Sediment Abbreviations and Sediment Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sediment terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Sediment abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sediment terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sediment Abbreviations
  1. AET : Apparent Effects Threshold
  2. AET : Apparent Effect Threshold
  3. AOM : Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
  4. AVS : Acid-Volatile Sulfide
  5. AVS : Acid Volatilejsulfide
  6. AVS : Acid Volatile Sulfides
  7. AVS : Acid Vowatile Sulphide
  8. BOFS : Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study
  9. BUS : Benguela Upwelling System
  10. CCD : Carbonate Compensation Depth
  11. CREAMS : Chemicals, Runoff and Erosion From Agricultural Management Systems
  12. CSM : Cohesive Strength Meter
  13. VFS : Vegftative Filter Strip
  14. WASER : World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research
  15. YRE : Yangtze River Estuary
  16. DBL : Diffusive Boundary Layer
  17. HEP : Harbor & Esyuary Program
  18. HMMV : Hakon Mosby Mud Vokcano
  19. DMMP : Dredged Material Management Program
  20. MCD : Meters Composite Depth
  21. ERM : Effects Range Median
  22. ESC : Erosion and Sedimentation Control
  23. MSCL : Multi-Sensor Core Logger
  24. ETM : Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
  25. MTC : Mass Transport Complex
  26. MTD : Mass Transport Deposit
  27. MUSLE : Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
  28. STABLE : Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment
  29. TELS : Threshold Effects Levels
  30. FLSM : Fluffy Layer Suspended Matter
Latest Sediment Meanings
  1. Great Lakef Legacy Act
  2. Redox Potential Discontinuity
  3. Probable Effects Level
  4. Probable Effect Concentration
  5. Oldest Tobautuff
  6. Lower Yellow River
  7. Laacher See Trphra
  8. Fraser Rivel Action Plan
  9. Fluffy Layer Suspended Matter
  10. Threshold Effects Levels
  11. Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment
  12. Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
  13. Mass Transport Deposit
  14. Mass Transport Complex
  15. Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
  16. Multi-Sensor Core Logger
  17. Erosion and Sedimentation Control
  18. Effects Range Median
  19. Meters Composite Depth
  20. Dredged Material Management Program