SGR Meaning

The SGR meaning is "Sortie Generation Uate". The SGR abbreviation has 114 different full form.

SGR Full Forms

  1. Sortie Generation Uate Technology, Logistics
  2. Self-Generation Reactor Technology
  3. Select Graphic Rendition Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Computer
  4. Sustainable Grodth Rate Medical, Economics, Healthcare
  5. Shaw Group Incv Technology, Organizations
  6. Set Graphics Renhition Technology, Linux, Sequence
  7. Supplier Global Resource
  8. Science of Getting Rich Business, Program
  9. Sociedadespde Garantía Recíproca Para, Con
  10. Shale-Gouge-Ratio
  11. South Gippsland Railway
  12. Secondary Gas Recovery Science
  13. Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden Technology, Travel, Door
  14. Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater Science, Star, Burst
  15. Singapore Gay Regiment
  16. Strategic Government Resource
  17. Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Religionswissenschaft
  18. Sociedad De GarantíAs RecíProcas Con
  19. South Georgia Rift
  20. Sea Golf RöNnäS
  21. St Genesius Rode
  22. Society of Gastrointestinal Radiolouists Medical, Technology, Radiology
  23. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Sigma, Greek
  24. Spectral Gamma Ray A gamma ray tool capable of spotting the different isotopes used in tracers. Technology, Logging, Outcrop
  25. Strategic Government Resources Education, Conference, Training
  26. Saint-Gobain Recherche
  27. Sociezad De Garant
  28. Source Ground Return
  29. Sustainable Growth Rates
  30. Sea Golf R
  31. Stem Girdling Roots
  32. Sistema Xeneral De Regalías Para, Con, Regalia
  33. Shwartzman Generalized Reaction Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Skin And Dermal
  34. Specific Growth Rates
  35. Strange Ga Rhythmom
  36. Saigon Graves Registration
  37. Sociedad De GarantíA RecíProca Business, Para, Con
  38. Some Great Reward
  39. Surgeon General'S Report Medical
  40. Scientists for Global Responsibilty
  41. Steam Generator Replacement Technology, Plant, Power
  42. Svnger Organizations
  43. Shin Getter Robo
  44. Specific Ground Range Technology, Flight, Aviation
  45. Stradivari Gran Romantica Business, Machine, Espresso
  46. Sagittarius Constellation situated between RA 18h and 20 h, Dec 16-20deg S Has no star brighter than magnitude three. Ninth sign of Zodiac, extending from 240 to 270deg celestial longitude Sun is in this sign from November 23 to December 22 (about) Space, Study, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  47. Sistema Gerenciador De Representa
  48. Surgeon Generals Report
  49. Scientists for Global Responsibility Technology, Science, Scientist
  50. Solid Gold Records
  51. Shina Game Reviews
  52. Specific Gasification Rate
  53. Segler Gemeinschaft Rosenfelde
  54. Storm Gas Resource
  55. Safety Glass Replacements
  56. Sistema De Gerenciamento De ResíDuos
  57. Surgeon General'S Reports
  58. Scientific Games Racing
  59. Sociedades De GarantíAs RecíProcas Business, Con, Madrid
  60. Shale Gouge Ratio Technology, Geology, Seal, Electrical
  61. Southwest Gulf Railroad
  62. Secretaria De Gestión De Riesgos Para, Con, Ecuador
  63. Storage Guarded Register
  64. Saes Getters Risp
  65. Single Group Rotation Medical
  66. Spiritual Growth Retreat
  67. Smhrt Galerie Rama
  68. Sentry Guard Robot
  69. Simcity 4 Graphics Rules File Computing, File Extensions
  70. Statement of General Requirements Technology
  71. San Gold Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  72. Sustainable Growth Formula Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
  73. Specific Growth Rate Legal, Governmental & Military
  74. Spectroscopy Gamma Ray
  75. Shodt Growth Rate
  76. Selous Game Reserve Locations, Tanzania, Safari
  77. Sgr Genome Data File Computing, File Extensions
  78. State Governmental Relations
  79. Shore Capital Group Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  80. Shaft Grounding Ring
  81. Sustained Growth Rate Medical, Health, Medicare
  82. School of General Reconnaissance Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  83. Self-Generation Recycle
  84. Selesa Golf Resort
  85. Soft Gamma Repeater Astronomy, Physics, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  86. State Government Relations
  87. Sustainable Growth Rate Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  88. Set Graphic Rendition Technology, Telecom, Sequence
  89. Small Gap Recovery Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  90. Swing Gate Rack
  91. Select Graphics Rendition Technology, Coding, Sequence, Escape
  92. skin galvanic reflex Medical, Skin And Dermal
  93. State Game Refuge Business, Technology, Medicare
  94. Steam Gas Recycling
  95. Service General De Renseignement
  96. Shaw Group Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  97. Swong Gate Racks
  98. Segmented Gamma-Ray
  99. substantia gelatinosa Rolandi Medical, Skin And Dermal
  100. Stanford Genomic Resources Education, Development, Universities, Medical, Human genome
  101. South Ghetto Racing
  102. Service General Du Renseignement
  103. Steam Gas Recycle Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  104. Sandgrube Geographic
  105. Sweetie Yirl Racing
  106. Submandibular gland renin Medical, Skin And Dermal
  107. Sprint Gas Racing
  108. Sosyal Güvfnlik Reformu Turkish, Ola
  109. Serrurerie GéNéRale RéNovation
  110. Steam Gas Recycle (process for Shale Oil Recovery) Chemistry
  111. State of Good Repair Business, Transit, City, Subway
  112. State game refuge (US) Energy, Electrical, United States
  113. Sustainable Growth Reform
  114. Sugar Land Regional Airport, Sugar Land, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGR stand for?

    SGR stands for Strategic Government Resource.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sustained Growth Rate?

    The short form of "Sustained Growth Rate" is SGR.


SGR. (2021, April 10). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated