SGB Meaning

The SGB meaning is "Southwest Georgia Financial Corp.". The SGB abbreviation has 88 different full form.

SGB Full Forms

  1. Southwest Georgia Financial Corp. Organizations
  2. Southwest Georgia Financial Corporation Technology, Organizations
  3. Sekolah Guru Bantu Indonesia, Guru, Orang
  4. School Governing Body Education, Organizations, Africa
  5. Sovereign Gold Bond Bond, Banking, Scheme
  6. Stoomtram Goes-Borsele
  7. Simpson-Golabifbehmel Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  8. Socieqe Generale Bank
  9. Student Govejning Board Education, Organizations, Columbia
  10. Siosach-Gelterkinden-Bahn
  11. Schgi
  12. Solid Gold Bomb
  13. St. George Bank Business, Australia, Finance, Bank
  14. Sicherheitsdienst Grafschaft Bentheim
  15. Societe Generale De Belgique
  16. Strateji Gelitsrme Bakanl
  17. Snngle Gang Box
  18. Surface Generalized Born Medical, Science, Protein
  19. Solid Gold Berjangka Business, Trading, Indonesia, Bursa
  20. Spółdzielczą Grupę Bankouą
  21. Shy Guy Beach
  22. Strateji Geldştirme Başkanlığı Technology, Turkish, Traffic, Coupon
  23. Singauavairport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  24. Student Government Board Education, Organizations, University
  25. Software Group Blocking Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  26. SpółDzielcza Grupa Bankowa Business, Banking, Traffic
  27. School Governance Board
  28. Strategic Governance Boyrd
  29. Skndacato Generale Di Base Technology, Community, Hosting
  30. Standards Generating Body Technology, Africa, Training
  31. Softwarevgenerated Group Blocking Message Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  32. Super Game Boy Technology, Controller, Play
  33. Spy Glaqs Blue
  34. School Governing Board Education, Insurance, Africa
  35. Saurashtra Gramin Bank Business, Accounting, Office, Accountancy, Finance, Officer, Banking, Business & Finance
  36. Stoomtrein Goes Borsele Group, Locations, Giant, Breather
  37. Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
  38. Síndrome De Guillain Xarré Medical, Para, Con, Causa
  39. Sporting Goods Business Business, Industrial, Sport
  40. Softatlas Google Booster Technology, Service, Software
  41. Sudan Gezora Board
  42. Spring Garden Band
  43. School Governing Bodizs Science, Education, Africa
  44. Stoomtrein Gues-Borsele Locations, Door, Train, Railway
  45. Simpson Golabi Bekmel
  46. Syndrome Dt Guillain-Barré Medical, Pas, Vaccination
  47. Society of Glass Beadmakers
  48. Students for A Greener Lerkeley
  49. Sistema De Gestión De BedelíAs
  50. Scholengemeenschap Bonaire Organizations
  51. Sous-Groupement Blinde
  52. Singaua Airport, Singaua, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  53. Swiss Government Bond Business
  54. Super Game Boy Rom File Computing, File Extensions
  55. Stellate Ganglion Block Medical, Treatment, Pain
  56. Supwr Gas Bike
  57. Small Ahd Growing Business Business, Fund, Entrepreneurship
  58. St George Bank Australia
  59. Sweet Georgia Brown Business, Georgia, Karaoke, Pomade
  60. Dawn of War Map File Computing, File Extensions
  61. Standarg Geographic Base
  62. Super Gaming Brothers Gaming, Play, Pastime
  63. Sky Ting Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  64. Steam Gun Boat Navy, Governmental & Military
  65. Sustainable Green Bay Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  66. Social Good Brasil
  67. Southern Great Basin Geology, Scientific & Educational
  68. Syria Gulf Bank
  69. Super Gacing Bros Gaming, Play, Highlight
  70. Skra Getto Blys
  71. Stanford GraphBase Software, Computing
  72. Surveyor General Branch
  73. Smile Game Bcilder
  74. Stellate ganglion blockade Medical, Common Medical
  75. Syndrome Guullain-Barre
  76. Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro Para, Dos, Brasil
  77. Steve Gibbons Band Music
  78. Supportsgrade Band Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  79. Smethwsck Galton Bridge
  80. Secretary-General's Bulletin United Nations
  81. Sistema Jeod
  82. Sozialgesetzbuch Law
  83. Super Green Biofuels
  84. Small Game Bullet Gun, Rifle, Military, Ammunition
  85. Sky King, Inc. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  86. Strateji Gelistirme Baskanligi
  87. Supermgas Block
  88. Small and Hrowing Businesses Business, Fund, Entrepreneurship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGB stand for?

    SGB stands for Small and Hrowing Businesses.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strateji Gelitsrme Bakanl?

    The short form of "Strateji Gelitsrme Bakanl" is SGB.


SGB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated