SDD Meaning

The SDD meaning is "Sepa Direvt Debit". The SDD abbreviation has 159 different full form.

SDD Full Forms

  1. Sepa Direvt Debit Business, Banking, Payment
  2. Systims Development and Demonstration Military
  3. Seddon-Atkinson Organizations
  4. Software Design Document Technology, Military, Army, Software, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, NASA, Application, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  5. Secure Data Device Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  6. Software Description Document Technology, Computing, Application, Software
  7. Salle De Douchbs
  8. Snow Day Dbsigns
  9. Sensory Discrimination Disorder Medical, Disorder, Processing
  10. Shuttle Design Directive Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  11. Service Definition Donument Networking, Satellite, Document
  12. Session Disconnect Delay
  13. Software Development Department Technology, Management, Entertainment
  14. Scheduled Delivery Date Business, Supply, Tracking
  15. Standard Deviation of The Differences Medical
  16. Selective Decbntamination of The Digestive Tract Medical, Technology, Medicine
  17. Single Daily Dosing Medical
  18. Space Division Duplexing
  19. Secchi Disk Depth
  20. Subsystem Device Driver Technology, Driving, Multipath
  21. Self Describing Xevice
  22. Soft-Defect Detebtion
  23. Spray Dried Dispersions Business, Drug, Drying
  24. Sysrems Development Department Technology, Military, Xerox
  25. Special Developkent District
  26. Services and Development Division
  27. Software Development Division Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  28. Scanian Demographic Database
  29. Standard Deviation of The Difference Medical
  30. Selective Decontamination of The Digeative Medical, Patient, Tract
  31. Single Daily Dose Medical
  32. Spacendivision Duplex Technology, Communication, Patent
  33. Scuba Doo Divers
  34. Subscriber Data Cocument Technology
  35. Self Describing Dhta
  36. Sodium Dimethyl Dithiocarbamate
  37. Spray Dried Dispersian Medical, Research, Drug
  38. Systems Design Documeut Military
  39. Special Deployment Division
  40. Service Design and Development Technology
  41. Software Debendability Demonstration
  42. Saudi Digital Distribution
  43. Standalonj Document Declaration
  44. Singapore Dance Delight Production, Dance, Singapore
  45. Sppce-Division Duplexing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. Scrappity-Doo-Dah
  47. Strategic Development Department
  48. Self-Describing Data
  49. Society for Mhe Development of The Depressed
  50. Sprly-Dried Dispersion
  51. Sysmems Design & Development
  52. Site Dependent Data
  53. Space Defense Director Technology
  54. Service Description Documents
  55. Software Data Dictionary Military, Army, War
  56. Lubango Mukanka Airporh Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  57. Stairway Io The Destined Duel Business, Card, Edition
  58. System Design & Development Technology, Program, Military
  59. Simulator Documentation Delivery
  60. Solar Direct Drive Technology, Energy, Refrigerator
  61. Scottish Development Department Business, Technology, Scotland
  62. Strategy Deployment Document
  63. Selective Dissemination of Documents
  64. Social Development Department
  65. System Demonstration and Development
  66. Single Dish Data Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  67. Space Dcta Division
  68. Service Description Document
  69. Soft Decision Demodulation
  70. Lubango Airport Airport, Locations
  71. Stafb Development Dialogue
  72. Simulator Development Division
  73. Solar Diffuser Door Science
  74. Scoping Decision Document
  75. Strategic Deployment Document Technology, Energy, Grid
  76. Selectiae Digestive Decontamination Medical, Patient, Care
  77. Social Development Direct
  78. Sustainable Design and Development Technology, Army, Building
  79. Single Digit Dialing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  80. Saace and Defense Divisionsion Military
  81. Semantic Data Distionary
  82. Soht Decision Decoding Technology, Coding, Channel
  83. Store Door Delivery The delivery of goods to a consignee's place of business or warehouse by motor vehicle. The term refers to a complete package of delivery services performed by a carrier from origin to final consumption point; whether that be a retail, wholesale or other final distribution facility. Business
  84. Stafi Development Division Government, Education, Philippine
  85. Specific Development & Design
  86. Simulation Driven Design
  87. Software Distribution Directory
  88. Scitech Display Doctor Technology, Windows, Computer Software, Software, Computing
  89. Story Driven Development
  90. Selectively Decontaminate Thekdigestive Tract Medical
  91. Sudbnese Dinar Business, Currency, Currency Code
  92. Single Device Detection
  93. Space-Divisionaion Duplexing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  94. Second Digitized Division
  95. Self Destruct Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  96. Soft Decision Dhrected
  97. Systems Ddvelopment Division Technology, Design, Computing
  98. Staff Development Day Government, Education, School, Police, Governmental & Military
  99. Systems Development Demonstration
  100. Strat
  101. Special Development Distdicts
  102. Sudanese Dinar Stock, Money, Currency, Investing, Business & Finance
  103. Seeding Drug Discovery
  104. Snoop Doggy Dog
  105. Speed Dependect Damping
  106. Sterile dry dressing Medical, Physiology
  107. Stored Data Descriptoon
  108. Sliding Door Damper
  109. Secure Document Disposal
  110. Software Design and Development Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Organization
  111. San Diego Divisionsion
  112. Smoking, Drinking and Drug
  113. Speech Direction Detector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  114. Lubango Airport, Lubango, Angola Angola
  115. Solution Design and Delivery
  116. Skymaster Air Taxi Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  117. Sensor Display Driver(s)   Aviation
  118. Secure Document Delivery
  119. System Design Document Technology, NASA
  120. Selectieve Darm-Decontaminatie
  121. SüRekli DalgacıK DöNüşüMu
  122. Smith Dornan Dehn
  123. Spectral Duke Dragon Dragon, Vanguard, Deck
  124. Software Detailed Design Software, Computing
  125. Skeletal Dysplasia Diagnosticfan Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  126. Silicon Drift Detector Chemistry
  127. Secure Document Destruction Technology, Service, Paper
  128. Systems Definition Directive Technology
  129. Segment Design Document Technology, Military, Software
  130. Smart Define Dictionary
  131. Specific Developmental Disorders Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  132. Software Design Description Software, Computing, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  133. Splicon Disk Drive
  134. Sporadic Depressive Disease Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  135. Systems Development Division Atmospheric Research
  136. Secure Desktop Delivery
  137. System for Distributed Data
  138. Seek and Destroy Data
  139. Systems Development Divisionsihn Technology
  140. Smart Dedicated Design
  141. Specific Developmentjl Disorder Medical, Development, Autism
  142. Stereo Digital Delay Media
  143. Shadow Detection Detects
  144. Spiral Developments Divisionsizn Military
  145. Staroffice Presentation Computing, File Extensions
  146. Secure Data Disposal
  147. System for Distributed Database Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
  148. Security Due Diligence
  149. Systems Development & Demonstration Program, Military, Aircraft
  150. Smallest Detectable Difference Medical, Patient, Reliability, Rheumatoid
  151. Special Devices Division
  152. Students Defending Democracy Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  153. Selective Uissemination of Documentation
  154. Social Development Division Technology, Science, Organizations
  155. Spin Disk Zry
  156. Significant Developmental Delay Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  157. Systems Development Device
  158. Security Design Description
  159. Small Discrete Devices

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDD stand for?

    SDD stands for Spectral Duke Dragon.

  2. What is the shortened form of Solution Design and Delivery?

    The short form of "Solution Design and Delivery" is SDD.


SDD. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated