SGE Meaning

The SGE meaning is "Sigma Gamma Epsilon". The SGE abbreviation has 85 different full form.

SGE Full Forms

  1. Sigma Gamma Epsilon Science, Education, Geology
  2. Signature Gold Edition Business, Audio, Force
  3. St George Episcopal
  4. Sagitta Space, Study, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  5. Sociedad GeolóGica De España Para, Con, Mayo
  6. Sea Gate Elementary
  7. Spiral Gradient Endpoint Medical, Culture, Susceptibility
  8. Susquehanna Growth Equity Business, Company, Investment
  9. Siemens and General Electric
  10. State Government Employees
  11. Safety Glass Experts
  12. Sociedad Geogr
  13. Sistema De Gestão Escolar
  14. Scott Gove Engineering
  15. Spectrum Graphics Editor Technology, Design, Software
  16. Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co. Network, Railway, System
  17. Starport Galactic Empires
  18. Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsy Medical
  19. Sociedad GeográFica EspaÑOla Para, Con, Ola
  20. Sistema De Gerenciamento Escolar
  21. Scott Gordon Enterprises
  22. SociéTé GéNéRale Expressbank
  23. Eintracht Frankfurt Sport, Club, Football
  24. Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd. Network, Railway, System
  25. Starch Gel Electrophoresis Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
  26. Sun Grid Engine Technology, Computing, Queue, Software
  27. Smart Grid Engineering Technology, Organizations, Energy
  28. Simulations Aux Grandes Echelles
  29. Salivary Gland Extracts Medical
  30. SociéTé GéNéRale D'Enterprises
  31. Siber GüVenlik EnstitüSu Turkish, Technology, Security
  32. Spud Gun Extreme
  33. Special Government Employee Business, Safety, Department, Medical, Fda
  34. Small Group Evaluation
  35. Simulation Aux Grandes Echelles Performance, Simulation, Complex, Combustion
  36. Salivary Gland Extract Medical, Cell, Tick
  37. Society of Government Economists Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  38. Secondary Generalized Epilepsy Medical, Medicine, Healing
  39. Spring Garden Elementary
  40. Sven Goran Eriksson
  41. Surface Geochemical Exploration
  42. Significant Global Entity
  43. Stichting Gezondheidscentra Eindhoven
  44. Saitek Gaming Extensions
  45. Sociedad Geol
  46. Sea Grant Extension
  47. Spoiled Gradient Echo Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Patient, Disease, Imaging, Healing
  48. Sustainable Global Enterprise Business, Sustainability, Cornell
  49. Sistema De Gest
  50. Surabaya Great Expo Business, Supply, Gas
  51. SystèMe De Gestion De L'Environnement
  52. Sun'S Grid Engine
  53. Sistema De Gestión éTica Para, Con, Social
  54. SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) Gross Error Computing, Hardware
  55. Syst
  56. Small Gas Engines
  57. Synergy Global Entertainment
  58. Structure Ground Electrode Technology
  59. Servicio Geografico del Ejercito Geographic
  60. Support Group Europe
  61. Soci
  62. Slab Gel Electrophoresis Medical, Science, Biology
  63. Switzerland Global Enterprise Business, Switzerland, Sweden
  64. Strategische GeschäFtseinheiten Business, German, Trade, Business & Finance
  65. Sehr Gut Erhalten (German coin grade equivalent to Very Good) Coins
  66. Super Growth Energy Business, Energy
  67. Sistema De Gestión De EnergíA
  68. Stimulus Generation Event Physics, Scientific & Educational
  69. Swiss Global Enterprise Business, Switzerland, Sweden
  70. Strain Gage Electronics Technology
  71. Sage Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  72. Superficial Ductal Glandular Epithelium Medical
  73. Siegerland Airport Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia,Germany Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  74. Sistema De Gestión De La EnergíA
  75. Siegerland, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  76. Swedish Group of Education Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  77. Stitch'S Great Escape Resort, Stitch, Attraction, Disney
  78. Standard General Education
  79. Supercritical Gas Extraction Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
  80. Sistema De Gestão Empresarial
  81. Synopsys Graphical Environment General, Governmental & Military
  82. Secondary Group Equipment
  83. Sun One Grid Engine Technology
  84. Sistema De Gestão De Eventos Technology, Para, Software, Store
  85. Stage Stores, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGE stand for?

    SGE stands for Swedish Group of Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Soci?

    The short form of "Soci" is SGE.


SGE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated