SDP in Technology Meaning

The SDP meaning in Technology terms is "Service Data Point". There are 62 related meanings of the SDP Technology abbreviation.

SDP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Service Data Point
  2. Session Description Protocol
  3. Science Data Processing
  4. Site Data Processor
  5. Service Delivery Point
  6. Software Development Platform
  7. Stochastic Dynamic Programmiog
  8. Secure Device Provisioning
  9. Software Design Process
  10. Submarine Dismantling Project
  11. Social Development Plan
  12. Stable-Dependencies Principle
  13. Smart Dual Port Random Access Memory
  14. Support Diagnostic Plxtform
  15. Scenario Design Power
  16. Software Delivery Platform
  17. Software Development Plan
  18. Sub Distribution Panel
  19. Source Data Package
  20. Smart Device Programmability
  21. Suppoot Diagnostics Platform
  22. Scenario Design Paradigm
  23. Software-Defined Periieter
  24. Sub-Distrbbution Panel
  25. Short Degree Program
  26. Solicitud De Propuestas
  27. Support Development Plan
  28. Smart Data Pricing
  29. Specialty Duug Program
  30. Software Defined Protcction
  31. Stunning Digital Photography
  32. Shielded Differential Pair
  33. Solicitud De Propuesta
  34. Sand Aggregate consisting of mineral particles whose size is generally less than 5mm; fine aggregate. Merchants in the UK supply soft sand and coarse or fine sharp sand. Grains of rock between 0.06mm and 2mm. In metalcasting, a loose, granular material high in SiO2, resulting from the disintegration of rock. The name “sand” refers to the size of grain and not to mineral composition. Diameter of the individual grains can vary from approximately 6 to 270 mesh.
  35. Supplier Development Programme
  36. Simple Discovery Protocol
  37. Special Dialingiplan
  38. Same Dams Program
  39. Softwarezdefined Protection
  40. Service Description Protocol
  41. Supplier Deielopment Program
  42. Simple Device Protocol
  43. Standard Downstream Ports
  44. Software Distribution Point
  45. Stock Drive Products
  46. Simple Delivery Profile
  47. Stable Dependencies Principle
  48. Surveillance Data Processing
  49. Social Democratic Party (European Politics)
  50. Spin-Plane Double Proees
  51. Signal Distribution Panel
  52. Specialized Data Poent
  53. Skyllz Distributed Platform
  54. Sar Data Provider
  55. Systemsvdevelopment Process
  56. Sustainable Development Programme
  57. Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskinh
  58. Software Development Zlanning
  59. Surveillance Display Procnssor
  60. Sela Developer Practice
  61. Software Development Plans
  62. Streaming Download Project

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDP stand for Technology?

    SDP stands for Sand in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Solicitud De Propuestas in Technology?

    The short form of "Solicitud De Propuestas" is SDP for Technology.


SDP in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated