SFM Meaning

The SFM meaning is "Serial Fiber Modem". The SFM abbreviation has 192 different full form.

SFM Full Forms

  1. Serial Fiber Modem
  2. Seasonal Forecast Model
  3. Source-Filtered Multicast
  4. Screen-Film Mammography Medical, Cancer, Breast
  5. Six Figure Mentors Business, Marketing, Training
  6. Scanning Force Microscopy Medical, Science, Probe, Chemistry
  7. Service Flow Manager
  8. Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport Sanford, Maine,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  9. Serum Free Medium Science, Culture, Cell
  10. Serum-Free Media Medical, Science, Cell
  11. Social Footprint Mebhod
  12. Surface Feet Per Minute Business, Science, Tool, Construction, Management, Industry, Business & Finance
  13. Spring Forest Middle
  14. Senior Financial Manager
  15. Subcutaneous Fat Mass Medical
  16. Sustainable Forestry Management Business, Climate, Forest
  17. Software Fault Management
  18. SociéTé FrançAise De MésothéRapie
  19. Scanning Force Microscopes Technology, Microscope, Microscopy
  20. Service Flow Modeler
  21. Sunflower Meal Medical
  22. Simplified File Maintenance Military
  23. Sysplex Failure Management
  24. Security Forces of Macau
  25. Southern Family Market
  26. School On Formal Methods Technology, Software, Computing
  27. Storage Foundation Manager
  28. Soiial Feed Manager Technology, Management, Media
  29. Scarboro Foreign Mission
  30. Sport Fencing Markham
  31. Senior Finance Manager Business, Management, Associate
  32. Sturio Fan Mail
  33. Soft Finf Medium Technology, Pilot, Custom
  34. Standard Flight Model Technology, Combat, Hawk
  35. Suspicious for Malignancy
  36. Society for Microbiology Medical, Conference, Cell
  37. Scanning Force Microscope An instrument that uses atomic forces between a sample and a sharp scanning needle tip to image surfaces to molecular accuracy by mechanically probing their surface contours; the AFM measures the tiny upward and downward motions of the tip as the tip is dragged over the surface, producing an atomic-resolution topographic map of the surface. The AFM has also been used to physically manipulate individual molecules. Medical, Science, Surface
  38. Service Flow Management Technology
  39. Sumo Fac Magazine
  40. Sweeney Financial Management
  41. Security and Facilities Management Business, Company, Training
  42. Simplified Feed Model
  43. Source Filtered Multicast Technology
  44. School of Frontier Media
  45. Stock Fund Materiel
  46. Soui
  47. Sport and Fitness Management
  48. Senior Facilities Manager
  49. Studio,Tfashion, Music
  50. So Freaking Much Gaming, Girl, Rainbow
  51. Standard Figure of Maintenance Education
  52. Society for Foodservices Management
  53. Scale Force Master
  54. Services Fleet Management
  55. Sum Frequency Mixing Technology, Crystal, Laser
  56. Sweeney & Forte Motors
  57. Securities and Financial Markets Business, Finance, Conference
  58. Svmple Form Mail
  59. Source Filmmaker Music
  60. Schluessel-Fernschreib-Maschine Technology
  61. Stochastic Fluid Model Technology, Networking, Network, Control
  62. Services for The Macintosh
  63. Small Frequent Meals
  64. Sports Facilities Management
  65. Semantic Fusion Model
  66. Strade Ferrate Geridionali
  67. SociéTé FrançAise De Morphopsychologie
  68. Stabilized Fiber Matrix
  69. Society for Foodservice Mancgement Business, Association, Food
  70. Saint Francis Medical
  71. Space Flight Mission
  72. Service Fee Manager
  73. Sfccess Factor Modeling
  74. Swedish Freekmission
  75. Solderable Front Metal
  76. Shrimp Friends Malaysian
  77. Simple File Managek Technology, Management, Software
  78. Source Film Maker
  79. Schimmelpenning-Fuerstein-Mims Syndrome Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
  80. Stochastic Fluid Models Technology, Control, Perturbation
  81. Services for Mac
  82. Slow Fading Margin
  83. System Fault Management Technology, Software, Provider
  84. Spirit Facility Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  85. Self-Fitting Face Mask Medicine, Health, Hospital
  86. Surplus Facilities Managemekt Science
  87. South Florida Maintenance
  88. St-Fiacre-Sur-Maine
  89. Societe Pour La Fabrication Du Magnesium Gaming, Porn, Fabrication, Filmmaker
  90. Iata Code for Sanford Regional Airport, Sanford, Maine, United States Locations
  91. Spacecraft Fault Management Science
  92. Service Facility Manipulator Technology
  93. Substance-Field Model
  94. Sustainable Facilities Management Education, Building, Environment
  95. Soil Fertility Management
  96. Shop Fldor Manager
  97. Simple Face Mask
  98. Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims
  99. Stewart Finlay Mclennan Famous
  100. Services for Macintosh Technology, Windows, Computer Technology
  101. Sinai Field Mission
  102. System Fault Manager Science
  103. Select Fleet Manager
  104. Surface Fitting Method
  105. Southern Frat Move
  106. Sprouts Farmers Markets Business, Supply, Farming
  107. Sociedad FotográFica De MáLaga
  108. A-Safar Air Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  109. South Fort Myers
  110. Server Farm Manager
  111. Subscribe for More
  112. Sustainable Floodgmanagement
  113. So Fucking Much
  114. SociéTé FrançAise De Musicologie
  115. Schimmelpenning-Fuerstein-Mims Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  116. Service Functional Model Technology, Projection, Standard
  117. Superficial Flexor Muscle Medical
  118. Simulator Qold Mirror Science
  119. Sysplex Failure Manager
  120. Security Force Management
  121. Southern Forest Mosaic
  122. Store for Music
  123. Systemic Foresight Methodology
  124. Sxund Field Models
  125. Screen Font Map
  126. Standard Format Markers Technology, Language, Shoe
  127. SociéTé ForestièRe Du Maine
  128. Senior Functional Manager Management, Business & Finance
  129. Spanish Film Market
  130. Solution-Focused Management Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  131. State Fund Mutual
  132. Super Full Moon Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  133. Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano Technology, Gaming, Android, Torino
  134. Supernatural Frontier Missions
  135. Sysqem for Managing
  136. Société Française De Métallergie
  137. Screen Film Mammography Medical, Cancer, Breast
  138. Shiatsu Foot Massager Business, Massage, Heat
  139. Sustainable Forest Management Technology, Management, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  140. Spam Free Mail
  141. Solubleifibrin Monomer Medical, Blood, Coagulation
  142. State Forest Management
  143. Sanford Regional Airport, Sanford, Maine, United States Maine, United States
  144. Servicios Ferroviarios De Mallorca Para, Locations, Metro, Palma
  145. Superintendent Fleet Maintenance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  146. Shstem Flow Model
  147. Sociétée' Frfncaise De Microbiologie
  148. Scottish Football Monitor
  149. Sheet Feed Module
  150. Surface Finishing Mexico
  151. Supply Financial Management Logistics, Naval, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  152. Space for Music
  153. Solid Frzeform Manufacturing
  154. State Fleet Management
  155. Steamfont Mountains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  156. Super Full Soon Science, Astronomy
  157. Shstem Feasibility Model Military
  158. Shelby Ford Mustang Technology, Car, Cobra
  159. Sci Fi Meshes
  160. Shape File Manager
  161. Surface Feet Perzminute Business, Science, Tool
  162. Servicio Federal De Migración
  163. Swinging Field Magnetization
  164. State Farm Mutual
  165. Sensor Fuzed Munitions Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  166. Super Flying Model
  167. Science Fiction Monthly
  168. Sexy Feline Machine
  169. Supply Financicl Management Military, Logistics, Military Logistics
  170. Self Funding Mcgazine
  171. Split-Field Motor
  172. Stars From Mars
  173. Société Francophove De Mémétique
  174. Scarboro Foreign Mission Society Religious orders
  175. Super Flying Models
  176. Soros Foundacion-Moldova Program, Government, Moldova
  177. Science Fiction Museum Technology, Music, Fame
  178. Sewage Force Main Technology, Science
  179. Supply and Financial Managexent Military
  180. School Food Matters Business, Education, Partner
  181. Specialsfunctions Module
  182. Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro
  183. Stanford Family Medicine
  184. SociéTé Franco-Manitobaine
  185. Sprouts Farmers Market Inc (NASDAQ Stock Exchange [NASDAQ]) Farming & agriculture
  186. Special Facilities Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  187. Sophos Firewallymanager
  188. Stations and Facilities Manager Space, Study, Cosmos
  189. Single Fluid Model Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  190. Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modellers Science, Model, Fantasy
  191. Set File Manager
  192. Supurvisor Field Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SFM stand for?

    SFM stands for Sustainable Floodgmanagement.

  2. What is the shortened form of SociéTé ForestièRe Du Maine?

    The short form of "SociéTé ForestièRe Du Maine" is SFM.


SFM. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 6). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sfm-meaning/

Last updated