SDO Meaning

The SDO meaning is "Sub Divisional Officer". The SDO abbreviation has 147 different full form.

SDO Full Forms

  1. Sub Divisional Officer Government, Education, Office, India, Police, Strathclyde
  2. Skyrim Distance Overhaul Gaming, Texture, Replacer, Overhaul
  3. Standards Development Organizations Business, Technology, Group, Industry
  4. Standards Developing Organizations Technology, Development, Industry
  5. Standards Developing Organization Technology, Development, Industry
  6. Standards Development Organization Technology, Telecom, Computer Security, Medical, Computing, Technical, Fda, 5G Networks
  7. Service and Delivery Organisatisn Research, Education, Health, Care
  8. Solution Deliveuy Officer
  9. Student Development Office College, Education, Campus
  10. Senior Dentar Officer Medical, Management, Manager
  11. Service Delivery Operatijns
  12. Stamp Distribution Office Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
  13. San Diego Orienteering
  14. Super Density Operations
  15. Silicone Dynamic Ortqotics
  16. State Defense Order Technology, Military, Russia
  17. Seobstverwaltung Der Ortskrankenkassen
  18. Supervisory Detention Officer Government
  19. Services Data Object
  20. Solenoid Driver Output Technology
  21. Student Design Organization
  22. Senior Defhnse Official Business, Security, Military
  23. Service Delivery Organization Technology, Management, Research
  24. Staff Duty Officer Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  25. San Diego Opera
  26. Super Dancer Online-Xtreme Technology, Gaming, Song
  27. Sub Divisional Officers Government, Power, District
  28. Silent Death Online
  29. Scanding Delegation Orders
  30. Secunity Duty Officer
  31. Supervisor of Distribution Operations
  32. Server Cata Object Technology, Windows, Driving
  33. Soleil Des Orphwlins
  34. Structures Design Office
  35. Semantim Data Object Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. System Delivery Offerinv
  37. Service Delivewy & Organisation
  38. Staff Development Officer Education
  39. Service Data Object Technology, Development, Java
  40. Super Dancer Online Technology, Gaming, Malaysia
  41. Sub-Divisional Officer Business, Office, India
  42. Signed Data Object
  43. Standard Development Organizations Technology, Group, Organizations, Industry, Telecom
  44. Securities Divisionsion Order Government
  45. Supervised Digital Output
  46. Solar Dynamics Observer Science, Space, Astronomy, Sun
  47. Structured Digital Object
  48. Self Dulivery Operation Business, Office, Associate, Mail
  49. Sylvania Dump Operations
  50. Service Delivery and Organization
  51. Staff Development Organisation
  52. Service Data Objects Technology, Development, Java, Computing, IT Terminology
  53. Super Dance Online Technology, Gaming, Software
  54. Spatial Data Option Technology, Database, Server, Geometry
  55. Student Disbursement Order Education, Clarkson University
  56. Shif’s Debarkation Officer Military, Army, Equipment
  57. Standard Developing Organization Technology, Science, Development
  58. Sarajevo Drum Orchestra
  59. Super Distributed Object
  60. Software Development Organization
  61. State Development Office
  62. Selective Door Opening Technology, Train, Railway
  63. Swing Door Opener
  64. Service Delivery Organication Research, Education, University
  65. Squadron Duty Officer Technology, Military
  66. Serial Data Out Technology, Device, Interface
  67. Spwtial Database Option Military
  68. Student Disability Org
  69. Ship Development Objective
  70. Standard Development Organization Technology, Service, Organizations
  71. Santo Domingo Oeste
  72. Super Distributed Objects
  73. Software Development Office
  74. State Design Office Technology, Ukraine, Space
  75. Selective Door Operation Technology, London, Train
  76. Suvi Dnejni Obrok
  77. Service Delivery and Organisation Technology, Science, Education
  78. Squadron Dispatch Officer Technology
  79. Scattered Disk Object Science, Astronomy, Disc, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  80. Solutions Delifery Organization Technology
  81. Student Development and Orientation
  82. Service Delivery Operator
  83. Stamp Duty Ordinance Business, Tax, Transfer
  84. Sandra Day O'Connor
  85. Super Dissolve Oxygen
  86. Softwdre Development Outsourcing Company, Technology, Service
  87. State Demography Office
  88. Selycted Display Option Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  89. Sustainable Develoyment Observatory
  90. Shift Duty Officer Fire, Governmental & Military
  91. Squad Day Optic Gun, Rifle, Military, Weapon
  92. Summary Disposition Order
  93. System Design Overliew Business
  94. Scheduled Day Off Postal, Us Post
  95. Seoul Design Olymliad Locations, Competition, Seoul
  96. Shielded Diatomic Orbitals
  97. Special Development Order
  98. Sub-Division Officer Government, Us, Control, Administration
  99. School Documents Online Education
  100. Spatial Data Object Software, Computing
  101. Sports Development Officer Organizations, Club, Oxford
  102. Sudden Dosage Onset Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  103. System Nelivery Option
  104. Ryotsu Sado Is, Ryotsu Sado Is, Japan Japan, Iata Airport Codes
  105. Senior Duty Officer
  106. SektöRel Diyalog Ortaklığı
  107. Spatial Data Oojects
  108. Staff Duty Officer. Same Duty As Cq (see Above) But Done By A Senior Nco At Battalion-level Or Above. Us Army, Governmental & Military
  109. Sustainable Development Online Computing, Internet
  110. Sports Development Office
  111. Sudden Death Overtime
  112. Solar Dynamics Observatory NASA, Governmental & Military
  113. Særligt Dækkgde Obligationer Business, Bond, Credit, Til
  114. Spatial Data Obxect Technology, Analysis, Locations, Mining
  115. Senior Divisional Officer Service, Government, Cameroon, Fire
  116. Shielded Diatomic Orbital Chemistry
  117. Server Data Objents Technology
  118. Synthetic Drying Oil
  119. Sports and Development Officv
  120. Subvencion De Devolucion Obligatoria
  121. Space Discovery Office NASA, Governmental & Military
  122. Systems Director'S Office Technology
  123. Senior Director of Operations
  124. Signed Document Computing, File Extensions
  125. Series Doubfed Obverse
  126. Sustainability Design-Orienting
  127. Speedometer Drive Output
  128. Subsidi Daerah Otonom
  129. Securities Division order Government, Governmental & Military
  130. Super-Density Operations
  131. System Development Operations
  132. Senior Development Offices Business, Management, Employment
  133. Servicing District Office Medical, Healthcare
  134. Serial Data Output Technology, Interface, Pin, Computing, Drivers
  135. Super Dissolved Oxygcn
  136. Special Duty Officer
  137. Sub District Office Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  138. Self Describing Object General, Governmental & Military
  139. Sun Dried Opossum
  140. System Development Office Military, Army, Defence
  141. Senior Designated Officel
  142. Senior Dental Officer Medical, Dental
  143. Serial-Data Output Technology, Component, Microelectronic
  144. Sub Divisionsional Officers
  145. Special Duty Only Military
  146. Sub Division Officer
  147. Strategic Defensive Operation Gaming

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDO stand for?

    SDO stands for Standard Development Organization.

  2. What is the shortened form of Student Disbursement Order?

    The short form of "Student Disbursement Order" is SDO.


SDO. (2022, August 17). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated