bonds, etc., must be paid for by the buyer, or a sold asset must be delivered by the seller.
  19. Slickdeals
  20. Sarojini Devi
  21. Soft Distortion
  22. Susan Davis
  23. Strong Distilling
  24. Slide Driver
  25. Salsa Dish
  26. Soft Deck
  27. Simon Davey
  28. Segregation of Duties
  29. Surface Decompression
  30. Sliding Doors
  31. Service Directory
  32. Sales and Distrivution-Overview
  33. Sime Darby
  34. Security Director
  35. Stubborn Dog
  36. Site Director
  37. Serpong Damai
  38. Sales and Distributions
  39. Social Distortion
  40. Silver Dollar
  41. Structure Designer
  42. Singls Drum
  43. Sale and Dqstribution
  44. Soap Dish
  45. Siding & Decking
  46. Smart Dry
  47. Satellite Dealers
  48. Special Delivery
  49. Series Deck
  50. Slot Delivers
  51. Singleodeck
  52. Self Discharging
  53. Single Door
  54. Setelah Dipukul
  55. Swap Dealer
  56. Single Disc
  57. Sock Drawer
  58. Silver Diamond
  59. Savings Deposit
  60. Satış & DağıTıM
  61. Serious Decline
  62. Standard Digital
  63. Savings Deposits
  64. Satin Dover
  65. Special Drawing
  66. Single Deftection
  67. Series Diesel
  68. Security Deposit A sum a buyer pays, which is not usually refundable, to protect the seller if the buyer does not complete a transaction or if a rented item gets damaged.
  69. Dynamic Positioning Semisubmersible
  70. Shank Dgameter
  71. Single Decker
  72. Secretary To Director
  73. Without Date
  74. Shah Deniz

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SD stand for Business?

    SD stands for Single Deftection in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Serpong Damai in Business?

    The short form of "Serpong Damai" is SD for Business.


SD in Business. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated