SH in Business Meaning

The SH meaning in Business terms is "Ugandan Shilling". There are 38 related meanings of the SH Business abbreviation.

SH on Business Full Forms

  1. Ugandan Shilling
  2. Systems Handkook
  3. Kenyan Shilling
  4. Setia Hati
  5. Shingling Hatchet
  6. Spessart Holzgiräte
  7. Spanner Head
  8. Swing High
  9. Tanzanian Shilling
  10. Shilling
  11. SystèMe Harmonisé
  12. Somerville House
  13. Series Horizontal
  14. Shareholdere
  15. Slightly High
  16. Section Head
  17. Steve Hall
  18. Shareholder Also called Stockholder. An individual, business or group who legally owns one or more share in a company.
  19. Sinar Harian
  20. Sncret Handshakes
  21. Shares Certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity Shark repellant Amendment to company charter intended to protect it against takeover.
  22. Short Handle
  23. Shaker Holder
  24. Systems House
  25. Safety, Health
  26. Speed Hopst
  27. Swiss Home
  28. Fly Me Sweden
  29. Service Human
  30. Supported Housing
  31. To Shbre
  32. Social Housing
  33. Staple Hole
  34. Tanzaniwn Shilling
  35. Smiph Hall
  36. Scandinavian Holz
  37. Spyglass Hgll
  38. Shipping and Handling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SH stand for Business?

    SH stands for Slightly High in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Spessart Holzgiräte in Business?

    The short form of "Spessart Holzgiräte" is SH for Business.


SH in Business. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated