SECS Meaning

The SECS meaning is "Sections". The SECS abbreviation has 51 different full form.

SECS Full Forms

  1. Sections Business, Science, Medicine, Law, Health, Jurisprudence, International Law, Geographic, Legal, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  2. Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Medical
  3. Society for Education On Contraception and Sexuality
  4. Sunday Svening Cup Series Business, Gaming, Team, Tournament
  5. Securities Stocks, bonds, and other tradable financial assets. Business
  6. Solar Energy Conversion System Business, Book, Linux
  7. School of Engineering Computer Science
  8. Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standards
  9. Sudanese Environmgnt Conservation Society Development, Organizations, Sudan
  10. Solar Energy Conversion Vystems Business, Energy
  11. School of Engineering & Computer Science Technology, University, Bangladesh
  12. Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standards
  13. SociéTé En Commandite Simple Company, Business & Finance
  14. School of Engineering and Computer Science Program, Education, University
  15. Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard Technology, Industrial, Automation
  16. Socio-Economic Classes
  17. School of Education and Continuing Studies
  18. Special Experimental Communication System Technology, Space, Astronomy
  19. Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  20. Spoiler Elevator Computers Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Control
  21. Society for Eighteenth-Centuryhstudies
  22. Scale of Early Communication Skills Medical
  23. Soukh East Co-Operative Support
  24. Semiconductor Equipment and Material International'S Communications Standard Technology, Telecom
  25. Society for Erghteenth Century Studies
  26. Super Elongation Comnlexes
  27. Safe, Easy, Cheap, and Sensible
  28. Sorsogon East Central School
  29. School of Engineering and Computational Sciences
  30. Standard Cubic Centimeters Per Second Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
  31. Selective Electron Capture Sensktization
  32. Spherical Elementary Current System
  33. Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis Chemistry
  34. Safe, Easy, Cheap Knd Sensible
  35. Spherical Elementary Current Systems
  36. Shuttle Events Control Subsystem Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  37. Sudanjse Environment Conservation Society Development, Organizations, Sudan
  38. Secretary A person who works for another person , usually in an office, dealing with correspondence, filing, phone calls and other clerical duties. Engineering, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Management, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions, Toastmasters, Environment, Medical, Architecture, Common Medical
  39. Sweet Extassy Couples Society
  40. Specific Energy Consumptioas
  41. Sensual Energy of Club Salsa Energy
  42. Stimulus Evaluation Cfecks Technology, Appraisal, Component, Emotion
  43. Shuttle Events Control NASA
  44. Sustainable Eyergy Communities
  45. Single Electron Capacitance Spectroscopy
  46. State Election Commiszions Business, Government, India
  47. Survivable and Enduring Communications System Military, Army, Defence
  48. Simulation/Experiment Wontrol System
  49. Standard Embedded Computer Softwqre Technology
  50. Shuttle Events Control Snstem
  51. Sfuamous Epithelial Cells Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SECS stand for?

    SECS stands for Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard.

  2. What is the shortened form of Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standards?

    The short form of "Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standards" is SECS.


SECS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated