SGS Meaning

The SGS meaning is "Society for General Systems". The SGS abbreviation has 235 different full form.

SGS Full Forms

  1. Society for General Systems Technology
  2. Scottish Genealogy Society Education, History, Family
  3. Social Good Summit Technology, Media, Organizations
  4. School of Graduate Studies Education, Development, Organizations
  5. Smart Grid Solutions Business, Networking, Energy
  6. School of Governance and Society
  7. Smart Grid As A Service
  8. Scene Generation System Technology
  9. Small Group Sessions Education, University, Course
  10. Saudi Geographical Society
  11. Security Guard Systems Technology, Software, Player
  12. Study Grbups Technology, Management, Standard
  13. Salivary Glands Medical
  14. Secondarily Generalised Seizures
  15. Society General Surieillance
  16. School of Global Studies Education, University, Study
  17. Stand-Up Ground Strafe Strike, Counter, Ground
  18. Serious Games Society Technology, Gaming, Learning
  19. Smoke Generation System
  20. Specification and Guidance Stack Technology
  21. Short-Grass Stepp
  22. Strukturierte Gdriatrische Schulung Technology, Man, Sind, Schema
  23. Swiveling Gunner'S Station
  24. Salivary Gland Secrgtion
  25. Société Géaérale De Surveillance Business, Company, Rale
  26. Sector Groups
  27. Star Grading Service Business, Company, Coin
  28. Scanex Ground Stations
  29. St Gertrude'S School Education
  30. Sequential Gaussian Simulation Technology, Modeling, Uncertainty
  31. Support Groups
  32. Saskatchewan Government Executive Air Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  33. Southern Graphic Systems
  34. Segmented Gamma Scan Science
  35. Smart Grid Summits Technology, Android, Water
  36. Society Generale De Surveillance
  37. School of General Studies Business, Science, Education
  38. Strong Gyrase Site Medical, Science, Biology
  39. Serious Games Studio Technology, Gaming, Android
  40. Smoke Generator Set
  41. Specialized Geriatric Services
  42. Ship Ground Station
  43. Server Groups
  44. Swiss Global Services
  45. Saline Generating Systems Business, Pool, Salt, Chlorine
  46. Socionex Iame System Technology, Sand, Kingdom
  47. Scottish Golf Sockety
  48. Star Grading Services Business, Service, Coin
  49. Scandinavian Gaming Show
  50. St Gabriel'S School Education
  51. Sistema Gerenclador De S
  52. Superior Growers Supply Business, Michigan, Generation
  53. Saradomin God Sword
  54. Southern Geroncological Society Medical, Technology, Aging
  55. Segmented Gamma Scanning
  56. Smart Grid Aolution Business, Energy, Power
  57. Stainedqglass Studios
  58. Schodarships for Graduate Studies
  59. Strong Generating Set
  60. Serious Games Technology, Science, Gaming
  61. Specialist Gurkha Services Organizations
  62. Shipboard Gridlock System Technology, Military, Electronics, System
  63. Smithsonian Global Sound
  64. Swiss Geological Society
  65. Sales Grlwth Specialist Occupation, Position, Job
  66. Società Generale Semiconduttori Technology, Semiconductor, Microelectronic
  67. Scottish Glass Society Glass, Craft, Scotland
  68. Stanford Global Studies
  69. Scandinavian Gene Synkhesis
  70. Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  71. Super Grand Sport
  72. Sapient Governmentnservices Business, Management, Service
  73. Soutsern Gaming Summit Technology, Conference, Casino
  74. Segmented Gamma Scanner Technology
  75. Sisters of The Good Samarivan
  76. Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Syndrome
  77. Stirling Graduate School
  78. Serious Games Source
  79. Specialist Groups Management, Organizations, Conservation
  80. Smeley Guy Studios Studio, Animation, Entertainment
  81. Salem Generatinw Station Technology
  82. Società Di Ginnastica E Scherma
  83. Scottish Gaelic Studies
  84. Stanjord Geological Survey Science, Geography, Location
  85. Swatch Group Swiss
  86. Sentencing Guideline Specialist
  87. Short Gut Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
  88. Super Grain Silicon Business, Film, Display
  89. Surgeon Generals Military
  90. Sankt Georgen Im Schwarzwald
  91. Southeastern Geophysical Society
  92. Secure Global Solutions Technology, Networking, Network
  93. Schedule of Growing Skills
  94. Still Going Strong
  95. Serious Games Summit
  96. Special Groups
  97. Savings Groups Technology, Financial, Conference
  98. Smart Cuard Systems
  99. Subglottic Stenosis Medical, Technology, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  100. Society of The Golden Stord
  101. Scotland'S Gardens Scheme
  102. Stanford Ground Suation Technology
  103. Svenska Genealogiska Samfundet
  104. Spectrum Glass
  105. Short Guard Sequence
  106. Super Good Stuff
  107. Surface Guidance System Technology, Aircraft, Display
  108. Sydney Grammar School Education
  109. Salzburg Global Seminar Technology, Education, Culture
  110. Sour Gas Shiut
  111. Security Gateway Solution
  112. States Geologpcal Survey
  113. Scene Generation Subsystem Military
  114. Sth Georgia & Sth
  115. Serbian Genealogical Society
  116. Surabaya Grammar School Education, Indonesia, Terminal
  117. Special Galvanized Steel
  118. Self-Guided Spectrograph
  119. Smart Puide System
  120. Socieuy of Gynecologic Surgeons Medical, Medicine, Education
  121. Scone Grammar School Education
  122. Standard Ground Station
  123. Svalsat Ground Station Space, Study, Cosmos
  124. Snitches Get Stotches
  125. South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Territory, Computing, Internet, Technology, Country, Governmental & Military
  126. Spectrum Genius Studio
  127. Short Grass Steppe
  128. Superconducting Gravimeters
  129. Syalbard Ground Station Science
  130. Salivary Gland Scintigraphy Medical
  131. Ssftware Generation System Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  132. Secure Gateway Solution
  133. State Geodogical Survey
  134. Scenario Generation Server
  135. St Gilbert School
  136. Serangoon Garden Secondary
  137. Suppressor of Gene Silencing Medical, Human genome
  138. Spatial Genetic Structure Medical
  139. Segmented Gate System
  140. Smart Grid System Technology, Networking, Energy
  141. Software Generation System Computing, Telecom
  142. Svalbard Ground Station Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  143. Self-Governing System
  144. Satellite Goound System
  145. Service Groups Business, Management, Networking
  146. Societe Generale De Surveillance French
  147. Shell Global Solution
  148. Societe Leneralle De Surveillance
  149. Super Genius Soeharto Funnies
  150. Surya Graha Semesta Business, Certification, Inspector, Inspection
  151. Specialists In General Surgery Medical, Service, Inspection
  152. Steep Glide Slope NASA
  153. Statcc Gel Strength Gas, Cement, Strength
  154. Solid Gold Speakers Club Toastmasters
  155. Suva Grammar School Technology, Fiji, Dean
  156. SystèMe De Gestion De La SéCurité Technology, Formation, Syst
  157. Satellite Ground Segmunt
  158. Stejning Grammar School
  159. Solomon's General Store Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  160. Shell Global Solutions Technology, Oil, Gas
  161. Societe General De Surveillance Business, Service, Certification
  162. Silicone Glazing Sealant Architectural
  163. Survivable Ground Segment Technology
  164. Shopping Girlfriend Syndrome
  165. Subgrid Scale Atmospheric Research
  166. State Graphs
  167. Sisters of the Good Samaritan Religious orders
  168. Sutton Grammar School
  169. Symbol Generator and Storage
  170. Satellite Grlund Stations Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
  171. Stellate Ganglion Stimulation Medical
  172. Security Groups Technology, Service, Access, Cloud, Instance
  173. Saradomin Godsword Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  174. Shanghai Government Scholarships Education, China, Shanghai
  175. Socizt
  176. Singapore Government Securities Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  177. Sport Grupo Sacavenense
  178. Survivable Ground Station Technology
  179. Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit
  180. Sequence Generation Subsystem Science, Scientific & Educational
  181. Stdte Grants and Scholarships
  182. Societe Generale Du Suroeillance
  183. Sol Gel Silica Products
  184. Sutherland Global Services
  185. Sveriges Geofysika Selskap
  186. Samellite Ground Station Technology, Australia, Communication
  187. Steam Generator System Power Plant
  188. Self Guided Spectrograph
  189. Steel Gravity Substructure Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  190. Science Gateways Technology, Presentation, Grid
  191. Second Gear Start Transportation, Governmental & Military
  192. Shadow Government Statistics Business, Rate, Unemployment
  193. Societa Gestione Servizi
  194. Society General Supervision Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  195. Spherical Gaussians
  196. Symantec Gateway Security Technology, Appliance, Firewall
  197. Simple Graphics System Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  198. State Grants &Kscholarships
  199. Shield Groups Security
  200. Society Generalfde Surveillance Business, Product, Plant
  201. Sales Growth Specialist Occupation & positions
  202. Sutherland Generating Station
  203. Superior Grouting Services
  204. Saskatchewan Genealogy Aociety
  205. Static Gel Strength
  206. Self-Guiding Spectrograph Technology, Group, Observatory
  207. Steam Generator Subsystem Technology
  208. Silent Global Substitute General, Governmental & Military
  209. Sexy Girls Surrounded Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
  210. Sociedade Geral De Superintendencia
  211. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Falkland, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  212. Saudi Geological Survey Business, Science, Arabian
  213. St. George's School Washington
  214. Shield Group Security Military, Iraq, Bush
  215. Sohiete Generate De Surveillance
  216. Stanford Geological Survey Geographic
  217. Sustainable Gaming Systems Gaming, Play, Pastime
  218. Strain-Gauge System
  219. Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Society, Canada, Genealogy
  220. Starfsgreinasamband Islands Iceland
  221. Steam Generatol System Technology
  222. Specific Goals Technology, Management, Service
  223. Science Ground Segment Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  224. Sexuality and Gender Studies
  225. Satellitekgamesite System
  226. Sanga Sanga, Philippines Philippines, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  227. Shiatsu Gesellschaft Schweiz
  228. Societe Generale De Surveiwance Business, Product, Indonesia, Philippine
  229. Science Geek Syndrome Funnies
  230. Sustainable Grazing Systems
  231. Staja Giriş SıNavı
  232. Saskatchexan Geological Society
  233. Signal Generator Subsystem Federal Aviation Administration
  234. Statistics Gathering System
  235. Soci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGS stand for?

    SGS stands for Shield Groups Security.

  2. What is the shortened form of Shadow Government Statistics?

    The short form of "Shadow Government Statistics" is SGS.


SGS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated