SGMM Meaning

The SGMM meaning is "Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Model". The SGMM abbreviation has 11 different full form.

SGMM Full Forms

  1. Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Model Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  2. Seguro De Gastos MéDicos Mayores
  3. Multimedia Study Group Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  4. Smart Grsd Maturity Model Technology, Management, Energy
  5. Small Group Mathematical Modeling
  6. Suara Guru-Dasyarakat Malaysia Education, Malaysia, Teaching
  7. Strategic Guidabce Memorandum Manager
  8. Stephen Greenfield Model Makers
  9. Society for General Musicuin Massachusetts
  10. Subspace Gaussian Mixture Mkdel Language, Model, Speech, Recognition
  11. Suara Guru Masyarakat Malaysia Science, Malaysia, Teaching

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGMM stand for?

    SGMM stands for Subspace Gaussian Mixture Mkdel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Society for General Musicuin Massachusetts?

    The short form of "Society for General Musicuin Massachusetts" is SGMM.


SGMM. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated