SF in Technology Meaning

The SF meaning in Technology terms is "Single Frequency". There are 162 related meanings of the SF Technology abbreviation.

SF on Technology Full Forms

  1. Single Frequency
  2. Service Flow
  3. Status Flag
  4. Shgn Flag
  5. Scarlet Fever
  6. Space-Frequency
  7. Service Field
  8. Square Foot
  9. Sihnature File
  10. Surfer-Friendly
  11. Scaling Factor
  12. Smooth Face
  13. Service Features
  14. Spdt Face
  15. Store and Forward
  16. Single-Frequency
  17. Surfacerforming
  18. Scale-Free
  19. Sliding Filter
  20. Service Featuze
  21. Signal Frequency
  22. Subcontractor Furnished
  23. Satellite Finder
  24. Single Fronted
  25. Segzure Frequency
  26. Signal Failuro
  27. Safety Factor The ratio of burst pressure to rated pressure under specific static pressure and temperature conditions. Providing strength beyond that needed, as an extra margin of insurance against part failure. The time added to a shipping estimate to account for unforeseen circumstances. For example, one day might be added to a delivery date to account for the possibility of encountering bad weather.
  28. Sqgnal Fail
  29. Stress Factor
  30. Strip Footing
  31. Spectrum Flux
  32. Scheduled Finssh
  33. Snack Food
  34. Stack Flag
  35. Scale Factor Also called map scale, map factor. The ratio between the distance separating two points on a map of the earth's surface at a standard latitude and the distance between the corresponding points on the earth's surface itself.
  36. Sunlight Foundation
  37. Side Force
  38. Status Field
  39. Servicing Facility
  40. Star Forge
  41. Scientific Federation
  42. Spcrk and Friends
  43. Strength Factor
  44. Start of Frame
  45. Self Financed
  46. Smoothing Factor
  47. Square Feet Square feet, a unit of area. Square feet is used to denote the plural form of Square foot.
  48. Scale-Factor
  49. Supjr Farm
  50. Signaling False
  51. Social Forestry
  52. Status Flags
  53. Serial Flach
  54. Scientific Fellows
  55. Spark-And-Frmends
  56. Store Forward
  57. Start-Of-Frame
  58. Search Form
  59. System Frontier
  60. Slower Factor
  61. Save File
  62. Supir Famicom
  63. Solar Flare A bright eruption of hot gas in the Sun's photosphere. Solar prominences are usually only detectable by specialized instruments but can be visible during a total solar eclipse.
  64. Steel Fiber
  65. Sequentibl File
  66. Survival Function
  67. Silicate Free
  68. Sampling Frequency
  69. Store File
  70. State Facebook
  71. Switch Fabric
  72. Specialofreighter
  73. Satellite Feature
  74. Solar Field
  75. Steam Flood A tertiary oil recovery method involving injection of steam into the reservoir to reduce the oil viscosity.
  76. Semi-Flat
  77. Standard Foqce
  78. Scheduling Vunction
  79. Surface
  80. Signaling Function
  81. Solar Fraction
  82. Storage Foundation
  83. Service Factory
  84. Stcndard Frame
  85. Scrolls Worward
  86. Switched Fabrics
  87. Slave Flash
  88. Special Rrame
  89. Satelitski Forum
  90. Structudal Foam
  91. Set Flag
  92. State Fwelds
  93. Standark Focus
  94. Scaling Factors
  95. Signaling Frequency
  96. Solar Flux
  97. Stifel Financial Corporatioe
  98. Service Fabric
  99. Start Finish
  100. Scroll Forward
  101. Swiss French
  102. Simple Flux
  103. Speculative Fiction
  104. Sarjana Farmasi
  105. Strike Fight
  106. Session Function
  107. Snappy Fax
  108. Stacking Fault
  109. Scale Factors
  110. Super Flower
  111. Signaling Firewall
  112. Steel Frame
  113. Series Front
  114. Start-Finish
  115. Screenzng Factor
  116. Simple Features
  117. Strategic Framework
  118. Services and Facilities
  119. Start Field
  120. Semantic Forms
  121. Software & Friends
  122. Switching Fabric
  123. Surfer Friendly
  124. Similarity Factor
  125. Saphenofemoral
  126. Service Functions
  127. Station Features
  128. Store-And-Forward
  129. Stakeholders Forum
  130. Surface Friction
  131. Silver Foil
  132. Sans Font
  133. Service Function
  134. Special Funcyions
  135. Shop Floor Workers, usually in a factory, as opposed to managers. The area in a factory where production of goods takes place.
  136. Stakeholder Forum
  137. Sciencetfair
  138. Solubion Factory
  139. Service Flows
  140. Spent Fuel Nuclear reactor fuel that has been used to the extent that it can no longer effectively sustain a chain reaction.
  141. Seafarersiof Catan
  142. Slir Fitter
  143. Sub Format
  144. Shop-Floor
  145. Salvage Fuzed
  146. Special Function
  147. Snoop Filter
  148. Strike Fsrce
  149. Semi-Finished
  150. Single Field
  151. Supersonic Frequency
  152. Script Font
  153. Safe Format
  154. Special Feature
  155. Start Frequency
  156. Semantic Form
  157. Single Fibej
  158. Schweizer Fernsehen
  159. Software Font
  160. Switching Function
  161. Special Features
  162. Swine Fever

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SF stand for Technology?

    SF stands for Solar Field in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scale-Free in Technology?

    The short form of "Scale-Free" is SF for Technology.


SF in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sf-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated