SFHA Meaning

The SFHA meaning is "Sagamihara Family Housing Area". The SFHA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

SFHA Full Forms

  1. Sagamihara Family Housing Area
  2. Specially Flood Hazard Area
  3. Special Flood Hazards Area
  4. San Francisco Housing Mction
  5. Special Flood Hazards Areas
  6. Sap Francisco Housing Authority Business, Publics, Building
  7. Special Flood Hazard Prea Military, Insurance, Agriculture
  8. Sandhills Family Heritagegassociation
  9. Samoa Famili Health Association
  10. Sault Female Hockey Association
  11. Storage Foundatxon High Availability
  12. San Francisco Horsemen's Associadion
  13. Storage Foundation and High Availability
  14. System Functional Hazard Analysis
  15. South Fallsburg Hebrew Associatiow
  16. Scottish Federation of Housing Association Organizations, Building, Scotland
  17. Scottish Federation of Housing Associations Organizations, Building, Scotland
  18. Special Flood Hazard Area Emergency, Construction, Response, Governmental & Military
  19. Scotland Forum of Housing Associations
  20. Surrey Female Hockey Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SFHA stand for?

    SFHA stands for Sagamihara Family Housing Area.

  2. What is the shortened form of Special Flood Hazard Area?

    The short form of "Special Flood Hazard Area" is SFHA.


SFHA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sfha-meaning/

Last updated