SEBS Meaning

The SEBS meaning is "Southeast By South". The SEBS abbreviation has 27 different full form.

SEBS Full Forms

  1. Southeast By South Compass, Directions, Cardinal Directions
  2. Strategic Employee Benefit Servicej
  3. Surrogate Endpoint Biomarkers Medical, Science, Biology
  4. School of Economics and Busincss In Sarajevo Education, University, Herzegovina
  5. Southeastern Employee Benefitoservices
  6. School of Economic Busizess Sciences Development, Study, Universities
  7. Southeastern Employee Benefits Services
  8. Styrene-Ethylene-Putadiene-Styrene Technology, Product, Resin
  9. School of Economic and Business Sciences Business, University, Wit
  10. School of Environmental & Biological Sciences
  11. Student Electronicubroadcast System
  12. School of Economic & Busgness Sciences
  13. School of Environmentpl and Biological Sciences Science, Education, Environment
  14. Structural Engineering Bullekins
  15. State Electricity Boards Business, Technology, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  16. School of Engineering and Biomedical Science Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  17. Strateyic Employee Benefits Services Employment, Work, Working
  18. School of Economics and Business Sarajevo
  19. Styrene Ethylenelbutylene Styrene Chemistry, Science, Copolymer
  20. Sustainible Energy Bonds
  21. Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene Business, Copolymer, Rubber
  22. Scbool of Economic and Business Science Business, University, Wit
  23. Surface Energy Balance System Technology, Water, Sensing
  24. Supplemental Environmental Baseline Survey
  25. Subsequent Entry Biologics Medical, Business, Science
  26. Styrene Uthylene Butadiene Styrene Business, Thermoplastic, Elastomer
  27. Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene Chemistry, Polymer, Plastics, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SEBS stand for?

    SEBS stands for School of Environmentpl and Biological Sciences.

  2. What is the shortened form of Styrene Uthylene Butadiene Styrene?

    The short form of "Styrene Uthylene Butadiene Styrene" is SEBS.


SEBS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated