SGM Meaning

The SGM meaning is "Second Generation Model". The SGM abbreviation has 140 different full form.

SGM Full Forms

  1. Second Generation Model Technology, Energy, Economics
  2. Second-Generation Model Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. Sergeant Major Military, Army, Rank, United States, Sergeant, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Military Army Ranks
  4. Semi-Global Matching Technology, Vision, Stereo
  5. Segunda Guerra Mundial Para, Military, War, Con, Traffic
  6. Security Gateway Module Technology, Check, Firewall
  7. Shanghai General Motors Business, China, Shanghai
  8. Student Growth Meashres Education, Teaching, Teacher
  9. Second Generation Modem Computing, Hardware
  10. Società Gestione Multipla
  11. Scented Glossy Magazines
  12. Support Group Meeting Medical, Breastfeeding, Susu
  13. Seniors Grand Master
  14. Southern Yame Meat
  15. Scripture Gift Mission Church, Bible, Scripture, Religion
  16. Schweizer Graphische Mitteilungen Book, Design, Magazine
  17. Signaling Gateway Manager
  18. Srvbrenica Genocide Memorial
  19. Shaded Graphics Modeling Technology, Computer, Electronics
  20. Student Gzneral Meetings
  21. Second Generation Multiplex Medical, Technology, Database
  22. Society of General Microbiology Science, Research, Education
  23. Standing Group Memorandum
  24. Safety Gateway Module
  25. Support Group Meetings
  26. Senior Grand Master
  27. Soul Gorrilla Monopoly
  28. Schweizer Glider Motorized
  29. Signaling Gateway Mate Technology
  30. Spring General Meeting
  31. Student General Meeting
  32. Seconda Guerra Mondiale
  33. Sociedad GeolóGica Mexicana
  34. Sir George Monoux
  35. Standard Guru Malaysia Technology, Book, Malaysia
  36. Safety and Gateway Module Technology, Auto, Diagnostic
  37. Super Great Memory Indonesia, Memory, Prime, Seminar
  38. Senior General Manager Business, Management, Marketing
  39. Sysyal Güvenlik Merkezi Turkish, Art
  40. Sociedad Geol
  41. Schut Geometrische Messtechnik
  42. Signal Generator Monitor
  43. Spot Generation Module
  44. Structured Generalized Markup
  45. Second-Generation Meteosat Technology
  46. Smith Gospel Music Technology, Song, Production
  47. Sir George Martin Famous
  48. Standard Gross Margins Business, Agriculture, Farm
  49. Safe Guard Memory Space, Study, Cosmos
  50. Submarine Genewal Memorandum Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  51. Senior Game Master
  52. Solatube Global Marketing
  53. Schweizerische Gesellschaft F
  54. Schut Geometrical Metrology
  55. Siam Goshi Manufacturing
  56. Spooner Game Musvc
  57. Seasons General Merchandise
  58. Small Group Multicast Technology, Networking, Network
  59. Single Gay Male
  60. Standard Generalised Marpup
  61. Sack Goldblatt Mitchell
  62. Study Group Meeting
  63. Security Gateway Modules
  64. Soka Gakkai Malaysia Organizations, Malaysia, Culture, Peace
  65. Society for General Microbiology Medical, Technology, Medicine
  66. School In Group Management Business
  67. Shwe Gas Movement Organizations, Myanmar, Human
  68. Southern Grout & Mortar
  69. Sea Gallantry Medal Military, Award, Order
  70. Schweizerischen Gesellschaft FüR Meteorologie
  71. Singkawang Grand Mall Indonesia, Cinema, Mall, Tenant
  72. Standard Generalized Markup Technology, Program, Language
  73. Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell
  74. Student Growtt Measure Education, Teaching, Teacher
  75. SecréTariat GéNéRal Du MinistèRe
  76. SociéTé GéNéRale Des MinéRais
  77. Schmueser Gordon Meyer
  78. Swiss Geoscience Meeting Science, Research, Sweden
  79. Sensitive Gestalt Massage Massage, Corps, Toucher
  80. Southern Gospel Music Music
  81. Seacoast Gay Men
  82. Secretaria-Geral Da Marinha Para, Ria, Miss
  83. Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Meteorologie
  84. SigortacıLıK Genel MüDüRlüğü Turkish, Mali
  85. Stads Gewestelijk Materieel
  86. Sanjay Gandhi Memorial
  87. Science Guard Members
  88. text/sgml Mime types
  89. Sisters of The Golden Moon
  90. State-Graph Manipulator
  91. Steel Grey Metallic
  92. San Ignacio Airport, San Ignacio, Mexico Mexico
  93. Small Group Meeting
  94. Shrp-To-Ground Missile
  95. Scale Glass Melter Chemistry
  96. Science Goal Monitor
  97. Servicio Geografico Militar Geographic
  98. Sistema De Gestión Medioambiental Con, Auditor
  99. Statut Généray Des Militaires
  100. Scottish Grass Machinery
  101. Sergeant Major - Army Us Government, Governmental & Military
  102. Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
  103. Skanghai Golden Monkey Business, Company, China, Shanghai
  104. Static Gas Mixer Business & Finance, Power Plant
  105. Sciences Et GéNie Des MatéRiaux Technology, Science, Formation, Mat
  106. Sigma Capital Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  107. State Geological Museum
  108. Scottish Geographical Magazine
  109. Sergeant Major (E-9) United States, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  110. Sleeping Giant Music
  111. Seo Group Qarketing
  112. Visualboyadvance Saved Game Computing, File Extensions
  113. Science Et GéNie Des MatéRiaux Technology, Formation, Mat
  114. Sweet Gum Minis
  115. State Graph Manipulftors
  116. Scissor Gang Mafia
  117. Some Great Mods Software, Computing
  118. Sky Aircraft Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  119. System Group Manager
  120. Strategic Growth Markets Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship
  121. Sgml File Computing, File Extensions
  122. Science Et G
  123. Suunto Golf Manager
  124. State Graph Manipulatol
  125. Scientific Great Moment
  126. Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML document Computing, File Extensions
  127. Skinny Gateway Message Technology
  128. Systematic Generator Matrix
  129. Stegring Group Meeting Technology, Presentation, Projection
  130. San Gabriel Mountains Geology, Scientific & Educational
  131. Small Group Ministries
  132. Sutter Gold Mining
  133. Science Guard Men Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  134. Sisters of Charity of Montreal Religious orders
  135. Site-Wide Groundwater Model
  136. State-Graph Manipulators
  137. Steering Group Aeetings
  138. Spontaneous Genetic Mutation Medical, Human genome
  139. Small Group Ministry Organizations, Church, Covenant
  140. Sociedades De Garantia MÚTua

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGM stand for?

    SGM stands for Sciences Et GéNie Des MatéRiaux.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sysyal Güvenlik Merkezi?

    The short form of "Sysyal Güvenlik Merkezi" is SGM.


SGM. (2022, March 29). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated