SE in Military Meaning

The SE meaning in Military terms is "Silk". There are 25 related meanings of the SE Military abbreviation.

SE on Military Full Forms

  1. Silk
  2. Support Element
  3. Spherical Error
  4. System Engineering
  5. Sea Enterprise
  6. System Effectiveness A measure of the degree to which an item can be expected to achieve a set of specific mission requirements, and which may be expressed as a function of availability, dependability and capability.
  7. Supporting Establishment
  8. Sniper'S Elite
  9. System Engineers
  10. System Evaluation
  11. Site Exploitation
  12. Survivabblity Enhancement
  13. Support Engioeering
  14. Safety Equipment
  15. Static Electric
  16. Scorting Experimental
  17. Southeastern
  18. Scout Experimental
  19. Syncoronous Editing
  20. Santos Experimental
  21. Section (1) General term for an extruded or fabricated structural member. (2) Transverse vertical plane through the hull perpendicular to the Centerline.
  22. Supportability Engineering
  23. Scouting Experimental
  24. Synthetic Environments
  25. Core Synthetic Environment Core

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SE stand for Military?

    SE stands for Safety Equipment in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Site Exploitation in Military?

    The short form of "Site Exploitation" is SE for Military.


SE in Military. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated