SG CATH in Medicine Meaning

The SG CATH meaning in Medicine terms is "Swan-Ganz Catheter". There are 2 related meanings of the SG CATH Medicine abbreviation.

SG CATH on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Swan-Ganz Catheter A style of oximetry catheter that is inserted into a major vein under the collarbone or in the neck, threaded through the right side of the heart, and then threaded into the pulmonary artery. Physicians can use monitoring equipment with a Swan-Ganz catheter to measure blood pressure inside the heart and to find out how much blood the heart is pumping.
  2. Swan-Ganz Catheter - Pulmonary Artery Catseter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SG CATH stand for Medicine?

    SG CATH stands for Swan-Ganz Catheter in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Swan-Ganz Catheter in Medicine?

    The short form of "Swan-Ganz Catheter" is SG CATH for Medicine.


SG CATH in Medicine. (2021, April 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

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