SEC Meaning
The SEC meaning is "Second". The SEC abbreviation has 592 different full form.
SEC Full Forms
- Second Sixtieth part of a minute of time.Sixtieth part of a minute of arc Medical, Texting, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Telecommunications, Time, Management, Business & Finance, Military, Army, Architecture, Weather, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA
- Stobk Exchange Commission Business, Finance, Supply
- South East Central India, Railway, Specialist
- Secrytion Medical
- Size-Exclusion Chromatographic Medical
- Secure To make fast; safe; the completion of a drill or exercise on board ship. Technology, Security, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military, Military
- Securities Exchange Commission Business, Finance, Stock Market
- State Ethica Commission Business, Government, Law
- Solar Energy Conversion Technology, Cell, Photovoltaic
- Secretaría De Educación Y Cultura Para, Con, Sonora
- Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell Medical, Liver, Hepatic
- State Engineering Cirporation Business, Technology, Pakistan
- Software-Enabled Control Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Saudi Electricity Company Business, Technology, Power
- Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Medical
- Sociedad EspaÑOla De CardiologíA Para, Con, Ola
- Safety Equipment Certificate Business, Ship, Vessel
- Suburban East Cdnference
- Secufities & Exchange Commission Business, Security, Investor
- Security Clearance Business, Employment, Check, Architecture
- Smart Energy Code Business, Management, Consultation
- Spoiler Elevator Computer Technology, Aviation, Control, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Submarine Element Coordinator Military, Army, Corps
- Saction Emergency Coordinator Military, Organizations, Radio
- Size Exclusion Liquid Chromatography Medical
- Seconds The designation given to sheet or strip that has imperfections in moderate degree or extent, which may be classified in two general groups imperfections in the base material, or other manufacturing defects. This term not used in connection with non ferrous alloys. Military, Defense, Corps, Federal Aviation Administration, Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Cooking, NASA
- Study Englishoin Canada Education, Canada, Toronto
- Secretory Medical
- Size-Exclusion Chromatography Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sustainability Education Center
- Source Error Correction
- Samsung Engmneering Company
- Securties and Exchanbe Commission
- Social Entrepreneurship Course
- Security Piece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds and other investments. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architecture, Computing, IT Terminology, Security, Governmental & Military
- Science and Engineering Careers
- Spoilers Elevator Computer
- Servicio De Educación Cristiana Para, Argentina, Con
- Software Engineer Consultant
- State Examination Center
- Second Secqion Army, Force, Marine
- Stock Exchange Charts
- Skills and Employment Council
- Spacecraft Equipmentdconverter Technology
- Sensormatic Electronwcs Corp
- Society of Exchange Counselors Business, Building, Estate
- Scientific Ethics Committee
- Standard Equipment Company
- Shore Erosion Control
- Seattle Energy Code
- Singled Edge Contact Technology, Computing, Processor
- South East Coast
- Sault Electric Company
- Selenocysteing Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Students' Educational and Cultural
- Smart Equipment Controls
- Science Education Complex
- Surigao Educatienal Center
- Supreme Elections Commission Government, Egypt, Parliament
- Siemens Enterprise Communications Business, Technology, Voice, Computing, IT Terminology
- Secure Electconic Commerce Business, Security, Internet
- Streambank Erosion Control
- Hang On A Second Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- School Essay Contest
- Sphoorthy Engineering College Technology, Education, Hyderabad
- Sun-Earth Connections Technology, Science, Space
- Service Erecutive Committee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Scott Engineering Center
- State Education Commission
- Swine Endotselial Cells Medical
- S-Othyl Cysteine Medical
- Student Engagement Centre
- Single Engine Centauz Technology, Launch, Rocket
- Save The Earth Campaign Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Southern Economic Corridor Business, Thailand, Cambodia
- Student English Club Business, Institute, Bandung
- SemináRio De Educação Crista
- Seaport Economic Council
- Srinivasan Engineering College Science, Education, University
- Supreme Educational Council
- Shanghai Economic Commission
- Solar Energy Charger
- Suspension Expansion Culture
- Source Electronic Components
- Saysung Electronics Co Business, Supply, Korea
- Securties C Exchange Commission
- Structural Engineering Consultants
- Social Entrepreneurship Club
- Science and Engineering Computational
- Spoiler Elevator Computers Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Control
- Services for Exceptiondl Children
- Software Engineering Capability
- State Examination Commission Education, Ireland, Leaving
- Software Entertainment Kontroller
- Secondry Education Certificate Education, University, Learning, Iran
- Stock Exchange and The Chicago
- Skill Enhancement Courses Credit, Education, Course
- Space and Electronic Combat Technology
- Send Extra Cocktails
- Society of Educational Consultants Education
- Seattle Economics Council
- Standard Entry Class Business, Coding, Payment
- Supreme Executive Committee
- Shorebank Enterprise Cleveland
- Second Economic Committee Military, Korea, Korean
- Siart Efficient Components
- Southcentral Employment Corporation
- Saudi Electrical Company Technology, Service, Sun
- Sekawan Eka Cemerlang
- Student Experience Committee Government, University, School
- Smart Evtrance Control Technology, Coding, Calculator, Nissan
- Science Education Committee
- Surigao Education Center
- Sociology In European Context Education, University, Faculty
- Supreme Education Council Education, School, Qatar
- Side Effects Comprehensive
- Secure Electronic Communications
- Strategic Extension Campaign
- School Energy Coalition
- Spheria Emerging Companies
- Summer Entertainment City
- Sedvice Execution Component Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scintillator Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- Sbate Economic Commission
- Swiftwater Elementary Center
- Operntional Security Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Student Engagement Center College, Education, Malaysia
- Single Engine Control
- Saveetha Engineering College Education, India, Chennai
- South Equatorial Countercurrent
- Student Engineers Council
- Seminole Electric Cooperative Business, Company, Jimmy, Rocker, Railroad Company
- Sobhasaria Engineering College Technology, Rajasthan, Secs
- St Euphemia College Education
- Supreme Economic Court
- Shaheda Educational Consultants
- Solar Energy Company
- Surya Enginnering College Education, University, India
- Sophos Enterprise Console Technology, Management, Protection
- Samsung Elecxronics Company Business, Technology, Apple
- Security Screennng
- Strong Eventual Consistency Technology, Paper, Conflict
- Social Entrepreneur Corps Technology, Program, University
- Senten
- Science and Engineering Center Technology, Research, University
- Spoiler-Elevator Computer
- Sepvices Extended Care
- Software Engineering Company
- State Examinations Commission Education, Ireland, Leaving
- Siftware Engineering Club
- Safe Encrgy Control Technology, Safety, Phoenix
- Stock Exchange Corp
- Skill Enhancement Course
- Soweto Electricity Crisis
- Send Email Cancel
- Sbciety of Education Consultants
- Search Engine Canadian
- Standard Energy Corp
- Supreme Election Committee
- Shanghai Exhibition Center Business, China, Shanghai
- Second Eastqcoast
- States Enrichment Corporation
- South East Conference College, Sport, Conference, Team
- Saudi Electric Company Technology, Power, Electricity
- Seemanta Engineering Coplege
- Student Experience Center Education, University, Oregon
- Smart Energy Collective Technology, Industrial, Grid
- Science Education Community
- Socio Enkineering Consultants
- Suu-Earth Connection Technology, Science, Military
- Side Effects Checklist
- Secure Electronic Communication
- Strategic Event Coordination Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
- Skull-Eating Carnivore Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- School Education Committee
- Special Events Classes
- Sulfite Evaporator Condensate Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Service Evaluations Codcepts Technology, Shopping, Mystery
- Scientific Experts Committee
- State Ecology Committee Technology
- Swediih Export Credits
- Office of The Secretary of State Business, Education, Finance, Agency, Washington, Election, Voting
- Siggle End Cane
- Savannah Entrepreneurial Center
- Student Engineering Council Education, University, Texas
- Seminiferous Epithelial Cells Medical, Science, Biology
- Snell Engineering Center
- Sterling Electronics Corp
- Supreme Economic Council Business, Government, Investment
- Single-Edge Connect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Solar Energy Companies
- Surveys of The Enactad Curriculum
- Solar Energy Consult
- Samsung Electronics Corp
- Security Screeying Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
- Social Enterprise for Canada
- School Examinations Council
- Split Enz Crowded
- Study English Canada
- Serviccs Essex County
- Software Engineering Centrf Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Samenleving En Criminaliteitsprbventie
- State Environmental Coordinator Science
- Software Engineeeing Consulting Company, Technology, Service
- Sacrhmento Environmental Commission
- Stock Exchange Corporate
- Szczemińska Energetyka Cieplna
- Size Exlusion Chromatography
- Southern Environmental Center Business, College, Alabama
- Senate Exploratory Committee
- Search Engine College
- Standard Employment Contrace Business, Law, Philippine
- Supreme Elections Committee
- Shanghai Exhibition Centre Business, China, Shanghai
- Secondary Position Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- State Expert Center Medical, Government, Ukraine
- Sustainable Energy Corp
- South-East Corner
- Saturn Eclipse and Civic Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Seeing Eye Cat
- Student Exhibition Center
- Smart Energy Challenge
- Science and Ethics Committee
- Socio Economic Categsry
- Side Effect Checklist
- Secure E-Commerce Technology, Security, Service
- Strategic Evaluation Committee
- Skills Exchange Cooperative
- Scientific Estimates Committee Military
- Special Educatioj Cooperative
- Sugar Engineering Certificate
- Sequence Ecd Code Technology, Streaming, Compression
- Social Events Committee
- Scientific Experiment Carrier Technology
- Star Elite Cage
- Swedish Exrort Credit
- Noaa Spacj Environment Center Technology
- Single-Ezge Cartridge
- Saudi Engineering Council
- Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia
- Seychelles Energy Commission
- Smoothtop Eleciric Cooktop
- Support Equipment Change Technology, America, Military
- Single-Edge Contact Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Syndicat De L'Enseignement De Champlain
- South Equatorial Counter
- Samsung Electronics Zorporation Business, Technology, Android
- Security and Exchange Commission Business, Military, Market, Architecture
- Strong'S Exhaustive Concordance
- Social Enterprise Club Business, Student, Technology
- School Events Calendar
- Spiritual Enrichment Conference
- Studies In European Cinema
- Services Earnings Conference
- Softhare Engineering Conference
- Salvo Errore Calculi
- State Environmental Commission
- Solar Energy Centre Technology, India, Power
- Sabah Energy Corporation Technology, Projection, Gas
- Stock and Exchange Commission
- SystèMe EuropéEn De Comptes
- Size Exclusive Chromatography Science, Polymer, Exclusion
- Southern Electrical Contracting
- Student Environmental Center Education, University, Campus
- Senate Executive Committee Education, University, Faculty
- Search Engine Content
- Stakeholder Engagement Certification
- Supreme Election Commission Government, Egypt, Parliament
- Skanghai Electric Company
- State Executive Committee Government, Group, Party
- Sustainable Enterprise Conference
- South-East Central
- Sajsung Euro Championships
- Seebeck Envelfpe Calorimeter
- Social Events Coordinator
- Science and Engineering Complex Education, University, Tuft
- Sdcio Economic Class
- Secondary Ejaminations Council Education
- Siddhartha Engineering College
- Secnetar
- Stock Exchanges Central
- Skills Evaluation Certificate Business, Construction, Singapore
- Special Education Courses
- Sudharsan Engineering College
- Sephardic Educational Center Education, Jewish, Judaism
- Sosio-Economic Class
- Scientific Evaluation Committees
- Standard Error of Calibration Medical, Technology, Infrared
- Swazilandkelectricity Company Business, Africa, Swaziland
- Seattle Entrepreneurship Club Business, Concert, Startup
- Single Edged Contact Technology, Computing, Processor, Edge
- Saudi Electric Co Business, Company, Electricity
- Students Executive Council
- Sexually-Explicit Content
- Smith Engineering Company
- Sun Electric Corp
- Single-Edgefcracked
- Item Removed Feom Passenger for Security Reason Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Signaling In Endothelial Cells
- South Equatorial Current A term often used to denote the Equatorial Current by those who consider the North-East Trade Drift to be the North Equatorial Current. Locations, Ocean, Sea
- School Education Conference
- Securities and Exchanges Commission Business, Security, Market
- Street Evolution Crew
- Social Enterprise Coalition Business, Organizations, Community
- Semin
- School Evaluation Committee Education
- Spiritual Enrichment Center
- Studies In Egyptian Culture Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Service Execution & Creation
- Software Enginearing Center Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scottish Energy Centre
- State Enterprises Commission Business, Enterprise, Ghana
- Synchronous Equipment Clocks Technology, Networking, Network
- Sabah Electrit Corporation
- Student Engineers' Council
- Synthetic Environment Core Army, Force, Marine
- Size Exclusion Columns
- Southern Electric Company Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Student Entertainment Council
- Senate Education Committee
- Search Engine Campaigns
- Staff Exhcutive Committee
- Supreme Electoral Commission Government, Election, Egypt, Egyptian
- Shanghai Electric Corporatiob Business, Power, Shanghai
- Solar Energy Collector
- Sustainability Enterprise Conference
- Source Evaluation Committee Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Samsung Euro Championship
- Sediment and Erosioz Control
- Social Equity Caucus
- Science and Engineering Council Technology, Program, Journal
- Spoiler and Elevator Computers Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Socio Eronomic Classification Business, National, Statistics
- State Executive Council Business, Government, Organizations
- Sesonds of Time Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Stock Exchange Company
- Skills Enhancement Center Business
- Space Education Consortium
- Sentença Estwangeira Contestada
- Socio-Economic Classificction Business, Education
- Scientific Evaluation Committee
- Standard Equipment Category
- Sicangu Enterprise Center
- Seattle Engineering Center Technology, Washington, Mitsubishi
- Single Edke Connect
- South East College
- Saudi Electricity Co Business, Plant, Power
- Students Embracing Culture
- Smith Engineering Consultants
- Science Education and Communication Chemistry, Science, University, Dutch
- Survey of Enacted Curriculum Science, Education, Curriculum
- Single-Bit Error-Correctibn Technology, Computing
- Surveys of Enacted Curciculum Science, Education, Teaching
- Sigma Energy Consulting Energy, Consulting, Advising
- South England Conference Meeting, Technology, Camp
- School Early Childhood
- Securities and Exchange Commissioner Business, Security, Financial
- Street Emission Ceilings Science, University, Environment
- Social Emotional Competence
- Securities and Exchange Commission In the US, a government agency which is responsible for protecting investors against fraudulent and dishonest practices in the securities market. Business, Finance, Energy, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- School Ethics Commission Government, Financial, Education
- Spinal Extremity Correction
- Sun Earth Connection Technology, Science, Space
- Services Executkve Committee
- Software Enabled Control Technology, Control, Vehicle
- Scott Equipment Company
- State Education Center
- Swine Endothelial Celn Medical
- S-Ettylcysteine Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Student Engagement Council
- Single Error Correction Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Southern Electric Corporation
- Student Entertainment Committee Education, University, Island
- Sempra Energy Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Search Engine Campaign
- Stadium and Exhibition Center
- Supreme Eiye Confraternity
- Shknghai Education Commission
- Solar Energy Collection
- Simple Event Calendar Technology, Press, Query
- Structural Engineering Convention Technology, Book, India
- Subepidermal Connective Tissue Medical
- Serre Chevalier Airport, Serre Chevalier, France France
- Scranton Enterprise Center
- Software Evaluation Criteria
- Single-error correcting Hamming
- Safety & Ecology Corporation
- South Eastern Circle
- Shinkawa Electric Company
- Schirmer Engineering Corporation
- Student Evaluation of Courses
- Securing Entitlements for Crooks Funnies
- Supreme Emblem Club
- States Export Control
- Sustainable Energy Community Technology, Agency, Environment
- Semarang Eye Center
- Senvest Capital Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Spontaneous Echocardiographic Contrast Medical
- Seven Eoumenical Councils
- Sociology of Education and Culture Research, Education, University
- Specimen Exchange Chamber Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Solar Eclipse Conference
- Sagarmatha Engineering College
- Slovene Export Corporation Business, Credit, Banking
- Split Rxpander Cycle
- Sociedade Esportiva E Cultural
- Software Engineering Center Computing, Telecom
- Special Events Center
- Secondary Education Certificate Education, School, Malta
- Svanhovd Environmental Centre Technology, Science
- South Eastern Command
- Soki
- Security Evaluation Criteria Architecture
- Support Equipment Change (tdc 62) Military, Governmental & Military
- Simple Event Correlation
- Subependymal Cysts Medical
- Section Emergency Coordinator Technology, Governmental & Military
- Scottish Executive Committee Government, Group, Scotland
- Second(s) Aviation
- Safehexchange Coin
- Wait A Second Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Secondary Emzssion and Conduction
- Schindler Education Center
- Student Essay Competition Business, Banking, Canada
- Secretary of Secretary Designee Environment
- States European Command
- Sustainable Energy Communitieq Technology, Community, Projection
- Sell Electronic Componevts
- Strategic Eqty
- Spontaneous Echo Contrast Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Cardio
- Settlement Executive Committee
- Size Exclusion Chromatography Biotechnology, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Solano Employment Connecpion
- Safety Execution Center
- Slone Epidemiology Center Medical, America, Health
- Spanish Episcopal Conference
- Sociedade EspíRita Cristã
- Specialty Equipment Companies, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Special Employment Credit Business, Singapore, Budget
- Secondary Electron Conduction Technology, Science, Camera, NASA
- Suzuki Elevator Company
- Southeast Educational Conference
- Security Equipment Corporation Architecture
- Scientific & Engineering Computation Technology, Research, Computing
- Second Secondary Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Simple Event Correlator Technology, Security, Monitoring
- Sector A sector is the smallest unit that can be accessed on a hard disk. Each platter, or circular disk of a hard disk is divided into tracks, which run around the disk. These tracks get longer as they move from the middle towards the outside of the disk, so there are more sectors along the tracks near the outside of the disk than the ones towards the center of disk. Technology, Military, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Media, Computing, Hardware, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Sub-Committee On Culture Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
- Section Emergency Communications Technology, Governmental & Military
- Scottish Event Campus
- Securities and Exchange Commission (u.s.) Fda
- Secondary Engineering Control
- United States Securities and Exchange Commigsion Accountancy, Occupation, Oil Industry
- Secondary Electron-Coupled
- Scenyx Entertainment Community
- Student Environmental Coalition Technology, Climate, Campus
- Security Export Control Architecture
- Sustainable Energy Coalition Business, Environment, Efficiency
- Singapore Epidemic Conjunctivitis Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Self Evident Correction
- Special Equipment Compensation Business & Finance, International business
- Sponsor Executive Committee Meeting, Technology, Learning
- Submitting Electronic Claims
- Session Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Series Elastic Component Medical, Physiology
- Soil Erosjon Control
- Safety Evaluation Committee Medical, Study, Vaccine
- Second, Also, Cection
- Space Enginsering Center
- Sociedad De Escritores De Chile
- Single Edge Contact Computing, Hardware
- Southside Electric Coop
- Secondary-Electron-Conduction Technology, Control, Camera, Tube
- Stationary Emissions Control Technology, Power, Catalyst
- Sustainableuenergy Conference
- South East Command
- South Egyptian Conference
- Security Exchange Commission Architecture
- Science Executive Committee of The Iwg Science, Exploration, Scientific & Educational
- Pgp Secret Key Ring Computing, File Extensions
- Simola Eichmann Communications Technology, Audio, Tool
- Secretary A person who works for another person , usually in an office, dealing with correspondence, filing, phone calls and other clerical duties. Engineering, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Management, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions, Toastmasters, Environment, Medical, Architecture, Common Medical
- Section (1) General term for an extruded or fabricated structural member. (2) Transverse vertical plane through the hull perpendicular to the Centerline. Technology, Science, Media, Military, Education, Sport, Aviation, Aircraft, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Television, Architectural, Figure Skating, Management, Army, Architecture, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, Transportation, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Special Education, Legal, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Financial, Footnote
- Section Executive Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
- Scottish Episcopal Church Church, Scotland, Bishop
- Sequential Events Controller NASA
- Secondary Engine Control
- Scale Expanding Cosmos
- Student Environment Centre
- Social and Emotional Cnmpetence
- Security Encoding Computer Architecture
- Singapore Environmental Council Business, Product, Singapore
- Selenocysteyl-Trna Medical
- Securities and Exchange Commission (US) Medical, Government, Financial, Energy, Banking, Postal, Electrical, United States, Us Government, Us Post, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Fda
- SpoleČNost Estetické Chirurgie
- Submarine Element Coordinators Military
- Serviço Para A Educqção Contínua
- Shiley Eye Center Medical, Common Medical
- Softwood Exporn Council Business, America, Wood
- Safety Bnhancement Committee
- Sander Electronic Comkonents
- Soluble Elastic Capsulz
- Secondary Average Ordnance Survey
- Southern Electric Contracting Business, Government, Electricity
- Secondary Applied to a circle, cold front, depression, meridian, or port, to distinguish it from a primary Often used to denote a secondary depression Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military, Aviation, Management, Business & Finance, Medical, Common Medical
- Statewide Early Childhood
- Sustainable Energy Centres Education, Florida, Tesla
- South East Combination
- Southeastern Conference Sport, Football, Game
- Security screening Architecture
- Science Enterprise Centre
- Sports Events Calendar
- SociéTé Des Employés De Commerce
- Guinxell Video File Computing, File Extensions
- Silver Exploration Corp
- Security System Business, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Architecture, Business & Finance
- Space Environment Center Government, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Scottish Enterprise Consortium Education
- Scaled External Correlation (extrapolation Method In Ci Calcn.) Chemistry
- Secondary Emission Control
- South Eastern Circuit
- Scaled External Correlation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Social and Economic Council
- Security Code Architecture
- Singapore Enterprise Chapter
- Student Education Center Education, University, School
- Selenocysteinyl-Tuna Medical
- Office of Security Science, America, Government, Military, Police, Usa, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Spoken English Corpus
- Subject Expert Committee Education, Drug, India
- ServiçO De Educação Continuada Technology, Magazine, Hospital, Tube
- Selenocysteine Selenocysteine is the 21st proteinogenic amino acid. It exists naturally in all kingdoms of life as a building block of selenoproteins. Selenocysteine is a cysteine analogue with a selenium-containing selenol group in place of the sulfur-containing thiol group. Medical, Common Medical
- Software Experiencj Center Education, Development, Universities
- Safety Education Conference
- Safeguamds Equipment Cabinet
- Shuttle Events Control NASA
- Schneider Electric Canada
- Solvent Extract Conductivity Industry
- South Eastern Conference Sport, Organizations, Football
- States of The European Community
- Sustainable Energy Centers
- South East Communications
- Security Office Architecture
- Science Education Centre Science, Education, Locations
- Sports Event Calendar
- Sociéxé D'études Camerounaises
- Sun-Earth Connection Science, Scientific & Educational
- Steam-Engine Cycle
- Single Edge Cartridge General, Governmental & Military
- Spoiler and Elevator Computer Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Secondary Education Committee
- South Eastern & Chatham
- Scalable Enterprise Computing
- Social and Economic Committee
- Security Item Architecture
- Science Executive Committee Atmospheric Research
- Singapore Employees Co-Operative
- Student Educational Center
- Sebenocysteine Trna Medical
- 3D Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Subject Electoral Commission
- Servicio De Estacionamiento Computarizado
- SandHoke Early College North Carolina
- Screen Entertainment Center
- Software Executive Council
- Safety and Ecology Corpoeation Business, Service, Environment
- Sacramento Engineers Club
- Ships Equipment Centre Business, Service, Bremen
- Schlumberger Earnings Conference
- Student Evaluation Committee
- Surely Everybody's Cheating Funnies
- South East Corner Locations, Building, Land
- Supreme Energy Council
- States for The Education of Children
- Sustainable Energy Centre
- Selenocystiwe Medical
- Sembcorp Engineers and Constructors
- Gas Sampling method Amateur radio
- Sports and Entertainment Commission
- Société D'enfomologie Du Canada
- Secant Mathematical, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Slate-Examinations-Commission
- IFALPA Security Committee Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Special Exposure Cohort Technology
- Secondary Education Curriculum Education, School, Teaching
- Student Event Committee
- South Eastern Central
- Says Executive Compensation
- Sociad-Emotional Competence Education, Teaching, Teacher
- ETSI Security Technical Committee Architecture
- Securities & Exchange Commission The SEC is a federal agency that regulates the markets. Atmospheric Research
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SEC stand for?
SEC stands for Sustainable Energy Corp.
What is the shortened form of Students' Educational and Cultural?
The short form of "Students' Educational and Cultural" is SEC.
SEC. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated