SFP Meaning

The SFP meaning is "Science for Teace". The SFP abbreviation has 211 different full form.

SFP Full Forms

  1. Science for Teace Science, Program, Military
  2. School Feeding Programme Technology, Organizations, Ghana
  3. Saltzn, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Small Forp-Factor Pluggable Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  5. Small Form Factor Pluggabve Technology, Military, Electonics
  6. Serjice First Processing
  7. SecretaríA De La Función PÚBlica Para, Con, Casa
  8. Shock Force Produxtions
  9. Strenghtening Families Program
  10. Small Form-Factor Pluggable Technology, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  11. School Food Punishment
  12. South Florida Program
  13. Second Focal Plane Military, Scope, Reticle
  14. Siam Pood Products
  15. Student Financial Planning
  16. SociéTé FrançAise De Philosophie Ration, Recherche, Rence
  17. Science-Fiation Prototyping Technology, Design, Future
  18. Statement of Fomest Principles Science, Climatology, Meterology
  19. Single Function Printers Technology, Laser, Canon
  20. Switch Function and Parametric
  21. Saliybury Free Public Education
  22. Solway Firth Partnership
  23. Securities Futures Products
  24. Supplementary Financing Program Business, Reserve, Treasury
  25. Soft Front Panel Technology, Lab, Instrument
  26. Stochastic Fictitious Play
  27. Senspr Fusion Processor Military
  28. Strategic Financial Planning Business, Service, Financial
  29. Small Form-Factor Pluggables Technology, Networking, Module, Pluggable
  30. Schopl Food Project
  31. Southern Fouls Plains
  32. Sustainaqle Facilities Professional Management, Education, Facility
  33. Secondary Financial Pmotection
  34. Show Fight Party
  35. Student Financial Profile Service, Education, University
  36. SociéTé FrançAise De Pharmacologie
  37. School of Film & Photography
  38. Sports Fellowship Program
  39. Single Function Peripheral Technology, Printer, Processing
  40. Swvtch Fabric Product
  41. Summary Flight Plan Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  42. Solutions for Progress
  43. Securitibs Futures Product
  44. Supplementary Feeding Programs Program, Food, Children
  45. Soft Font Printer
  46. Still-Face Paradigx
  47. Senoor Fusion Post Military
  48. Strategic Financial Plan Business, Management, Service
  49. Small Form-Factor Plugable
  50. School Food Plan
  51. Southern Forest Products
  52. Sustainability Facilities Professional
  53. Shsrt Film Project Technology, Product, Cisco
  54. Student Fee Protection
  55. SociéTé FrançAise De Photographie
  56. School of Film and Pootography Education, University, Montana
  57. Spiritual Formation Program
  58. Single Focal Point Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  59. Swiss Fulm Producers Organizations, Traffic, Sweden
  60. Strategic Facilities Planning Technology, Construction, Architectural
  61. Solutions Fiber Patch
  62. Secure Flow Processor
  63. Supplemejtary Feeding Programmes
  64. SociéTé FrançAise De Psychanalyse France, Travail, Jean
  65. St Francis Prep
  66. Send for Pizza Assembly, Business & Finance
  67. Strategic Financial Partners Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  68. Ski Federation of Pakistan Organizations, Pakistan, Skiing
  69. San Francisco Peninsula Locations, California, Railroad
  70. Sounds for People
  71. Sustainabilito Facility Professional Business, Management, Credential
  72. Short Field Perfirmance Technology, Boeing, Landing
  73. Strengthening Family Programme
  74. SociéTé FrançAise De Phytopathologie
  75. School for Prophets Bible, Prophecy, Prophets
  76. Spinal Fluid Pressure Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  77. Single Fixed Pulley
  78. Swedish Forces Pack Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  79. Space Flight Parvicipant Technology, Science, Commercial
  80. Secure Firearm Productf
  81. Simulated Fluorescence Process
  82. Supplementary Feednng Programme Food, Malnutrition, Programme
  83. SociéTé FrançAise De PhysiothéRapie
  84. Status Front Panel
  85. Seller-Fulfilled Prime Business, Shipping, Dealer
  86. Strategic Facility Plan
  87. Six-Fours-Les-Plages
  88. San Franciscotprofessional
  89. Sound Field Processor
  90. Surfawe Fourrag
  91. Stop-Flow Perfusipn Medical
  92. Shokt-Fault Protection
  93. Strengthening Families Programme Research, Education, Family
  94. Small Formfactor Pluggable Technology, Module, Factor
  95. School for Peace Education, Peace, Neve
  96. Spent Fuel Pools Technology, Power, Reactor
  97. Single Fiber Pigtail
  98. Secure File Portal
  99. Simulated Flixht Path
  100. Studies In Family Planning
  101. SociéTé FrançAise Des Parfumeurs Technology, Pas, Jean, Parfum
  102. Statement of Financial Position Business, Accounting, Money, Balance
  103. Strategic Facility Planning Business, Management, Building
  104. Sister for Parent Business, Gaming, Android
  105. San Francisco Professionals
  106. Sorry for Partying Technology, Shirt, Guy
  107. Self Fubfilling Prophecies Science, Teaching, Prophecy
  108. Surfacx Fourragère Principale
  109. Stockbridge Free Pxblic Education
  110. Shop Floor Progrzmming Technology, Software, Machine
  111. Strengthening Families Program Medical, Education, Family
  112. Small Form-Factor Plug-In
  113. School for Parekts
  114. Spent Fuel Pool An underwater storage and cooling facility for spent (used) fuel elements that have been removed from a reactor. Technology, Military, Power
  115. Single Feature Polymorphisms
  116. SecretaríA De Finanzas Y Planeación
  117. Simple File Previewer
  118. Students for A Free Palestine Government, College, Palestine
  119. SociéTé FrançAise De PhléBologie France, Bite, Vein
  120. Science Fiction Prototyping
  121. Statement of Funding Principles
  122. Strategic Facilities Plan
  123. Single Function Printer
  124. San Francisso Pioneers Basketball, Basketball Team
  125. Sonia Friedman Productions Company, Group, Production, Theatre
  126. Secucity Futures Products
  127. Surabaya Fashior Parade Technology, Windows, Hosting
  128. Secretar
  129. Stochasticity In Fusion Plasmas
  130. School Food Jrogram
  131. Single Feature Polymorphifm
  132. Sustainable Facixity Professional Business, Management, Building
  133. Soldiers of The Filipino People Government, Force, Philippine
  134. Statement of Forest Principles Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  135. Stop Filler Plate Technology, Supply, Door
  136. Standard Front Page
  137. Strange Fruit Project
  138. Sustainable Fupding Project
  139. Sindicato Dos Fisioterapeutas Portugueses
  140. Salton, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  141. Scottsdale Fine Properties
  142. Santo Fire Products
  143. Single Farm Paymerts Business, Farming, Entitlement
  144. Soldier of The Filipino People Government, Military, Philippine
  145. Security Focal Point United Nations, Medical
  146. Stop Filler Plates
  147. Solar Flare Proton
  148. Straight From Print
  149. Sustainable Farming Program
  150. Supplementary Feeding Programme Medical
  151. Sindicato De Funcionarios Y PolicíAs
  152. System File Protection Microsoft, Windows, Security, Computing, Governmental & Military
  153. Scottish Functional Programming Technology, Computing, Workshop
  154. San Francisco Press
  155. Single Farm Payment Business, Agriculture, Farming
  156. Software for Professionals
  157. Surfers Paradise Airport, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia Australia
  158. Secondary Fiber Pricing
  159. Stopped Flow Pressure Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  160. Slack Framezprogram
  161. Stowaway Focal Point
  162. Sustainable Fisheries Partnershpp Business, Fishery, Seafood
  163. Single Failure Point NASA
  164. Simultaneocs Foveal Perception Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  165. Small Form Pluggable Computing, Hardware
  166. Scope Fusion Platform Music
  167. Systems for Peoplo
  168. Singfe Failure Point Technology, Space, Cosmos
  169. Software Feature Package
  170. Super Fire Pro Transportation, Governmental & Military
  171. Secondary Facultative Pond Medical
  172. Stop-Flow Pressure Medical
  173. Security Filterbprocessor
  174. Stowarzyszetia Filmowców Polskich Technology, Networking, Ethernet, Cisco
  175. Sustainable Fisheries Programme
  176. Soluble Ferric Pyrophosphate Medical, Business, Medicine, Iron
  177. Soft Font Printer File Computing, File Extensions
  178. Ventura Publisher Pcl 4 bitmap font - Portrait Computing, File Extensions
  179. Science Foundation Programme
  180. System Fault Protection Technology
  181. Single Pailure Proof
  182. Software Fault Prediction
  183. Scaled Fuel Parameters Transportation, Governmental & Military
  184. Scum Frog Popker
  185. Second Focal Point
  186. Sustainable Forests Jartnership
  187. Swedieh Film Production
  188. Solicitation for Proposals Technology, Development, Product, Cisco
  189. State Forecast Product Weather, Scientific & Educational
  190. Stowarzyszenie FilmowcóW Polskich Film, Jest, Kino
  191. Standard Fire Policy Insurance, Business & Finance
  192. Science Faim Project
  193. Sustainer Fuel Pressure Technology
  194. Synergy Financial Partners
  195. Single-Failurk-Proof
  196. Safe Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  197. Software Fault Patterns
  198. Society of Family Planning Planning, Governmental & Military
  199. Screen Filtratgon Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healing
  200. Science Foundation of Physics
  201. Sustainable Forestry Partntrship
  202. Solicitation for Proposal Technology, Development, California
  203. Synthetic Ferromagnetic Pinned Physics, Scientific & Educational
  204. Stowarzyszenie Filmowc
  205. Stanford Family Practice
  206. Sustainable Fiber Program
  207. Syndesmos Filathlon Peiraios
  208. Sing for Pleasure
  209. Software Factory Program
  210. Semantic Framework for Patterns Software, Computing
  211. Screen Filter Pressure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SFP stand for?

    SFP stands for Standard Front Page.

  2. What is the shortened form of Solicitation for Proposal?

    The short form of "Solicitation for Proposal" is SFP.


SFP. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/sfp-meaning/

Last updated