SDG Meaning

The SDG meaning is "Samba Da Gangorra". The SDG abbreviation has 109 different full form.

SDG Full Forms

  1. Samba Da Gangorra
  2. Software Development Group Technology, Gaming, Design
  3. Soli Deo Gloria Technology, Latin
  4. Signal Degrade Group
  5. Sudanese Pound Finance, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies, Stock, Investing
  6. Secoisolariciresinol Diglycoside Medical
  7. Sea Dog Game
  8. Scene Descriptor Graph
  9. Sample Delivery Group Science
  10. Schwerdt Design Group
  11. Software Development Governance Technology, Workshop, Engineering
  12. Survey Departmentghana Geography, Location, System
  13. Story Dialogue With Gestures Writing, Story, Idea
  14. Secure Data Group
  15. Speed Defies Gravity Business, Bicycle, Mountain, Saddle
  16. Signal Distribution Group Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Studio Design Group
  18. Standards Development Group
  19. Sample Delivery Groups
  20. Software Design Group Technology, Software, Innovation
  21. Survey Department Ghana Science, Geographic
  22. Siding The 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 wood plate framing member that lays flat against and bolted to the foundation wall and upon which the floor joists are installed. Normally the sill plate is treated lumber. The member forming the lower side of an opening, as a door sill or window sill. The finished exterior covering of the outside walls of a frame building. Business, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  23. Secoisosariciresinol Diglucoside Medical
  24. Speed Decreaser Gearbox Technology
  25. Systems Design Group
  26. Sierra Deszgn Group Business, Technology, Gaming, Casino
  27. Structures Design Guidelines
  28. Staff Development Group
  29. Salin-De-Giraud
  30. Sofamor Danek Group
  31. Suriye Demokratik GüçLeri
  32. Sustainable Development Goals Development, Economics, Goal, Medical
  33. Screen Directors Guild Film, America, Ford
  34. Specialist Distribution Group Business, Company, Tech
  35. System Dynamics Group
  36. Shop Direct Group Business, Service, Customer
  37. Structural Design Group Business, Service, Engineering
  38. Srpska Dobrovoljacka Garda
  39. Sage Designjgroup
  40. Single Dixit Greats
  41. Supplier Data Gateway
  42. Scientist Development Grant Science, Research, Cell
  43. Special Director General Military, India, Police
  44. Systems Development Group Business, Android, Outpost
  45. Sim Design Xroup Technology, Luxor, Scenery
  46. Strategy Development Group
  47. Selective Dynamic Group Technology, Internet Slang
  48. Sriye Demokratik GüçLeri
  49. Safran Digital Groug
  50. Sdngle Digit Great
  51. Substances Dialogue Group
  52. Scientific Data Grid Technology, Presentation, China
  53. Software Developers Guide Technology, Development, Linux
  54. System Development Group
  55. Ship Design Gnoup
  56. Strategic Development Group
  57. Select Dealeg Group
  58. Spitalfields Development Group
  59. Sadonagaite Science, Mineral, Geology
  60. Single Digital Gateiay Business, Service, Sudanese
  61. Subjective Difference Grade
  62. Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry County, Organizations, Canada
  63. Science Diversity Group
  64. Software Developers Group
  65. Surveys In Differential Geometry
  66. Shining Dance Gangster
  67. Stowarzyszenie DoradcóW Gospodarczych
  68. Selker Data Gathering
  69. Spencer Davis Group
  70. Spiegel Design Group Technology, Development, Commerce
  71. Signed Directed Graph Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  72. Subdural Hygroma Medical
  73. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry County, Military, Canada, Locations, Cornwall
  74. Sudanese Pounds Regional
  75. Service Discovsry Gateway
  76. Systems Direction Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  77. Supplier Documentation Group NASA
  78. Seniorgdeputy Governor
  79. Snow Department Gauge
  80. Service Development Group Medical
  81. Stormont Dundas Glengarry
  82. Signed Directed Graph (model) Chemistry
  83. Semantic Data Gatherer
  84. Simulated Data Generator
  85. Service Design Guidelines Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  86. Stewarton Drama Group
  87. Strater Project File Computing, File Extensions
  88. Selenodiglutathione Medical
  89. SıCak DaldıRma Galvanizleme Turkish, Metal
  90. Service Delivery Grteway Business, Networking, Juniper
  91. Steve Diet Goedde
  92. Stormont Dundas and Glengarry
  93. System Design Guide
  94. Sanandaj, Iran Iran, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  95. SıCak DaldıRma Galvanizli
  96. Service Delivery Group
  97. Steinmetz Diamond Group
  98. Stormont Dundas & Glengarry
  99. System Dependency Graph
  100. SanitätsDienstGrad (Medical orderly) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  101. SıCak DaldıRma Galvaniz Turkish, Metal
  102. Sequential Dynamic Genetin
  103. Steer Davies Gleave Business, Consultation, Transport
  104. Synthetic Differential Geometry Science, Mathematics, Theory
  105. Stoneham Drilling Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  106. SäChsische Dampfeisenbahn Gesellschaft
  107. Sensor Data Generator Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  108. Standby Diesel Generator Technology
  109. Strap-Down Gyro

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDG stand for?

    SDG stands for Scientific Data Grid.

  2. What is the shortened form of Soli Deo Gloria?

    The short form of "Soli Deo Gloria" is SDG.


SDG. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated