SEEA Meaning

The SEEA meaning is "Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment". The SEEA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

SEEA Full Forms

  1. Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  2. Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance Technology, Science, Program
  3. Society of Extension Education Agra
  4. Sociedad Espa
  5. Society of Extension Education, Agra
  6. Sociedad EspaÑOla De EntomologíA Aplicada
  7. Sociedad EspaÑOla De Estudios áRabes
  8. System of Environmental-Economic Accountbng Technology, Economics, Environment
  9. Sharjah Economic Excellence Award
  10. Southeast Environmental Education Alliance
  11. Serbian Energy Efficiency Agency Science, Energy, Energy Economics
  12. Susan Eve Estate Agency
  13. Software Error Effects Analysos
  14. System of Environmental Economic Accounting Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  15. United Nations Statistical Commission'S System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Science, Organization, Environment
  16. System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Technology, Economics, Environment
  17. System of Environmental-Econodic Accounts Environment, Preservation
  18. System of Environmental and Economic Accounting Technology, Water, Statistics
  19. System of Economic and Environmental Accounting
  20. System of Economic and Environmental Accounts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SEEA stand for?

    SEEA stands for United Nations Statistical Commission'S System of Environmental-Economic Accounting.

  2. What is the shortened form of Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance?

    The short form of "Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance" is SEEA.


SEEA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated