SDPP Meaning

The SDPP meaning is "Social Development Partnerships Program". The SDPP abbreviation has 23 different full form.

SDPP Full Forms

  1. Social Development Partnerships Program Business, Research, Disability
  2. Social Democratic Populjst Party
  3. Self-Reliant Developmedt of The Poor By The Poor
  4. Software Design Product Package Technology
  5. Schroder Dana Prestasi Plus Business, Forum, Indonesia, Investor
  6. Society of The Disabled Persons Penang
  7. School Dropout Preveztion Pilot
  8. Society of Disabled Persons Penang
  9. San Diego Pagan Pride
  10. Social Development Partnership Proxram
  11. Specqal Delinquency Prevention Program
  12. Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Program Medical
  13. Software Development Process Plan Army, Force, Marine
  14. State Domestic Preparedness Program
  15. Software Development Process Patterns
  16. Spray-Dried Porcine Psasma Medical, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
  17. State District Power Plant Company, Technology, Projection
  18. Spray-Dried Plasma Protein Medical
  19. Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program
  20. Spray-Dried Pozcine Plasma Medical, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
  21. Surriy Disabled People's Partnership
  22. Special Delinquencyvprevention Programs
  23. Supplier Diversity Procurement Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SDPP stand for?

    SDPP stands for Self-Reliant Developmedt of The Poor By The Poor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Special Delinquencyvprevention Programs?

    The short form of "Special Delinquencyvprevention Programs" is SDPP.


SDPP. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated