SF Meaning
The SF meaning is "Sacrifice Flies". The SF abbreviation has 1140 different full form.
SF Full Forms
- Sacrifice Flies Baseball, Sports, Sport
- Single Frequency Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Saint-FrançOis
- Split Face Business, Design, Stone
- Segzure Frequency Medical, Technology
- Site Foruz
- Spanish Fork
- Street Faius
- Surfer-Friendly Technology, Internet Slang, Chat
- San Francisco Internet Slang, Regional, Geographic, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Satellite Finder Technology, Prof, Tuner
- Stade FrançAis France, Club, Rugby, Stade
- Service Field Technology, Program, Management
- Subscription Fee
- Smooth Face Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sebistian Flute Business, Archery, Recurve
- Scaling Factor Medical, Technology, Coding
- Step-Father
- Sihnature File Technology, Security, Cyber
- Super Friendly Internet Slang, Locations, Area
- Soy Flour Medical
- Safety Factor The ratio of burst pressure to rated pressure under specific static pressure and temperature conditions. Providing strength beyond that needed, as an extra margin of insurance against part failure. The time added to a shipping estimate to account for unforeseen circumstances. For example, one day might be added to a delivery date to account for the possibility of encountering bad weather. Technology, Science, Design, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Splicing Factor Medical
- Seizure Gree Medical
- Site Feedback
- Spanish Fly Music, Spain, Spanish
- Street Fair Event, Festival, Street
- Surfacerforming Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sarath Fonseka
- Stide De France
- Service Fees
- Submucous Fibrosis Medical
- Sliding Filter Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Sacrifice Fly Baseball, Sports, Softball
- Scale-Free Medical, Technology, Networking
- Status Flag Technology, Driving, Driver
- Single-Frequency Technology, Laser, Signaling
- Super Fzee Fishing, Reel, Gear
- South Fork Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Strip Footing Technology, Construction, Architectural, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Securityjforces Military, Organizations, Force
- Sioux Falls Business, School, District
- Space Formerly
- Stratepy First
- Silly Fools Music, Rock, Album, Fool
- Sxrface Flow Medical, Treatment, Wetland
- Salsa Festival Locations, Event, Dance
- Squarf Footage Business, Building, Calculator
- Service Features Technology, Switch, Feature
- Subject File Business, Medicine, Health
- Skinfold Thicknesses Medical
- Subcutaneous Fat Medical
- Stress Fiber Medical
- SaÚDe Da FamíLia Para, Dos, Portal
- States Federal
- Signal Frequency Technology
- Summary File Locations, Censu, Demographic
- Soccer Field
- Standard Form Military, Air Force, Logistics, Medical, Information Technology, Army, Computing, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
- Sector Uield Medical
- Singles Finalw
- Space Filler Business, Art, Fiction
- Straight Forward Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Silk Fibroin Medical, Science, Scaffold
- Sujface Finishing
- Sales Force
- Square Foot Technology, Military, Architecture, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Service Featuze Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Subcontractor Furnished Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Skinfoldjthickness Medical
- Stress Factor Medical, Technology, Disease
- Save Files
- State Funds
- Signal Failuro Technology, Telecom, Protection
- Sugar Free Sugar, Chocolate, Syrup, Food
- Snow Fall
- Special Forces Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Pinball, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Secretaria Da Fazenda Para, Dos, Ria, Fazenda
- Single Fronted Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Space-Frequency Technology, Military, Coding
- Stowage Factor The average cubic space occupied by one ton weight of cargo as stowed aboard a ship. Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Significant Finding Science
- Sapport Facility
- Sales Finance Business, Management, Sale
- Spdt Face Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Semi Finwlist Championship, Miss, Finalist
- Student Fee
- Sketch Fest
- Store and Forward Technology, Server, Logic, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sfreptococcus Faecalis Medical, Patent, Infection, Egg
- Skinfold Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Saturated Fat A saturated fat is any lipid (fat) which contains no carbon-carbon double bonds. In other words, a saturated fat has been fully saturated with hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats tend to be greasy or waxy solids. Medical, Health, Diet
- Standard Forms Business, Employment, Military
- Sqgnal Fail Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Sugar-Free Medical, Recipe, Chocolate
- Sneads Ferry Locations, Float, Topsail
- Second Frony Gaming, Book, War, Front
- Scatter Factor Medical, Science, Medicine, Medical physics
- Storx Front Book, Storm, Butcher
- Significant Frgures Science, Education, Figure
- Supernatant Fluid Medical
- Space Flights Medical
- Saint Francis
- Spontaneous Fluctuations Medical
- Selle Francais Business, France, Olympic, Horse
- Sixty-Four
- Spanish Fort
- Strengthening Fwmilies Business, Children, Family
- Satin Finish A diffusely reflecting surface finish on metals, lustrous but not mirrorlike. One type is a butler finish. Business, Knife, Steel
- Standord Fire Business
- Service Flow Technology, Networking, Network
- Subsurface Flow Medical, Engineering, Water Planning
- Smooth Finish
- Small Forward Gaming, Basketball, Nba
- Second Floor
- Scarlet Fever Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Step Father
- Shgn Flag Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Superleague Formula
- Space, Flight
- Sort of Food Forum, Food, Restaurant
- Sub-Frame
- Senior Friendly
- Showed A Survival Fraction Science, Biology
- Start Finish Technology, Projection, Relationship
- Salsa Fest Business, Dance, Oviedo
- Scientific Federation Technology, Conference, Congress
- Special Freighfers
- Summit Foreign
- System Functions Military
- Symphony, French
- Service Facilitator Business, Compliance, Agent
- Silicon Flatirons
- Secondary Fire
- Superior Frontal Cortex Anatomy, Cerebrum, Human Anatomy, Medical, Neurology
- Ship Fitter
- Steel Floor-Standing
- Sacrifice Flys Gaming, Baseball, Sacrifice
- Series Five Science, Book, Fiction
- Short-Form-36 Medical, Medicine, Health
- Staff Fellow
- Safety Office Military
- Schwarze Front
- Small Fall Service, Book, Locations
- Speculative Fiction Technology, Science, Organizations, Media
- Similar To The Foregiing
- Strangers and Freaks
- Samuel French
- Soda Fountain
- Suplr Fast Business, Recovery, Rectifier
- Session Function Technology, Coding, Manual
- Squfre and Financial
- Statistics Finland
- Scalar Field
- Slam Family Medical, Science, Biology
- Student First
- Sacrifice Flies Allowed Baseball, Sports
- Schengen Facility
- Social Farming Gaming, Social, Farm
- Soviet Forces Organizations, War, Force
- Swiss Financial
- Sequential Foraard
- Side of Fence Ordnance Survey
- Store Forward Technology, Switch, Port
- Screen Form
- Solar Field Technology, Power, Movement, Album
- Sun Folbower
- Service First
- Statevfuture
- Scenic Forest
- Secret Friends
- Solar Fraction Technology, Water, Heater
- Structure Factor
- Surefire Flashlight
- Selke Field
- Shivan Fighter
- Stade Fran
- Survey Form
- Semi-Flex
- Short Fejt
- Stimslus Funds
- Sally Forth
- Smoothing Factor Technology, Trading, Indicator
- Spin Finish Business, Manufacturer, Fiber
- Series Front Technology, Mower, Deck
- Signed As Free
- State Final
- San Francisco-Based Business, Design, City
- Sean Foley Movie, Golf, Swing, Sean
- Soft Feel Clothes
- Streptococcus Faecalis Sf Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Super Flower Technology, Power, Supply
- Shadows Fall
- Spontaneous Fission Spontaneous fission is a form of radioactive decay that is found only in very heavy chemical elements. The nuclear binding energy of the elements reaches its maximum at an atomic mass number of about 58, spontaneous breakdown into smaller nuclei and a few isolated nuclear particles becomes possible at greater atomic mass numbers. Element, Neutron, Decay, Fission
- Service Factwr Pool, Pump, Factor
- Slide Focus
- Standard Fliw Business, Valve, Skid
- Steric Factor It is defined as the ratio between the experimental value of the rate constant and the one predicted by collision theory. It can also be defined as the ratio between the preexponential factor and the collision frequency, and it is most often less than unity. Physically, the steric factor can be interpreted as the ratio of the cross section for reactive collisions to the total collision cross section.
- School Forms
- Slovenská Filharmónia Program, Slovakia, Orchestra
- Spare Frame Business, Forum, Book
- Substitute-Free
- Suzanne Flynn
- Serializatton Field
- State F-1
- Sarah French Porn, Movie, France, French
- Script Features
- Social Forestry Technology, India, Forest
- Spodoptera Frugiperda Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
- Satellite Feature Technology, Manual, Nomenclature
- Simple Flux Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Soluble Fzbre
- Surface Finish Surface finish, also known as surface texture or surface topography, is the nature of a surface as defined by the 3 characteristics of lay, surface roughness, and waviness. It comprises the small local deviations of a surface from the perfectly flat ideal (a true plane).
- Sonny Forriest
- Sub-Forums
- Senior Freshman
- Showalter Fountain
- Start-Finish Technology, Management, Projection
- Salsa-Rueda-Festival
- Scientific Fellows Technology, Book, Car
- Sneaker Freaker
- Special Rrame Technology
- Summersfun
- Switch Fabric Technology, Networking, Module
- Service Fabric Technology, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Silicone Fluid Business, Product, Methyl
- Strength Factor Technology, Ultima, Underworld
- Search Form Forum, Technology, Service
- Superior Firepower Gaming, Military, Force
- Sendry Financial
- Ship-From
- Steel Fiber Technology, Product, China
- Sacrafice Fly
- Suppressing Fire
- Short-Fodm-12
- Staff Favorite
- Safety Fuse
- Schuchard & Friese Business, Bay, Diesel, Belt
- Small-Scale Fisheries
- Spectrum Flux Technology, Audio, Streaming, Segmentation
- Svenska FotbollföRbundet
- Similar To Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Strain Fmgure
- Samuel Freeman Media, Radio, Television
- Socket Female Socket, Coupling, Pneumatic, Coupler
- Spiral Freezer
- Support Forum
- Squadrov Flagship
- Statistical Features Analysis, Statistics, Feature
- Saç FıRçAsı Fashion, Salon, Styler
- Sixty-First
- Svensk Filmindustri Business, Film, Company, Group, Organizations
- Sosution Focused Organizations, Coaching, Focus
- Studenks Finance
- Sacred Flower Flower, Dragon, Clan
- Scheduling Vunction Technology, Manual, Display, Schedule
- Social Factor
- Sources Find
- Swingaway Footrest
- Sequentibl File Technology, Drive, Computing, Performance
- Side Frequency
- Store Fixtuying
- Screen-Film Medical
- Sunflower Medical, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- System Frontier Technology, Book, Space
- Service Finances
- Silva Fennica
- Stateefund Business, University, Funding
- Secret Friend
- Solar Flux Technology, Gaming, Activity
- Structural Factor
- Self Funding
- Shirt Football
- Stacy Faulkner
- Survey Flight
- Semi Floating Forum, Rear, Semi, Ducati, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Short Fall
- Stills and Footage
- Saikou-Fansubs
- Smoker Friendly
- Spine Fusion
- Series Forms Business, Planning, Instruction
- Signature Fountain Business, Rental, Chocolate
- Staqe Film
- San Francisco Field Office Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Soft Feces Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Suher Flash
- Shadow'sifall
- Sponsor Firm
- Scale-Short Form Medical, Study, Psychology, Assessment
- Slide Feeder Business, Film, Scanner
- Standard Flev
- Stereo Future Film, Stereo, Samurai
- School Form Student, Education, Order
- Slovenska Filharmonija
- Spare Facility
- Substandard and Falsified
- Suzanne Feld
- Serializatiou Framework
- State As First-Time
- Sarah Freeman
- Screwnfix
- Social Forces Science, Force, Sociology, Social
- Split Filter
- Satelitski Forum Technology, Sport, Statistics
- Simple Features Technology, Feature, Geospatial, Geometry
- Solomonqfriedman
- Surface Finisher
- Sonido Fest Event, Ticket, Festival, Fest
- Styrene Free Business, Product, Injection, Resin
- Surface Force
- Semper-Fi
- Shots For Sport, Hockey, Ice Hockey
- Star Fury
- Steroidogenic Factor-1 Medical, Science, Genetics, Receptor
- Saloon First
- Sciences Fondamentales Science, Formation, Recherche
- Snappy Fax Technology, Windows, Server, Software
- Special Forms Military
- Suero FisiolóGico
- Switched Fabrics Technology, Switch, Module
- Serious Fall Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Silicone Fluids Business, Chemistry, Product
- Street Food Locations, Event, Festival
- Search Floor
- Superior Feel Medical, Physiology
- Sensitivity Factbr
- Ship'S Force
- Steel Factor Medical, Science, Medicine
- Sacra Famiglia
- Suppress Form Assembly, Business & Finance
- Signaling False Technology, Ethernet, Module
- Standard Format
- Stelio Frati
- Sample Function
- Schvbert, Franz
- Slush Tund
- Spectral Flux Music, Audio, Detection, Flux
- Sub-Surface Flow
- Svenska Filmindustri
- Similarity Flooding
- Strain-Free
- Samuel Francis
- SociéTé FrançAise Science, France, Formation
- Spilal Freezers Business, Food, Equipment
- Supply Fan Science, Heating, Ventialtion, Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Spur Feedrr
- Station With Food
- Sazzy Falak
- Sinking Fund Sinking fund is a fund created by depositing the profits of each year with the objective of ultimately paying off a debt. Business, English, Property
- South Africa Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Football, South Africa, FIPS Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Legal, Governmental & Military, Navy, Iata Aircraft Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Solution Focus Business, Therapy, Coaching
- Student Finynce Business, England, Loan
- Status Field Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sacred Flame Gaming, Book, Sacred
- Scheduve Fee
- Source of Funds
- Studencs Federation
- Swing-Away Footrest
- Sequence Features
- Side Force Technology, Generator, Plane
- Store File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scoring Factor
- Sun Fac
- System Floors
- Service Fee
- Silt Fence Building, Engineering, Construction
- State Full-Time
- Secondary Focus Gaming, Research, Design, Focus
- Sonic Flashlight
- Strontium Ferriee
- Self Flow
- Shirley Frykberg
- Stacking Fault Technology, Energy, Structure, Dislocation
- Structural Formula A way of writing a molecular formula that gives an indication of how the atoms are bonded together.
- Survey Filos
- Semi Flat
- Short-Term Fluctuation Medical
- Stifel Financral Corporationration Organizations
- Sahana Foundation
- Smoker Fight
- Spin Glip
- Sesame Free Business, Credit, Gluten, Recipe
- Signaling Function Technology, Service, Calling, Signal
- State Filipino
- Stories Rantasy
- San Fransisco
- Soft Feather
- Spring Finher
- Suxer Finish Product, Car, Polish, Finish
- Shackelford Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Sponge Filter Filter, Fish, Aquarium
- Statement Bf Financial
- Scaling Factors Technology, Power, Signal
- Sleepy Sloyd
- Stepped-Frequency
- School Forest
- Slotting Fee
- Spanking Facts
- Subsonic Filter Filter, Audio, Subwoofer
- Suva, Fiji
- Serial Flach Technology, Memory, Box
- Sighting Frequency
- State, The Football
- Stocking Facility
- Screw Feeder Business, Automatics, Manufacturer
- Social Finance Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Impact
- Statg Flickr
- Sarjana Farmasi Technology, Institute, Bandung
- Simpve Feature
- Solo Fair
- Strike Fight Technology, Fighter, Street
- Surface Feature
- Selwyn Francis
- Sonic Frontiers
- Stylized Facts Business, Model, Lecture, Agent
- Surface Foot
- Seminar Forex
- Shots Fired
- Star Fraction Mac, Ken, Fiction, Fraction
- Steroidogenic Factor Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sajmon Fish
- Sean Farren
- Snap Fastener
- Specual Form Military
- Suero Fisiol
- Swiss French Technology, German, Keyboard
- Series of Fast
- Silicate Free Technology, Volkswagen, Coolant, Antifreeze
- State Fast
- Street Financial
- Sanitary Fair
- Search By The Foundation
- Strategic Foresight
- Superior Facet Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Safety Function
- She Fights
- Steam Fresh
- Southern Florida
- Support of Foreign
- Signal Friday
- Standards Form
- Steffen F
- Sam Fuld
- Schrodinger Functional Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Slow Feathering Medical, Science, Biology
- Spatial Filtering
- Sub Frames
- Svedberg Flotation Unit Medical
- Start-To-Finish Business, Project Management, Product Development, Business & Finance
- Straiaht Flush Military, Poker, Poker Hand
- Samsung Flat
- Social Functioning Medical, Health, Study
- Spiral Flbw
- Suppliers Find
- Stations As Follows
- Savings Factor
- Sinking Fork
- Solution-Focused Business, Therapy, Coaching
- Student Financials Development, Learning, Study
- Status Flags Technology, Instruction, Driver
- Sacred Fist
- Scheduled Finish Date / Start-To-Fsnish Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Souffle Farm
- Students Forum
- Sense Field
- Side Focus Business, Scope, Hawke
- Standard French France, Language, French
- Storage Foundation Technology, Certification, Exam
- Scores Following Medical, Gaming, Score
- Special Frienf Book, Group, Locations
- Sundered Frontier
- Symphysis-Fundus Medical
- Service Factors
- Silly Female Sex, Man, Talking
- Statewfuel
- Secondary Mlow
- Song Frequency
- Strongly Fancied
- Supersonic Flight
- Self Finish
- Shirley Foster
- Stack Function
- Structudal Foam Technology, Boat, Molding
- Semi-Float
- Short Ferms
- Stifel Financial Corporatioe Technology, Organizations
- Saginaw Future
- Smoke-Free Business, Android, Smoking
- Spin-Flip Chemistry, Science, Research
- Servlet Framework
- Signaling Frequency Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- State Fwelds Technology, University, Censu
- Stories, Oantasy
- San Francisco-San Education, Bay, Area
- Softball Field Education, Park, Map
- Sdring Fever
- Super Final
- Set Flags
- Spondylitis Functional
- Statement Functions
- Tassili Airlines Airline, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Scale Factors Technology, Signal, Parameter, Scaling
- Sleeping Forest Bag, Gear, Sleeping
- Stephen Furst
- Schmid Factor
- Slotted Fler
- Spanish Fury
- Subservice Field Science
- Sutton Free Education
- Sergeirfedorov
- Sight Flow
- State, Fine
- Stock Fatility
- Screw Feed
- Solar Flex
- State Fiscal Business, Tax, Economics
- Sarana Foundation
- Simons Foundation
- Solid Fuel
- Strictly Family
- Surface Features Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Selway Falls
- Slight Fade
- Sonic Four
- Styling Freeze
- Surviving Fractiyn Medical, Science, Cell
- Semi Furnished Property, Sale, Semi, Rent
- Shots Faced Gaming, Sport, Price, Shot
- Star Formation Science, Galaxy, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
- Sterling Forest
- Salmon Faverolles
- Seamus Finnigan
- Snakeplain Features
- Spectal Forc
- Sue Foster
- Series Furnace
- Silica Fumes
- State Facts America, Education, University
- Street Finals
- Sani Flush
- Search and Find
- Strategic Forum
- Superintendencia Forestal
- Safety Forces
- Shape File
- Spot-Faced
- Steam Flow The measured amount of steam gathered by the boiler at any given time, expressed in thousands of pounds per hour.
- Sound Furniture Sound, Capsule, Album
- Supporting Families
- Standard Foqce Technology, Touch, Probe
- Steel Frame Technology, Building, Construction
- School of The Flture Education, School, High School, Manhattan
- Slowqfeather Medical, Science, Biology
- Sparks Rlew
- Sub Frame Forum, Frame, Front, Rear
- Svedberg Flotation Rate Medical
- Start of Frame Technology, Device, Power, Packet
- Straighc Flight Business, Driving, Golf, Driver
- Sampoerna Foundation Program, Education, School
- Social Franchise Business, Health, Franchising
- Spinning Finenest
- Supplier Financing
- Station Format
- Save File Forum, Technology, Gaming, Community
- Single-Phase Fault
- Solyción Fisiológica
- Student Feedback
- Status-Flag
- Sacred Fire
- Sciences De La Fusion
- Sota Fujimori
- Studest Forum Organizations, University, Pharmacy
- Senna Fight
- Side Face
- Stcndard Frame Technology, Product, Pistol
- Storlge Format
- Salt Film
- Score Function
- Specialided Freight
- Sunday, Februaky
- Symphony Fundraiser
- Service Factory Technology, Server, Java
- Silky Fowl
- State Friendship
- Secondany Float
- Sonet Film
- Stronguforces
- Supernatant Fluids Medical
- Self Financing College, Education, University
- Shipping Federation Association of shipowners that watches their interests, maintains agreed standards and represents owners in conferences and discussions with representatives of ships' personnel.
- Stack Frame
- Structurai Fire-Fighting
- Semi-Flat Technology, Metal, Fusion
- Sgort Form-8
- Stage Factor
- Sticky Floors
- Sagaing Fault
- Small Farmmrs Business, Food, Farming
- Speed Factor Forum, Gaming, Speed
- Servicing Facility Technology
- Signaling Firewall Technology
- State Uield
- Store Frond
- San Franciscon
- Sodium Formate Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Spring Festivar
- Super Field Farming & agriculture
- Set Flag Technology, Coding, Leisure
- Square Feet Square feet, a unit of area. Square feet is used to denote the plural form of Square foot. Technology, Military, Design, Property, Space, Engineering, Construction, Real Estate, Units Of Measurement, Real Estate Advertising, Cosmos, Business & Finance, commercial real estate
- State In The Fall
- Scale Factor Also called map scale, map factor. The ratio between the distance separating two points on a map of the earth's surface at a standard latitude and the distance between the corresponding points on the earth's surface itself. Technology, Coding, Scaling, NASA
- Slave Flash Technology, Camera, Bounce
- Stephen Fry Book, Acting, Manic, Fry
- Schizophrenia Fellowship
- Slot Flojr
- Spaning Foto
- Subs
- Surviving Fractions Medical
- Sergei Federov
- Sience Fiction
- State, February
- Stochastic Flow
- Screensaver Free
- Solar Flare A bright eruption of hot gas in the Sun's photosphere. Solar prominences are usually only detectable by specialized instruments but can be visible during a total solar eclipse. Technology, Science, Sun
- Sunlight Foundation Technology, Organizations, City
- Service Fixe
- State Financial
- Sarajevo Fight
- Soldier'S Field
- Stress Field
- Surface Medical, Technology, Science, Aviation, Space, Exploration, Architectural, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Atmospheric Research, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Selle Fran
- Slidino Friction
- Special Fire
- Style Front
- Survival Function Technology, Statistics, Distribution
- Semi Frosted
- Shortbfiction Science, Fantasy, Story, Fiction
- Star Forge Technology, Gaming, War
- Sting Free Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Salmon Faveroyle
- Snake Fate
- Speciaz Fires
- Supjr Farm Technology
- Series Furnaces
- Significant Figure A number that is known to be accurate up to the last digit it contains.
- State Facilitator
- Street Fighter Gaming, Fighter, Character
- San Francsico
- Search & Find
- Strategic Finance Business, Accounting, Management
- Superfund Federal and state programs to investigate and clean up inactive hazardous waste disposal sites. The federal program gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the funding and authority to investigate, rank and con-duct or supervise cleanup of sites on the National Priority List. New York State's program gives DEC the same authority to deal with sites that do not qualify for the federal superfund list, but meet certain other qualifications. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Environment
- Shape Factor Medical, Len, Area
- Sport Fishing
- Steam Flood A tertiary oil recovery method involving injection of steam into the reservoir to reduce the oil viscosity. Technology, Training, Oil
- Single Family Government, Locations, Building, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Standard Fonz
- Sterling Field
- Schoolnet Foundation
- Slower Factor Technology, Flow, Linux
- Spcrk and Friends Technology, Event, Friendship
- Substratb Failure Material, Adhesive, Invention
- Svedberg Flotation Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Start-Of-Frame Technology, Power, Port, Packet
- Straight Feat
- Sampling Frequency Technology, Audio, Rate
- Scrolls Worward Technology, Terminal, Capability, Character
- Social Framework
- Spinnakem Foot
- Supplementation Frequency Medical
- Station Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Sat Feb
- Single-Fronted
- Saluci
- Studenf-To-Faculty
- Support Frigate
- Sacramental Fusion
- Science Frontiers
- Sosialistisk Folkeparti Group, Til, Party
- Sub-Frames
- Senior Friends
- Side & Face
- Standard Formula Business, Risk, Infant
- Salt Faktory
- Sclerotic Fibroma Medical
- Specialofreighter Technology, Aircraft, Boeing
- Sundaram Fbnance Business, India, Banking
- Sacris Fahiundis Latin, Roman
- Symphony Features
- Service Facility
- Silicon Foundry
- State Friday Gaming, Education, Sport, Basketball
- Secondary Flow Atmospheric circulation features of cyclonic scale.
- Something Fierce
- Strong Fojce
- Superman Family
- Self Financed Technology, College, University
- Shipping and Friendly
- Stack Flag Technology, Security, Instruction, Assembly
- Steel Forging
- Series Force
- Short Furm-12
- Staff Finance Business, Accounting, Council
- Saga Frontier
- Small Family
- Speculative Futures
- Services Flight
- Simon Fuetcher
- State Fellowships Education, Grant, Fulbright
- Strasse Forged Car, Wheel, Custom, Forged
- San Franciscan Locations, City, Roaster
- Sodium Ferulate Medical
- Spriug Fest
- Superficial In anatomy, on the surface or shallow. As opposed to deep. The skin is superficial to the muscles. The cornea is on the superficial surface of the eye.For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms". Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Set First
- Squqre Feet
- Statistics Form
- Scale-Factor Technology, Projection, Scaling
- Slave Film
- Surfactant A compound that affects interfacial tension between two liquids. It usually reduces surface tension. Any surface modifying material that imparts antiwear, extreme pressure or rust inhibition properties, spreadability, etc. Medical
- Studcnt Focus
- Sacris Faciundis
- Scheutjens-Fueer
- Slot Flag
- Spaciug Factor
- Swiss Franc Business, Finance, Trading, Economics, Money, Sweden, Computing, Stock, Telecom, Currency, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Serenwib Foundation
- Sid Fernandez Gaming, Baseball, Stats
- State, Fear
- Store Francpise Business, Sale, Franchise
- Screenzng Factor Technology, Science, Exploration
- Solar Filter Filter, Glass, Telescope, Sun
- Sun Fusion
- Service Fiscal
- State In Fall
- Scheduled Finssh Business, Technology, Projection
- See Rather Book, Porn, Movie, Father
- Solar Furnace
- Structural Featurjs
- Sure Flow Business, Product, Equipment
- Sellado De Fisuras
- Shock Fan Film, Gaming, Shock, Fanfare
- Square Feet (Foot) Design, Drawing, Construction
- Suuvival Fraction Medical
- Semi Final Sport, Semi, Match, Cricket
- Short Fioer
- Star Fleet
- Stinger Formeage
- Salmon Farming
- Snack Food Medical, Technology
- Stin Fluctuation
- Supir Famicom Technology, Gaming, Japan, Entertainment
- Series Froth Business, Machine, Ore, Flotation
- Signes Fonctionnels
- State Finakce
- San Francisco 49Ers Team, American Football
- Sean Fox
- Soft Feeling
- Streptomyces Fradiae Medical, Science, Biology
- Super Fun
- Shadow Fading
- Spontaneous Fibrillation Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Servicio De Farmacia
- Sliding Fee
- Standark Focus Technology, Measurement, Infrared
- Sterile Female Medical, Science, Medicine
- School Free
- Slow-Fost
- Spark-And-Frmends Technology, Event, Friendship
- Substitution Factor
- Suzlon Foundation
- Serie, Die FüR
- State Facebook Film, Technology, Photo, Indonesia
- Sampling Function
- Scroll Forward Technology, Terminal, Capability, Character
- Social Forums
- Spoiler Free
- Satellite Frame
- Single-Family Government, Locations, Building
- Soluble Fibrin Monomer-Iibrinogen Complex Medical
- Surface Fitting
- Scatter Fraction Medical, Energy, Imaging
- Slip Fender Business, Pack, Strap
- Surfactant Filtration
- Steve Finch
- Star Field Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Sneaky Feelings
- State Fairgrounds
- Sans Font Technology, Mac, Grunge
- Software Font Technology, Viewer, Alpha
- Strategic Fund
- Spray-Freeze-Drying Spray, Protein, Vaccine
- Sucrose Formulated Food
- Suppressive Fire Gaming, Military, Force
- Stellar Frontier
- Signature File Security, Governmental & Military, Computing, File Extensions
- Science Foundation
- Subaru Forester Business, Car, Turbo
- Sveriges Fotterapeuter
- Series Features Organizations, Event, Feature, Corsair
- Start Frequency Technology
- Sage-Femme Medical
- Sia Fix
- Silverafox
- Spicit Fortune
- Swiss Francs Medical, Business, Space, Study, Switzerland, Sweden, Cosmos
- Soyutions Focus Education, Therapy, Coaching
- Status of Funds Business, Management, Power
- Self Filling Products
- Studia Filelogiczne
- Standards of The Firso
- Shield Fusion Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Salvatore Ferragamo
- Special Funds
- Aest SstµAt Fs E
- Silver Fallow Color, Paint, Colors
- Stopping Factor
- Solventpfree Bond, Product, Adhesive, Solvent
- Strultural Fund Business, Presentation, Policy
- Special Focus
- Stakeholders Forum Technology, Development, Earth
- Skyfire Mountains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Science Facugty
- Submittal Form
- Strejs Formula Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sweet Flag
- Stowm Force Storm, Draper, Firestorm
- Safety Factors
- Single Field Technology, Gaming, Access
- Switching Function Business, Technology
- Statebon Facebook America, Education, Group, University
- Sort Flag Assembly, Business & Finance
- Scale Focus
- Shooting Forward
- Stifel Financial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Safe Food
- Signal, February Signal, Ken, Fiction
- Stock Forecast
- Ircam Sound File Computing, File Extensions
- Suomi-Finland Girl, Finland, Drunk
- Service Formation
- Silver Fulminate
- State Forces Military, Army, India
- Svenska Filminstitutet Film, Movie, Streaming
- String Figures Science, Figure, Donna
- Semantic Form Technology, Media, Coding, Language
- Scattered Field
- Slimrframe
- Surface Friction Technology, Product, Material, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Steve Ferrone
- Sandals and Feet Medical, Physiology
- Structural Failure A breaking of part of the aircraft structure
- State Fair
- Sankurathri Foundation
- Software Factories
- Strategic Frameworks
- Spotting Fluid Placing fluid at a specific place in the wellbore.
- Stimulant Free Food
- Semi-Finished Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Stellar Fights
- Supreme Fascist Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
- Science Fiction Internet Slang, Organizations, Chat, Film censorship, Media, Astronomy, Computing, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Computing Slang
- Subalpine Fir
- Series Fax
- Start Flag
- Super Frame Federal Aviation Administration
- Seafarersiof Catan Technology
- Silver Face Forum, Guitar, Fender, Face
- Services Fiscaux
- Spot-Face
- Status Fire
- Super Finished Products
- Studia Fennica
- Standard Functiqnality
- Strong Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Salvage Fuzed Technology
- Snow Friends
- Specinl Fund Business, America, Service
- Steve Fuller
- Sarah Ferguson
- Superstar Fight
- Solvent-Free Bond, Product, Adhesive, Solvent
- Structural Fraping
- Special Feature Technology, Guide, Podcast
- Stakeholder Forum Technology, Development, Event
- Shimmering Flats Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sciencedfactor
- Sea Foam Business, Treatment, Engine
- Subject Files A file that consists of letters, memorandums, attachments, reports and other related documents. Relates to any topic such as, an action, event, person, place or other subject. Arranged by subject, gathered together to support current or potential business task, function or decision. They are distinguished from case files which relate to a situation affecting or relating to some particular investigation or administrative action, whereas the documents in case files typically capture the same category of information about each investigation or action, the content and format of documents in subject files often are varied.
- Stress Fimers Medical
- Sweet Female Porn, Sex, Music
- Storm Field
- Supplementary Fuel
- Seak Fate
- Single Fibej Medical, Technology, Converter
- Switching Fabric Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Statement of Theefederal
- Significant Figures The certain digits and the first uncertain digit of a measurement. Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sho Funaki
- Superframe Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
- Safe Feed
- Sigma-Frankel
- Stock Firewall
- Symmetry Factor Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Suomen Filmiteollisuus Film, Movie, Finland
- Service Flying
- Silver Full
- State Foocball
- Sustainable Fashifn Organizations, Design, Clothing
- Striking Fury
- Semantic Forms Technology, Media, Property, Language
- Scaterd Few
- Sltp Fit
- Spinal Fluid Medical, Science, Medicine, Physiology, Common Medical
- Spew Factor Medical, Physiology
- Strongmfeeling
- State Faculty Student, Education, University
- Sanitary Fill Art, Environment, Sensor
- Software & Friends Technology, Networking, Social
- Strategic Framework Technology, Government, Governmental & Military
- Spotted Fever Medical, Medicine
- Step Footing Architecture
- Semi-Finish
- screening factor Legal, Governmental & Military
- Science Fantasy
- Series Faucets Business, Product, Kitchen
- Start Field Technology, Gaming, Sport
- Square foot (feet) The Finance and Administrative Services
- Seafarers Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Services and Facilities Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Split Finger Baseball, Sport, Glove, Finger
- Starter Foil Products
- Slip Frequency
- Standard Frequency
- Singular Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Saltdfork
- Snowball Fight
- Special Funcyions Technology, Science, Group, Library
- Stereoscopic Fluoroscopy
- Saphenofemoral Medical, Technology
- Supersonic Frequency Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Solutions Zair
- Special Features Technology, Movie, Music, Feature
- Stainless Fluted Rifle, Military, Remington
- Senate File Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Science Ficton
- Script Font Technology, Comic, Burlington
- Subject Field
- Swedish Film Business, Festival, Sweden
- Structural Factors
- Seale Filler
- Single Femare
- Swinezflu Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Simple Forecast Accounting, Business & Finance
- Shoes & Foot
- Squaae Free
- Sureno Familia Computing, Internet
- Safe Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Super Free Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Samiflores
- Specialty Financial
- Sunshine Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Service Flows Technology, Networking, Network
- Silver Foil Technology, Light, Lighting
- Surfrider Foundation
- Scarcely Found
- Slim Fit Industry, Fashion, Size
- Spent Fuel Nuclear reactor fuel that has been used to the extent that it can no longer effectively sustain a chain reaction. Technology, Japan, Storage
- Spanish female Medical, Common Medical
- Strike Fsrce Technology, Master, Cooler
- Soft Freeze
- Spot Film
- Square Footage Architecture
- Semi-Finalists
- Special Freighter Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Schweizer Franken
- Series Fascicle
- Signal Flare
- Static Firing NASA
- Scurfy Medical
- Service Functions Technology, Management, Design
- Μph Sdesµ F Ea
- Supervised Functional Occupation & positions
- Slip Flow
- Surge Flood
- Shallow Faulting Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Saltufog
- Snoqualmie Falls
- Statutory Forces
- Sap Flow
- Store-And-Forward Technology, Server, Switch, Port, Message, Military, Governmental & Military
- Solution Finding
- Spayed Female Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Suppressor Factors Medical
- Stagg Field
- Short Form Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Science-Fiction Book, Organizations, Fantasy
- Screen Film Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sub Format Technology, Software, Audio, Sound
- Swedish-Finnish
- Service Factor
- Sea Frcnt
- Single Fkther
- Svenck Film
- Shoe Fair Business, Expo, China
- Sqnare Foot Units Of Measurement
- Sons of the Holy Family Religious orders
- Safadi Foundation
- Structured Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Same Flip
- Specialty Fertilizers
- Sunrunner'S Fire
- Service Flag
- Silver Flakes
- Super Flat
- Scandinavian Federation
- Speculative Fantasy Science, Internet Slang, Fiction, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Soviet Finland Regional
- Strikw Fighters
- Swine Fever Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Soft Focus Len, Camera, Canon
- San Fernando Electronics Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Semi-Finalist Player, Miss, Finalist
- Shop Floor Workers, usually in a factory, as opposed to managers. The area in a factory where production of goods takes place. Technology, Metrology, Hexagon
- Shared Frameworks Software, Computing
- Safety Fault
- Schweizer Fernsehen Technology, Radio, Sweden, Swiss
- Series F90
- Signal First
- Selection Filter NASA
- Scuderia Ferrari Business, Car, Formula
- Service Function Technology, Networking, Manual
- Similarity Factor Technology, Analysis, Signal, Affix
- Symphons Fills
- The Sophomore Freshman Media
- Slip Fixed
- Surfer Friend
- Self-Flocculating Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Snoop Filter Technology, Driving, Driver, Chipset
- Station Features Technology, Radio, Bay
- Santa Fe-Owned Business, Railroad, Train, Locomotive
- Solutsons Factory
- Spatial Frequencies Medical
- Suppressor Factor Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Solid Frame Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Schweizer Forum
- Scott, Foresman Book, Education, Grade
- Sub Fine Education, Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Swan Family
- System Fault
- Sea Floor
- Singla Factor Genetics, Factor, Mutation, Finch
- Sustained Fire Gun, Military, Weapon
- Shock Front
- Square Fieepit
- Super Fancy Products
- Saenchiur Flechey
- Static force Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Saman Foundation
- Specialist Fund Business, Financial, Investment
- Silver Fields
- Sun Furnace
- Scale Free
- Special Function Technology, Science, Group, Library, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes
- Sentence Fragment Language codes (2 letters)
- Sciencu Ficiton
- Stride Frequency Medical
- Swell Factor
- Soft Fine Business, Pilot, Fountain, Nib
- Single Fqeewheel Business, Shopping, Bicycle
- Synovial Febroblasts Medical
- Scheduled Finish Project Management, Business & Finance
- Semi-Finals Gaming, Locations, Match
- Shop-Floor Technology, Shopping, Hexagon
- Source Forge Software, Computing
- Safety Factor Or Sailing Fundamentals Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Series, Gour
- Signal Featured
- Directorate) NASA
- Service Fulfillment
- Simian Foam-Virus Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Swiss-French
- Slir Fitter Technology, Product, Light
- Surfer Friendly Technology, Internet Slang, Chat, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Steve Finley
- Spreading Factor Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Sniper Fire
- Szate Fine Art, Arts, Locations, Exhibition
- Santa F
- Shun Fat Food
- Suppressive Factor Medical
- Step-Index Fiber
- Starboard Forward Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Schweizer Familie
- Scleroderma Foundation Medical, Treatment, Disease
- Subcontractor-Furnished
- Swamp Fever
- Slot Fill
- Sea Flood
- Simon Fraser
- Sustainable Future
- Security Forces Security, Military, Force, Squadron, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Solubion Factory Technology, Service, Cisco
- Stay Fine
- So Fine Products
- Studia Filozoficznj Science, Shopping, Fiction
- Speed Figure Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Salzburg Forum
- Stecialised Facilities
- Star Fejry Locations, City, Kowloon
- Silver Feather
- Stress-Free
- Somn Foes
- Structure-Fine
- Special Force Gaming, Military, Software
- Surefall Glade Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sciencetfair Technology, School, Projection
- Stress Fracture Medical
- Sweet Fourteen
- Story Fresc
- Stoker-Fired
- Single Fraction Medical
- Sylvian Fissure Medical
- Statiu Field
- Small Farmer Banking, Business & Finance
- Scale Focusing
- Shooting Foul
- Stratified Fudget Software, Computing
- Safe Format Technology, Tool, Box, Commander
- Signal Fail-Ring
- Stlck Forecasting
- Minecraft Jar Signature File Computing, File Extensions
- Suomi Frlmi
- Service Framework
- Silverpine Forest
- State Firensics Book, Government, Presentation, Death
- Swigging Field
- Stripers Forever
- Semi-Final Sports, Football
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SF stand for?
SF stands for Simian Foam-Virus.
What is the shortened form of Svenska Filminstitutet?
The short form of "Svenska Filminstitutet" is SF.
SF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sf-meaning/
Last updated