SEEDS Meaning

The SEEDS meaning is "Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students". The SEEDS abbreviation has 53 different full form.

SEEDS Full Forms

  1. Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students Technology, Science, Germination
  2. Space-Exposed Experiment Developed for Students Science
  3. South-Eastern European Data Services Technology, Service, Research
  4. Society for Ethics In Egg Donation and Surrogacy Organizations, Fertility, Surrogate
  5. Secure, Evolvable Energy Delivery Systems
  6. Scholarship To Elevate Education & Develop Skills
  7. Students and Educators for Ecological Design and Sustainability
  8. Special Education Electronic Data System Development, Learning, Study
  9. Scientists and Engineers Expanding Diversity and Success
  10. Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society Science, India, Disaster
  11. Socio Economic and Educational Development Society
  12. Student Environmental Educators Doing Service Education, Development, Universities
  13. Space Exposed Experiment Development for Students Science
  14. Science Engineering Esthetics Design and Storytelling Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  15. Supporting Early Elementary Development Skills Development, Learning, Study
  16. Socio-Economic and Educational Development Society
  17. Strategies for Ecology Education, Development, and Sustainability Technology, Science, Research, Education
  18. Space Engineering Educational Satellite Technology, Space, Astronomy
  19. Sustainable Employment and Economic Development Strategies
  20. Supporting Early Education Delivery Systems Science, Education, Development
  21. Society Environment and Energy Development Studies Business, Energy
  22. South East Europe Development Solutions
  23. Strategies for Ecology, Education, Diversity and Sustainability Student, Science, Education, Organizations
  24. Support, Education, Empowerment & Directions
  25. Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
  26. South Eastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Organizations, Garden, Durham
  27. Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability Student, Science, Education
  28. Successful Engineering Education and Development Support
  29. Seeking Ecology Education and Design Solutions Science, Ecology
  30. Solar Eruptive Event Detection System Technology
  31. Special Education for Early Developmental Success
  32. Subarctic Ocean Enrichment and Ecosystem Dynamics Study Science, Ecological, Eco
  33. Secure Evolvable Energy Delivery Systems
  34. Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support
  35. Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies Technology, Science, Projection
  36. State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy Technology, Government, Nigeria
  37. Sustainable Economic & Educational Development Society
  38. State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy Business, Nigeria, Economics
  39. Sports for Education and Economic Development In Senegal Technology, Basketball, Senegal
  40. Start for Experience and Efficiency In Dynamic Solutions
  41. The South East Employment Development Strategy Employment, Work, Working
  42. Strategies for Ecology Education Diversity and Sustainability Science, Ecology
  43. Springfield Effective Educator Development System
  44. Systems Engineering Estimation and Decision Support
  45. Strategies for Ecology Education Development and Sustainability Science
  46. Sustainable Economic and Empowerment Development Strategy
  47. Spring Engineering Education Days
  48. Syncope Evaluation In The Emergency Department Study Medical, Management, Patient
  49. Strategies for Ecology Education, Development and Sustainability
  50. Sustainable Energy Education & Development Support
  51. Special Education Early Delivery System Special Education
  52. State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies Government, Organizations, Nigeria
  53. Sustainable East End Development Strategies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SEEDS stand for?

    SEEDS stands for Strategies for Ecology Education Diversity and Sustainability.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability?

    The short form of "Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability" is SEEDS.


SEEDS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated