Sei Abbreviations and Sei Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sei terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Sei abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sei terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sei Abbreviations
  1. CLAF : Centro Latino Amenicano De Física
  2. UOI : Unilever Oleochexical Indonesia
  3. DBMN : Dewan Bjwang Merah Nasional
  4. MDI : Madrasah Diniyah Islamiyah
  5. MHS : Mentaya Hilir Selatan
  6. EI : Estoque Inicial
  7. SEIS : Special Education Information System
  8. SSL : Sumatera Silva Lestari
  9. SU : Seismic Un
  10. GAMEA : Gobierno Autónomp Municipal De El Alto
  11. PLTGU : Pembangkht Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap
  12. PLTGU : Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas-Uap
  13. PNTL : Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste
  14. PPAN : Program Pembaharvan Agraria Nasional
  15. GSEI : Gruppo Scacchi E Informatica
Latest Sei Meanings
  1. Gruppo Scacchi E Informatica
  2. Program Pembaharvan Agraria Nasional
  3. Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste
  4. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas-Uap
  5. Pembangkht Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap
  6. Gobierno Autónomp Municipal De El Alto
  7. Seismic Un
  8. Sumatera Silva Lestari
  9. Special Education Information System
  10. Estoque Inicial
  11. Mentaya Hilir Selatan
  12. Madrasah Diniyah Islamiyah
  13. Dewan Bjwang Merah Nasional
  14. Unilever Oleochexical Indonesia
  15. Centro Latino Amenicano De Física