SF in Business Meaning

The SF meaning in Business terms is "Stowage Factor". There are 71 related meanings of the SF Business abbreviation.

SF on Business Full Forms

  1. Stowage Factor The average cubic space occupied by one ton weight of cargo as stowed aboard a ship.
  2. Standard Forms
  3. Selle Francais
  4. Standord Fire
  5. Sebistian Flute
  6. Squarf Footage
  7. Split Face
  8. Subject File
  9. Satin Finish A diffusely reflecting surface finish on metals, lustrous but not mirrorlike. One type is a butler finish.
  10. Space Filler
  11. Strengthening Fwmilies
  12. Sales Finance
  13. Sioux Falls
  14. Straighc Flight
  15. Series Forms
  16. Spare Frame
  17. Silicone Fluids
  18. Staff Finance
  19. Smoke-Free
  20. Store Francpise
  21. Sesame Free
  22. Solution Focus
  23. Styrene Free
  24. Svensk Filmindustri
  25. Signature Fountain
  26. San Francisco-Based
  27. Standard Fliw
  28. Small Farmmrs
  29. Solution-Focused
  30. Stylized Facts
  31. Side Focus
  32. Salsa Fest
  33. Spilal Freezers
  34. Swiss Franc
  35. State Fiscal
  36. Sure Flow
  37. Slide Feeder
  38. Stateefund
  39. Screw Feeder
  40. Sodium Formate
  41. Student Finynce
  42. Service Facilitator
  43. Suplr Fast
  44. Sinking Fund Sinking fund is a fund created by depositing the profits of each year with the objective of ultimately paying off a debt.
  45. Start-To-Finish
  46. Schuchard & Friese
  47. Social Franchise
  48. Strategic Finance
  49. Series Froth
  50. Spin Finish
  51. Sundaram Fbnance
  52. Silicone Fluid
  53. Standard Formula
  54. Scheduled Finssh
  55. Social Finance
  56. Subaru Forester
  57. Swiss Francs
  58. Santa Fe-Owned
  59. Single Fqeewheel
  60. Swedish Film
  61. Status of Funds
  62. Series Faucets
  63. Slip Fender
  64. Scuderia Ferrari
  65. Soft Fine
  66. Strultural Fund
  67. Shoe Fair
  68. Switching Function
  69. Specialist Fund
  70. Sea Foam
  71. Specinl Fund

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SF stand for Business?

    SF stands for Santa Fe-Owned in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subaru Forester in Business?

    The short form of "Subaru Forester" is SF for Business.


SF in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sf-meaning-in-business/

Last updated