SF in Science Meaning

The SF meaning in Science terms is "Scatter Factor". There are 36 related meanings of the SF Science abbreviation.

SF on Science Full Forms

  1. Scatter Factor
  2. Safety Factor The ratio of burst pressure to rated pressure under specific static pressure and temperature conditions. Providing strength beyond that needed, as an extra margin of insurance against part failure. The time added to a shipping estimate to account for unforeseen circumstances. For example, one day might be added to a delivery date to account for the possibility of encountering bad weather.
  3. South Fork
  4. Silk Fibroin
  5. Significant Finding
  6. Significant Frgures
  7. Spin-Flip
  8. Steroidogenic Factor-1
  9. Slam Family
  10. Surface
  11. Speculative Fiction
  12. Sterile Female
  13. Showed A Survival Fraction
  14. Supply Fan
  15. SociéTé FrançAise
  16. Steel Factor
  17. Shortbfiction
  18. Subservice Field
  19. Social Forces
  20. Star Formation
  21. Series Five
  22. Solar Flare A bright eruption of hot gas in the Sun's photosphere. Solar prominences are usually only detectable by specialized instruments but can be visible during a total solar eclipse.
  23. Spodoptera Frugiperda
  24. Screenzng Factor
  25. Slow Feathering
  26. Surviving Fractiyn
  27. Sciences Fondamentales
  28. Streptomyces Fradiae
  29. Slowqfeather
  30. Surface Features
  31. Spinal Fluid
  32. Speculative Fantasy
  33. Special Function
  34. Studia Filozoficznj
  35. String Figures
  36. Special Funcyions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SF stand for Science?

    SF stands for Significant Frgures in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Streptomyces Fradiae in Science?

    The short form of "Streptomyces Fradiae" is SF for Science.


SF in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sf-meaning-in-science/

Last updated