SD in Science Meaning

The SD meaning in Science terms is "Short Day". There are 41 related meanings of the SD Science abbreviation.

SD on Science Full Forms

  1. Short Day
  2. Shops Department
  3. Studentm With Disabilities
  4. Storm Dati
  5. Segregation Distorter
  6. Spray Dryer
  7. Software Documentation
  8. Surface Dressing
  9. Sanitary Disposal
  10. Significant Difference
  11. Supporting Document
  12. Safe Krinking
  13. Schedulexdeviation
  14. Systems Description
  15. Single Dropaet
  16. Schwinger-Dyson
  17. Surface Detectors
  18. Segment Duplications
  19. Surface Detector
  20. Secretary of Defense
  21. Significant Digit
  22. Sacral Dysgenesis
  23. Succinate Dehydrogenase
  24. Screening Device
  25. Sbderite
  26. Subjects Deviation
  27. Lstandard Distribution List
  28. Serologically Defined
  29. Shop Drawings All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for the contractor to illustrate some portion of the work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedule, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by the contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the work.
  30. Serologically Detectable
  31. Suecific Duty
  32. Serious Decline
  33. Sucdwarf
  34. Single Deggnerate
  35. Scattered Disk
  36. Segregation Distortion
  37. Sympathetic Dominance
  38. Scanning Densitometry
  39. Science Directorate
  40. Structured Dynamics
  41. Science Data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SD stand for Science?

    SD stands for Sucdwarf in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scattered Disk in Science?

    The short form of "Scattered Disk" is SD for Science.


SD in Science. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated