SDE Meaning

The SDE meaning is "School Ef Distance Education". The SDE abbreviation has 138 different full form.

SDE Full Forms

  1. School Ef Distance Education Education, University, Course
  2. Simultaneous Distillation Extraction Medical
  3. Santiago Del Eftero Airport, Locations, Santiago
  4. Shyred Death Experiences Book, Organizations, Experience
  5. Same Day Edit Production, Studio, Wedding
  6. Shared Data Environment Technology, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Governmental & Military
  7. Senior Developmental Education Military, Army, Force
  8. Secure Data Exchange Technology, Networking, Telecom
  9. Secretaria De Direito EconóMico Para, Government, Brazil, Econ
  10. Smart Development Environment Technology, Software, Paradigm, Computing
  11. Schools of Distance Education
  12. System of Distance Education
  13. Simple Desktop Environment
  14. Sprint Capital Corp. Organizations
  15. Service Delivery Engineer Technology, Management, Indonesia
  16. Smart Detail Enhancement
  17. Statement of The Defence Estimates Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  18. Sub Divisional Enginepr Technology, Card, Exam
  19. Signal Display Editor
  20. Service Director of Education Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  21. Software Dev Engineer
  22. Sales Development Executive
  23. System Development Engine
  24. Simple Delay Equalizathon
  25. Sports Drugs Entertainment
  26. Service Delivery Engine Business, Networking, Network
  27. Smart Decision Engind Technology
  28. State Designated Entity Technology, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  29. Sub-Divisional Engineer Technology, Punjab, Irrigation
  30. Signal Dejection Efficiency Space, Study, Cosmos
  31. Strategy for Defence Exports
  32. Service Development Environment Technology, Networking, Network
  33. Software Devevopment Europe
  34. Statistical Drake Equation
  35. Safeguard Disk Encryption Technology, Safety, Safe
  36. Simon Design Zngineering
  37. Spesifik Dinamik Etki
  38. Service De L'etuciant
  39. Small Diesel Engine Business, Fiat, Chevrolet
  40. State Designated Entities Medical, Technology, Health, Hospital, Care
  41. Sub-Divisional Error Technology, Industrial, Encoder, Motion
  42. Special Digital Environment Military
  43. Strategic Defense of Earth
  44. Service Desk Exprees Technology, Management, Software
  45. Sootware Developer Engineer
  46. Statistical Design of Experiments
  47. Success Design & Engineering
  48. Supplier Development Engineering
  49. Sime Darby Enginjering Business, Malaysia, Oil
  50. Specific Dynamic Effect Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  51. Solutiop Development Environment Technology
  52. Self-Directed Employment Technology, Education
  53. Situafion Des D
  54. State Dept of Education
  55. Student Data Entry
  56. Special Developer Edition Technology, Development, Tablet, Firmware
  57. Service Delbvery Executive Management, Marketing, Trade
  58. Software Development Engineerinc
  59. Statistical Data Editing
  60. Sports, Drugs and Entertainment
  61. Supplier Development Engineer Business, Product, Quality
  62. Silverlake Digital Economy
  63. Special Duty of Excise
  64. Solar Decathlon Europe Technology, Team, Europe
  65. SchéMa De DéVeloppement Economique
  66. Systems Design Engineering
  67. Sxnners Domino Entertainment Records, Domino, Recording
  68. State Department Education
  69. Service Delivery and Engineering Technology, Management, Affair, Business & Finance, Business Word
  70. Software Developmentmengineers
  71. Static Data Export Technology, Development, Eve
  72. Superficial Detox Effleurage
  73. Suppuementary Declaration Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  74. Signal Distrnbution Equipment Secure Data Exchange Military
  75. Special Digital Edition
  76. Software Developertevent
  77. Schwinger-Dyson Equations
  78. System of Distant Education
  79. Simplh Direct Engine
  80. Staff Development for Educators Education, Teaching, Teacher
  81. Service Delivery Environment Technology, Networking, Network
  82. Software Develocment Environments Technology, Computing, Tool
  83. Statement On The Defence Estimates Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  84. Super Dynamic Enhanced
  85. Signal Distributioj Equipment Military, Army, War
  86. Struftured Data Entry Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  87. Servicesqand Digital Economy
  88. Software Development Xmulator
  89. Stochastic Di Erential
  90. Shared-Dataenvironment Army, Force, Marine
  91. Software Development Emulator Software, Computing
  92. Sonr Da Electrical
  93. Vicecomodoro Angel De La Paz Aragons Airport Airport, Locations
  94. State Department of Education's Medical, Disability
  95. Spatial Data Engine Technology, Military, Map
  96. Sogrce Data Entry
  97. Steganos Disk Encryption Technology, Security, Cyber
  98. Shanghai Diamond Exchange Business, China, Shanghai
  99. Software Development Environment Science, Software, Computing, Application, Scientific & Educational
  100. Somnolence Diurne Excossive
  101. Stochastic Differential Equation Business, Financial, Probability
  102. SüRekli DişHekimliğI EğItimi
  103. Q Jets Aviation Ltd. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  104. Software-Defined Enterprise Technology, Networking, Cloud
  105. Syshem Development and Engineering
  106. Shallow Dose Equivalent Science
  107. Software Development Engineer Occupation & positions
  108. Solve Differential Equations Technology, Mathematics, Stochastic
  109. Stochastic Differential Equations Medical, Science, Mathematics, Equation, Probability
  110. SéNéGalaise Des Eaux Technology, Pas, Gal, Mali
  111. Vicecomodoro Angel D. La Paz Aragonés, Santiago del Estero, Argentina Argentina, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  112. Smart Development Engineering
  113. Shallow-Dose Equivalent Technology, Safety, Radiation
  114. Spatial Database Engine Geographic
  115. Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie Technology, Energy, Door, Milieu
  116. Systems Development Environmeny
  117. Senior Development Education Air Force, Governmental & Military
  118. Sokrce Data Extract
  119. Small Denond Energy
  120. Sgo Del Estero
  121. Surface Drilling Equipment Business, Rig, Drill
  122. Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energieproductie Technology, Energy, Door, Tot
  123. Strain Doppler Echocardiography Medical
  124. Sharedldeath Experience Study, Death, Afterlife
  125. Space Divisionsion Evaluator Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  126. Souvce Drain Extension
  127. Shadow Dose Equivalent
  128. Servicios De Desarrollo Empresarial
  129. Students for Data Education
  130. Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie
  131. Store Danske Encyklop
  132. Shared Data Environmenls Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  133. Software Design Engineer Software, Computing
  134. Sourcr-Drain Extension Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  135. Vicecomodoro Angel De La Paz Aragones Airport Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero,Argentina Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  136. Space Division Evaluator NASA
  137. Spin Density Excitation
  138. Stephen David Entertainment Business, America, Production

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDE stand for?

    SDE stands for Secretaria De Direito EconóMico.

  2. What is the shortened form of Servicios De Desarrollo Empresarial?

    The short form of "Servicios De Desarrollo Empresarial" is SDE.


SDE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated