SGW Meaning

The SGW meaning is "Security Gateway". The SGW abbreviation has 34 different full form.

SGW Full Forms

  1. Security Gateway Technology
  2. Shellfish Growing Waters Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  3. Stop Global Warming
  4. Samuel Greene Wheeler Book, Adventure, Lance, Wheeler
  5. Saskatchewan Gen Web
  6. Stone Ground Wood Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  7. Signaling Gateway Technology
  8. San Gorgonio Wilderness California, Trail, Mountain, Wilderness
  9. Sir George William Famous
  10. Saint-Gobain Weber
  11. Sint-Gertrudiscollege Wetteren Business, Sport, Gear
  12. Serving Gateway Computing, Technical, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
  13. Saginaw Seaplane Base Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Faa Airport Codes
  14. Signalling Gateway Information, Network, Computer, Information Technology, Computing
  15. Sacramento Golden Wheelmen
  16. Shot Gun Wedding Organization, Union, Institution
  17. Senior Grand Warden
  18. Single Goal Wins
  19. Still Going West
  20. Silanized Glass Wool
  21. Stero Glass Washer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  22. Shernic Gun Works Business, Supply, Stock
  23. Stargate Worlds Computer Game, Video Game
  24. Saginaw Seaplane Base, Saginaw Bay, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  25. Security Guard Window
  26. Stained Glass Window
  27. Server GateWay Computing, Telecom
  28. Synthetic Grass Warehouse
  29. Stained Glass Workshop Development, Learning, Study
  30. Saskatchewan Genealogy Web project Computing, Internet
  31. Surgeon General'S Warning
  32. Supplier Good Will
  33. Sharing Gods Word Religion
  34. Stowarzyszenie Gospodyń Wiejskich

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SGW stand for?

    SGW stands for Saginaw Seaplane Base.

  2. What is the shortened form of Signalling Gateway?

    The short form of "Signalling Gateway" is SGW.


SGW. (2021, December 7). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated