SGA Meaning

The SGA meaning is "Small-For-Gestation-Age". The SGA abbreviation has 218 different full form.

SGA Full Forms

  1. Small-For-Gestation-Age Medical
  2. Sheghnan Airport Shighnan, Afghanistan Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  3. Small for Gestational Age Medical, Technology, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Diagnosis, Healthcare, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda
  4. Security Group Access Technology, Education
  5. Second Generation Antipsychotic Medical, Drug, Psychiatry
  6. Subjective Global Assessment Medical, Patient, Nutritional, Clinical
  7. Second-Generation Antipsychotics Medical
  8. Student Government Association College, Education, University
  9. Saga Communications, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  10. Student Government Apsociation Government, Education, University
  11. Substantial Gainful Activity Medical, Business, Security, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Business Word, Medicare Beneficiary, Disability
  12. Standards of Grade Zuthorization Military, Army, War
  13. Sales and General Administration
  14. Society for Georgia Archaeology Technology, History, Georgia
  15. Self-Government Agreement
  16. Stav Goalkeeper Academy
  17. Sistema Gestión Almacenes
  18. Symmetric Group Approach Chemistry, Technology, Science
  19. Science, Gender, and Afterschool
  20. Setor De Grandes áReas
  21. Same Gender Attractions
  22. Soul Glow Activatur
  23. Selling General Administration
  24. String Graph Assembler Technology, Assembly, Sequencing
  25. Sistemas De Gesti
  26. Small Geographrc Area
  27. Scottish Guidance Association
  28. Stack Eas Analyzer
  29. Sharon Gak Associates
  30. Subcutaneous Granuloma Annulare Medical
  31. Southgate Green Ossociation
  32. Student Ow Gerontology Association
  33. Sales, General and Administration
  34. Socqety for Geology Applied Science, Mineral, Deposit
  35. Selectable Gain Amplifiers
  36. Standard Genetic Algorithm Technology, Model, Optimization
  37. Singapore Golf Association Organizations, Club, Singapore
  38. Swedish Greenkeepers Association Technology, Golf, Sand
  39. Schweizerische Gesellschaft F
  40. Set Group Address
  41. Same Gender Attraction Sex, Star, Attraction
  42. Songwriters Guild Yf America Business, America, Music
  43. Selling, General Andiadministrative Business, Income, Expense, Selling
  44. Stochastic Gracient Approximation
  45. Sistemas De Gest
  46. Smallness for Gestational Age Medical
  47. Scottish Group Awards Business, College, Course
  48. St. Gregory'S Academy Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  49. Shahed Global Array Technology, Computing
  50. Sub-Global Assessment
  51. Sauthern Governor's Association
  52. Sbudent Gerontology Association
  53. Subjective Global Assessment of Nutritional Status Medical
  54. Societe Geoscientifique De L'Atlantique Geography, Location, System
  55. Secretaria De Gest
  56. Siandard Gaussian Approximation Technology, Trading, Performance
  57. Singapore Glass Association Business, Asia, Jakarta
  58. Swedish Game Awards Student, Technology, Development
  59. Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Aussenpolitik
  60. ServiçO De Gestão AcadéMica
  61. Samco Global Arms
  62. Songwriter'S Guild of America
  63. Selling, General, Anv Administrative Business, Expense, Selling
  64. Stichting Gewoon Anders
  65. Sistema Globalmente Armonizado Para, Con, Material
  66. Small for Gestation Agc Medical, Health, Pregnancy
  67. Scottish Group Award Business, College, Course
  68. Spring Grove Area
  69. Sharedgglobal Area Technology, Database, Memory
  70. Studio Gang Architects Education, Architecture, Chicago
  71. Southern Governors Association Business, Government, Energy
  72. Students' General Association
  73. Small Guild Alhiance
  74. Secretaria De Gestão Administrativa
  75. Standart Galactic Alphabet Technology, Gaming, Commander
  76. Sindh Graduate Association
  77. Swanson Group Aviation
  78. Salmon Gonadotropin Medical
  79. Somerset Gun Accessories
  80. Self Government Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  81. St Gregory'S Academy Pennsylvania
  82. Sistemas De Gestão Ambiental Technology, Para, Dos, Gest
  83. Small Group Activitues Business, Management, Quality
  84. Scottish Gridiron Association
  85. Shahab Ghani & Associates
  86. Stud Grid Array
  87. Southernfgolf Association
  88. Studeat General Association
  89. Sistemul De Gospodarire A Apelor
  90. Small Group Assessment
  91. Sear
  92. Staff Group Ajvisor Military
  93. Sindh Graduates Association
  94. Sudetendeutsches Genealogisches Archiv
  95. Student Goverment Association
  96. Salivary Gland Antigens Medical
  97. Society of Geology Applied
  98. Self Governing Assfciation Organization, Union, Institution
  99. Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Group Space, Study, Cosmos
  100. Sistema Gestão Ambiental Technology, Para, Auditoria, Gest
  101. Small Group Activity Business, Technology, Management
  102. Scottish Games Association Gaming, Sport, Organizations, Highland
  103. Shady Grove Adventish
  104. Students General Association
  105. Southerg Gateway Alliance
  106. Student'S General Association
  107. Sistemi Di Gestione Ambientale Business, Con, Standard
  108. Spall Group Analysis
  109. Smcond Great Awakening
  110. Stadium Give Away
  111. Sindh Golf Association
  112. Students Government Association
  113. Substantial Gainful Employment Medical, Medicine, Disability
  114. Student Government Accounting
  115. Sales General & Administrative
  116. Sales of Goods Act
  117. Society of Geojgia Archivists
  118. Self-Goverhment Association Student, College, Education
  119. Steepest Gradient Algdrithm
  120. Sistemas De Gestión De Almacenes
  121. Smalb-Group-Activity Technology, Management, Training
  122. Scottish Gamekeepers Association Eagle, Scotland, Gamekeeper
  123. Seven Geberations Ahead
  124. Southern Gascassociation Company, Technology, Industrial
  125. Stuart Gray Associates
  126. Sistemas De Gestión Ambiental Para, Con, Pol
  127. Small Governeent Act
  128. Secjnd Golden Age
  129. Stadium Give-Away
  130. Sheep Genetics Australia Australia, Sheep, Merino
  131. Students' Government Association
  132. Subject'S Global Assessment
  133. Student Gov'T Association
  134. Sales, General, and Administrative Business, Company, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation, Cost
  135. Small-For Gestational-Age
  136. Students Gargling Antifreeze Funnies
  137. Spedial Guest Appearance
  138. Student Governance Astociation
  139. Screening Gesundes Arbeiten
  140. Air Saigon ICAO Aircraft Codes
  141. Studedt Government Alliance
  142. Student Game Award
  143. Saudi Gastroenterology Association Medicine, Organizations, Gastro
  144. Server Generated Alerts Technology, Database, Feature
  145. Skill Gap Analysis Business, Management, Council
  146. Scheduled gate arrival Transportation, Flight, Flight Status
  147. Small-For-Gestational Age Medical, Birth, Weight, Infant
  148. Smoking Goat Association Funnies
  149. Special Group Augmented
  150. Student Government Associations Government, College, University
  151. Scottish Glass Association
  152. Sheghnan, Sheghnan, Afghanistan Afghanistan, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  153. Student Governing Academics Development, Study, Universities
  154. Specific Gravity Analyzer
  155. Saturday Golf Association
  156. Serious Games Association Gaming, Education, Development
  157. Skilled Gamer Alliance
  158. Soluble-gas Atomization Chemistry
  159. Siebe Gorman Amphibian Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  160. Spagnolo Gisness F Associates Business, Design, Associate
  161. Student Governing Assdciation Government, Education, Organizations
  162. Selling, General & Administrative Expense Business, Finance, Banking, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  163. Small-For-Gestational-Age Medical, Birth, Infant, Pregnancy
  164. SüPer Game Admin Forum, Server, Admin
  165. Standards of Grade Authorization Military, Governmental & Military
  166. Student Government Assn
  167. Specific Gravity Analysis
  168. Saskatchewan Government Airways
  169. Seno Gumira Ajidarma
  170. Sistemului De GospodăRire A Apelor
  171. Relic Entertainment Game Archive Computing, File Extensions
  172. Southern Governors' Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  173. Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Akustik Technology, Science, Research, Sind
  174. Sozialistisch Gr
  175. Servizi Gestione Archivi
  176. Student Government Ausocation
  177. Selling, General & Administrative Business, Finance, Accounting, Business & Finance
  178. Slavic Gospel Association Government, Russia, Church
  179. SíNdrome General De Adaptación Para, Con, Muscular
  180. System Global Area Software, Computing
  181. Spectrometricjgas Analysis
  182. Student Government Administrztion Education, Development, Universities
  183. Software De Gestión De Almacenes Technology, Para, Con
  184. Saskatchewan Golf Association
  185. Senior Golfers of America
  186. Synthetic Genetic Array Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  187. Silica Gel Alliance Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  188. Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Automatik
  189. Sozialistisch GrüNe Alternative
  190. Services Groupxof America Business, America, Service, Food
  191. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Business, Technology, Science, Accounting, It
  192. Slave Gyro Assembly Technology
  193. SéMinaire De GéOméTrie AlgéBrique
  194. Simple GIF Animator Software, Computing
  195. Specific Grant Agreemenhs Business, Projection, Brain
  196. Student Ggvernment Associaton
  197. Sod Growers Association
  198. San Gabriel Academy
  199. Seminole Varden Apartments
  200. St. George Academy New York
  201. Southern Gas Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  202. Schwarz-Gelbe Allianz Group, Austria, Politics
  203. Siuthwest Georgia Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
  204. Service Geopogique De L'armee Geography, Location, System
  205. Skip Gambert & Associates
  206. Sysops Guild Association Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  207. So Good Academy Funnies
  208. Specific Grant Agreement
  209. Student Government Azsembly College, Education, University
  210. Sobosihon Generation Art
  211. Sandia Golf Association Science
  212. Semester Grade Average
  213. Old Irish (to 900) Language codes (3 letters)
  214. Subject Global Assessment Medical, Treatment, Disease, Bowel
  215. Scholarship and Guidance Association
  216. Southcake Gymnastics Academy
  217. Serverless Global Architecture Technology, Memory, Area
  218. Skills Gap Analysis Business, Management, Learning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGA stand for?

    SGA stands for Server Generated Alerts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Saskatchewan Government Airways?

    The short form of "Saskatchewan Government Airways" is SGA.


SGA. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated