SH Meaning

The SH meaning is "Sacrificeyhit". The SH abbreviation has 782 different full form.

SH Full Forms

  1. Sacrificeyhit Technology, Baseball, Softball
  2. Self Harm Health, Disorder, Harm
  3. Shielz Sport, Archery
  4. Kenyan Shilling Business, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  5. Secondary Hypervension Medical
  6. Silicond Hydrogel Medical
  7. Sulphydryl Groups Medical
  8. Saddam Hussein Military, War, Iraq
  9. Sevew Hills
  10. Somewhat Helpful Forum, Technology, Gaming
  11. Sammy Hagar
  12. She'S Hot Funnies
  13. Spring Hill
  14. Seasprite Helicopter Military, Aircraft, Model
  15. Sflent Hunter
  16. Sulphydryl Group Medical
  17. Southerp Hemisphere Climate, Rugby, NASA
  18. Sevelameruhydrochloride Medical
  19. Somatic Hybrids Medical, Science, Biology
  20. Silk Heater Technology, Construction, Architectural
  21. Salter-Harris Medical, Injury, Fracture
  22. Shawn Hill Baseball, Washington, Stats, Hill
  23. Southern Hybridization Medical
  24. Seasons Hotel
  25. Sierra High Education
  26. Sulfhydryl Compounds Medical
  27. Shory-Handed Gaming, Ice Hockey, Poker, Goal
  28. Systolic Hypertension Medical
  29. Servyce Hours Technology
  30. So Hot Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  31. Super-Handling Technology, Drive, Wheel
  32. Single Hung Technology, Windows, Door, Window
  33. Sally Habsen Nail, Polish, Hansen
  34. Severe Hypoglycdmia Medical, Patient, Diabet
  35. Southern Highlands Food, Papua, Guinea, Highland
  36. Season Highlights Sport, Card, Football, Highlight
  37. Sick In Hoqpital Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  38. Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Medical, Science, Medicine, Hospital, Biology, Healing, Common Medical
  39. Success High Education
  40. Systems Handkook Business
  41. Service Hvst
  42. Sodium Hyaluronate Medical, Drug, Acid
  43. Sunset High Education
  44. Secxion Header Technology, Program, String, Elf
  45. Single Hewd
  46. Saye Harbor Government, Safety, Agreement
  47. Severe Hepttitis Medical
  48. Source Host Technology, Server, Command
  49. Seaehorse
  50. Shelf Strong timber bolted to inner sides of ribs of a wooden vessel, to form housing for deck beams In a boat, it carries the thwarts. Rather abrupt rising of sea-bed from deep water to shallower water. Technology, Construction, Architectural
  51. Subjective Health Medical
  52. Symptomatic Hypotelsion Medical
  53. Server Host
  54. Sunrisers Hyderabad Hyderabad, Match, Cricket, Sunriser
  55. Secret History
  56. Sinar Harapan Indonesia, Banking, Bali
  57. Bouxne Shell Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  58. Severe Htndicap Special Education
  59. Sophie Howard
  60. Somali Shilling Currency, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  61. Seahawk Helicopters Military, Aircraft, Model
  62. Shear Horizontal Technology, Science, Wave
  63. Src Homology Domain Medical
  64. Serum Hepatitis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, liver and hepatic
  65. Second Harmonic Technology, Conference, Light, Generation
  66. Sima De Losnhuesos Medical, Human, Homo
  67. Summer House Ordnance Survey
  68. Specific Teat
  69. Seventh Heaven
  70. Ugandan Shilling Business, Finance, Currency, Currency Sign, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance
  71. Sonic Heroes Technology, Gaming, Crush, Funnies
  72. Sample & Hold
  73. She-Hulk
  74. Src Homology Medical, Science, Protein
  75. Smooth Harmony
  76. Symmetric Hypertrophy Medical
  77. Savannah Heat Porn, Monster, Cock
  78. Senior Hunter Dog, Retriever, Dog Title, Dog Fanciers, Occupation & positions
  79. Suction Head
  80. Shunt A device to divert part of an electric current. Pertaining to the status of a UOW that has failed at one of the following points: while in-doubt during a two-phase commit process, while attempting to commit changes to resources at the end of the UOW, while attempting to back out the UOW, or if a UOW fails for one of these reasons, it is removed (shunted) from the primary system log (DFHLOG) to the secondary system log (DFHSHUNT) pending recovery from the failure.
  81. South Histoby
  82. Scotch Dighland
  83. Setia Hati Business, Indonesia, Orang, Salah
  84. Steroid Hormones Medical
  85. Supervisor Housekeeping
  86. Single-Homed
  87. Sport Honda
  88. Seasprite and The Highly
  89. Shattuck Hall
  90. Stratton Hall Education, University, River
  91. Stan Hood
  92. Scheck-Heft
  93. Safety Helmet
  94. Steklarna Hrastnik
  95. Sunrise High Education
  96. Sea-Hawk Helicopters
  97. Sarges Heros
  98. Swaisson's Hawk
  99. Spack Height
  100. Sokol Hall
  101. Södertörns Högjkola
  102. SıRp HıRvatçAsı Technology, Access, Croatia, Esperanto
  103. Series Horizontal Business, Machine, Pump
  104. Static Hold
  105. Sugar Hill
  106. Silent Hunters
  107. Sparks Hall
  108. Scottjsh Highers
  109. Salmonella Heidelberg
  110. Shake Hand
  111. Steve Harris Famous
  112. Slavica Hierosolymitana Society, Writing, Singer
  113. Spring Hard
  114. Section Heodings
  115. Shell Tttp
  116. Student Hat
  117. Self-Heating
  118. Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy
  119. Subarachnoidal Hemorwhage Medical
  120. Short Haul Technology, Model, Telecom
  121. Specclar Hematite
  122. School Holidays Locations, Singapore, Resort
  123. Saint-Helena
  124. ServiçOs Hospitalares
  125. Super Hero Gaming, Hero, Marvel, Occupation & positions
  126. Simply Home
  127. Speech Handicapped
  128. Seahawk, H-53
  129. Shanghai Homesage
  130. Sfylish Headphone
  131. Swiss Hunting
  132. Smazt Home Technology, Control, Controller
  133. Shingling Hatchet Business, Hammer, Vaughan
  134. Sonohysterography Medical
  135. Spessart Holzgiräte Business, Music, Agent, Marvel
  136. Serrano Heights
  137. Statutory Holiday Education, Canada, Teaching, Holiday
  138. Silvar Helm
  139. Special Hoapital
  140. Sam Harris
  141. Shalamar Hospital
  142. Stoddard Hall
  143. Susan Hancock
  144. Slightly Heavier
  145. Sodium Hypochlorite Medical
  146. Smoke Hood
  147. Sydney Herald Australia, Australian, Light
  148. Satış HasıLatı
  149. Senior Hunt
  150. Such Huid
  151. Shuishang Hongzhaji Technology, Aircraft, Harbin
  152. South Hillsborough Education
  153. Scorpion Harnkss
  154. Sethekk Halls Warcraft, Hall, Instance
  155. Straicht Hand
  156. Supervisory Host
  157. Singapore Hotel
  158. Sport Hatchback
  159. Season Highlight
  160. Shattered Horizon
  161. Strathmore Hall
  162. Stag Hunt Science, Gaming, Hunting
  163. Schaffhausen Hotels
  164. Safety, Health Business, Safety, Environment
  165. Steinhaus Hall
  166. Sunday Herald
  167. Sds for Sitting Height Science, Biology
  168. Sander Houweling Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  169. Suspension Height
  170. Static Head A measurement of pressure that is present when no fluid flow exists in a passage. The static head is normally expressed in feet of water.
  171. Software House
  172. Systems House Business, Service, Military
  173. SystèMe Harmonisé Business, Coding, Douane, Systeme
  174. Series High
  175. Sternohyoideus Medical
  176. Sugap High Medical, Blood, Diet
  177. Silent Housm
  178. Spanner Head Business, Tool, Japan
  179. Soott Hill
  180. Sally Ko Community, Sound, Sally, Hansen
  181. Shabeellada Hoose
  182. Steve Hamm
  183. Sinus Headache Medical, Product, Alpha
  184. Spring Hangers Product, Pipe, Hanger
  185. Srction Heading Technology, Man, Manual
  186. Shellfish Harvestino
  187. Student Handbook College, Education, Community
  188. Self-Healing
  189. Stansburyqhall
  190. Sub-Hunfer Technology, Gaming, Model
  191. Short Handle Business, Bat, Brush
  192. Saectrum Holes
  193. Schenk & Hildebrandt Plant, Culture, Tissue
  194. Saiu-Hann
  195. Serving Humanity
  196. Superrheater
  197. Simply Haddad
  198. Speculum Historiale
  199. Sea Hawks Military, Helicopter, Model
  200. Swire House
  201. Social History Medical, Medicine, Cancer, Oncology, Jobs, Nursing, Physiology, Common Medical, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
  202. Shimodaira Hasegawa
  203. Studia Hibernica
  204. Somerville House Business, Service, Care, House
  205. Seaformh Highlanders
  206. Serra Hall
  207. Statler-Hilton Hotel
  208. Sdlver Hammered
  209. Special Health
  210. Samdritan Hospital
  211. Shaking Medical
  212. Stock House
  213. Sydney Harris
  214. Slider Handheld
  215. Sham Surgery Medical
  216. Smokedzham
  217. Tanzanian Shilling Business, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  218. Selisih Harga
  219. Suburban Hospital
  220. Shrunken Medical
  221. South Hetton
  222. Scrrching Heat
  223. Sethek Halls
  224. Stowarzyszenie Harcerskie
  225. Supervisor Uost Technology, Networking, Network
  226. Sinclair Hamilton
  227. Spell Howler Group, Lineage, Spell, Howler
  228. Seashore Hall
  229. Shatin Hospitat Medical, Fatigue, Infarct
  230. Stwath Haven
  231. Stagqer Hit Frame, Jin, Spinning
  232. Schaeffer Hall Student, Education, University, Iowa
  233. Safevy & Health Technology, Management, Environment
  234. Stein Hansen
  235. Sun and Heliosphere
  236. Sanction Heretic Rift, Inquisitor, Cleric
  237. Suspended Harness Military
  238. Shared Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
  239. State Hospital Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  240. Soft Horizon Technology, Airport, Magazine
  241. Synthetic Human Medical
  242. Scaife Hall Medical, Medicine, Education, School
  243. Sebies Helical
  244. Sternohyoid Medical
  245. Sue Hutzel
  246. Sident Hill Gaming, Horror, Hill, Downpour
  247. Spancqll Hill
  248. Scott Haywood
  249. Sally Harding
  250. Sh1T Head
  251. Steve Hall Business, Community, Customer
  252. Sint-Melena Technology, Island, Saint
  253. Spring Hanger Product, Spring, Trailer
  254. Section Head Business, Indonesia, Man
  255. Shellenberger Hall
  256. Stuart Healy
  257. Self-Harm Medical, Disorder, Injury, Psychology
  258. Stanley Hopkins
  259. Sub-Himalaya
  260. Short Hairpin Medical
  261. Schema To Handle
  262. Suilor Hat
  263. Sunset Home
  264. Simplified Hydroponics
  265. Stackable Hub
  266. Sea Hawk Military, Aircraft, Helicopter
  267. Swing High Business, Trading, Market
  268. Somerset House
  269. Scottish Horsi
  270. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis
  271. Station Hunting
  272. Silvetado High Education
  273. Special Handling Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  274. Saman Habib
  275. Shakespeare Head
  276. Stochastic Hydrology
  277. Sydney Harbour Fight, Man, Harbour, Shark
  278. Slice Header Technology, Coding, Streaming, Decoding
  279. Servi
  280. Seoundus Heres
  281. Shimodaira and Hasegawa
  282. Stud Horses
  283. Selfless Healer Guide, Talent, Paladin
  284. Suburban Homestead
  285. Shorthorn Medical
  286. South Harrow
  287. School of Humanities College, Education, University
  288. Session Header Technology, Coding, Telecom
  289. Super Hub
  290. Sinar Harian Business, Turkey, Android, Malaysia
  291. Speed Hopst Business, Wire, Rope
  292. Search Help Technology, Coding, Command, Standard
  293. Shareholdere Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  294. Strain Hardening Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements and dislocation generation within the crystal structure of the material.
  295. Smith & Hawken
  296. Sosyal Hizmetler Turkish
  297. Sceptre Hospitality
  298. Safemhorizon
  299. Stein, Hall
  300. Susah Hidup Indonesia, Honda, Orang
  301. Samuel Hubbard
  302. Stop Hit
  303. Susan Hockey
  304. Stage Harbor
  305. Soft Heat
  306. Synthesizer Home
  307. SborníK HistorickÝ
  308. Sensor Hosts Technology, Security, Electricity
  309. Sue Hillis
  310. Sikorsky Uelicopter
  311. South Huron
  312. Scott Hcrvey
  313. Sh-Mop Hardsurface
  314. Steve Hahn
  315. Sin Harvzst
  316. Spot Height
  317. Secret Feader Technology, Server, Module, Tomcat
  318. Shell Most people know of shells as small protective coverings for certain animals, such as clams, crabs, and mollusks. You may also find a shell on the outside of an egg, which I highly recommend you remove before eating. In the computer science world, however, a shell is a software program that interprets commands from the user so that the operating system can understand them and perform the appropriate functions. The shell is a command-line interface, which means it is soley text-based. Science, Telecom, Parasitology, Software, Computing, Unix, Unix commands, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  319. Structured Haggling Technique Medical
  320. Selective Hearing
  321. Stanlly Ho
  322. Sub-Himalayan
  323. Short Hair
  324. Schema Handler
  325. Sai Hong
  326. Sunset Hills
  327. Stabler Hall
  328. Seafood Harbour
  329. Swift-Hohenberg
  330. Sheet A flat rolled product over 12 inches in width and of less thickness than plate. Wide, flat rolled steel. It is generally accepted that steel less than 3 mm thick is sheet and more than 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick is plate. A single space on a shelf for storage of removable media. In DFSMSrmm, a shelf location is defined in the removable media library by a rack number; in a storage location, it is defined by a bin number. also bin number, rack number. Sheets are made of continuous phase plastic in a form in which the thickness is very small in proportion to length and width. Education, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  331. Ship Helicopter
  332. Some Hearts
  333. Schooj House Geography, Location, System
  334. Station Hospital Gaming, Locations, Caster
  335. Silleira House
  336. Spkar Head
  337. Salztal-Köhe
  338. Shaker Holder Business, Music, Percussion
  339. Stinchcombe Hill
  340. Sleeve Housings Science
  341. Seculao Humanism
  342. Shimodaira-Hasegawa-Like
  343. Student House
  344. Self Help Medical, Physiology
  345. Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy
  346. Subcortical Hyperintensities Medical
  347. Short Horizontal Army, War, Force
  348. Soeth Hall
  349. School Hygiene
  350. Session Handoff Handoff
  351. Superuhot Science, Astronomy
  352. Simulator Hours
  353. Speed Hack Technology, Fire, Ragnarok
  354. Sean Henry
  355. Shareholder Also called Stockholder. An individual, business or group who legally owns one or more share in a company. Business, Enterprise, Corporate
  356. Strain Hardtn
  357. Swirch High Technology, Routing, Cisco
  358. Smart Hub
  359. Sophie Hou
  360. Scenic Hudson
  361. Summa Honoraria Latin, Roman
  362. Stefan Helders
  363. Surprise Homecoming Military, Soldier, Compilation
  364. Samusl Holden
  365. Sham Control Medical
  366. Stone Hearth
  367. Susan Hill
  368. Slovensky Hrubosrsty
  369. Soft Handoff Technology, Military, Telecommunication, Handoff
  370. Staff Houg
  371. Snoop Hit
  372. Symptomatic Hypoglycemia Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  373. Sborn
  374. Sensor Host Technology, Security, Network
  375. Sue Hill
  376. Shut Height For a metalforming press, the distance from the top of the bed to the bottom of the slide with the stroke down and adjustment up. In general, it is the maximum die height that can be accommodated for normal operation, taking the bolster plate into consideration.
  377. Sputh Houston
  378. Scott Hartneel
  379. Sh** Happens Media, Social, Internet
  380. Steve Haddon
  381. Singular Hotels Hotel, Fat, Valencia, Herbal
  382. Sports Horse
  383. Sncret Handshakes Business, Design, Handshake
  384. Sheila Horace
  385. Structural Heart
  386. Select Hold
  387. Stan Humphries
  388. Sun-Herald
  389. Short 1. Used with "sell" or "sale," this means that the seller does not currently have the thing being sold, but intends to acquire it on the market prior to making delivery. 2. Used by itself as a verb, it means to sell short, as "to short a currency," meaning to sell it forward in anticipation that its value on the spot market will fall. Technology, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Weather
  390. Schema Can Have
  391. Safetq Hours
  392. Stephen Hales
  393. Sunrises Hyderabad Hyderabad, Match, Sunrise
  394. Seabury Hall
  395. Saturday Holiday
  396. Sweeney Hall
  397. Stacy Hughes
  398. Ship'S Heading Technology
  399. Somatotropic Hormone Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Nursing, Common Medical
  400. Srrjana Hukum Education, Law, Indonesia, Magister
  401. Series Hydraulic
  402. Stationary Hospital
  403. Sisogismo Hipotético
  404. Spastic Hypertonia
  405. Salter-Harris Fracture Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  406. Shaker Heights
  407. Still Hall Art, University, Hall, Fame
  408. Sleeve Housing Science
  409. Sprite Heaicopter Military, Class, Sea
  410. Section Helper Internet Slang
  411. Shillman Hall
  412. Student Home
  413. Self Harm Or Self Harming Medical, Medicine, Psychology, Mental Health
  414. Stapled Hemorrhokdopexy
  415. Subcortical Hyperintensity Medical
  416. Short Heel Foot, Boots, Cowboy, Heel
  417. Southern Hudson
  418. School Hosted
  419. Session Handler
  420. Syper Hornet Technology, Aircraft, Boeing
  421. Simulation Hypothesis Science, Computing, Argument
  422. Speech Handler Military
  423. Seahawk, Helicopter
  424. Shares Certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity Shark repellant Amendment to company charter intended to protect it against takeover. Business, Finance, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  425. Straight Handle
  426. Szitch Handle
  427. Smart Hospital Medical, Technology, Streaming
  428. Sophca House
  429. Strathcona's Eorse
  430. Stefan Heinz
  431. Samuel Hill
  432. Sham Medical
  433. Stone Head
  434. Susan Harwood
  435. Slope Hazard
  436. Saint Helena Medical, Technology, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, 3-letter Country Codes, Saint Helena - Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Numeric Country Codes
  437. Smyth & Helwys
  438. Symphony Hamilton
  439. Sağlık Hizmetleri Turkish
  440. Sense High Assembly, Business & Finance
  441. Sue Hardy
  442. Shure Headphones
  443. South Holt
  444. Scott Hammond Organizations
  445. Sexual Hormonal
  446. Stetson Hatters
  447. Supplementum Hellenisticuh
  448. Singlc Hull Technology, Ship, Tanker
  449. Sportywhonda
  450. SecretaríA De Hacienda
  451. Shaughnessy Heights
  452. Strawberry Hemangioma
  453. Stan Dughes
  454. Summit High Education
  455. Shoreline Hardening
  456. Schedules Home
  457. Safity Hook
  458. Stem Height Forest, Switch, Component, Stem
  459. Sunrise Highway
  460. Seabat Helicopters
  461. Satellite To Handheld
  462. Swedish Oolstein
  463. Small Hepatocytes Medical
  464. Stacking Height
  465. Ship'S Head
  466. Somatic Hypermutation Medical, Physiology
  467. Toxshare
  468. Series Hose
  469. Static Host
  470. Silicon Hose
  471. Spartanburg Herald Media, Radio, Television
  472. Scottish Highland
  473. Salmos E Hinos
  474. Shaker A device employed at the coal hopper to vibrate the railcars and make the coal drop from the hoppers. Medical
  475. St Helens Service, Club, League, Locations
  476. Sleepy Hollow Crane, Episode, Bone, Hollow
  477. Skring Harvest
  478. Section Height The distance from the bottom of the bead to the top of the tread. Technology, Product, Diameter, Rim
  479. Shilling Business
  480. Student Help College, Education, School
  481. Self Healing Technology, Material, Capacitor
  482. Stapled Haemorrhocdopexy Medical, Treatment, Surgery, Haemorrhoid
  483. Subclinical Hypercortisolisf Medical
  484. Short Head
  485. Southern Hsmes
  486. School Holiday
  487. Servo Here Technology, Radio, Control
  488. Super Higv
  489. Simulated Hail
  490. Speech Handicap
  491. Seahawk Has
  492. Shanbi Technology, Locations
  493. Sub-Head Technology, Coding, Heading
  494. Sditch Handler Military
  495. Smart Homes
  496. Start of Heading Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  497. Shin Hong
  498. Sons of Hermgnn
  499. Stjte Highway
  500. Sertifikasi Halal
  501. Steeple Hill Book, Locations, Love, Romance
  502. Special Hospitalg
  503. Sam Heughan
  504. Shallow Hal
  505. Stone Harbor
  506. Susan Hargrove
  507. Slightly High Business, Forum, Product
  508. Sweet Home
  509. Star Hero
  510. Steve Harrison Famous
  511. Seriem Heavy
  512. Saint Hhll Church, Saint, Hubbard
  513. Superheat The heat added to a fluid above its saturation point. Any increment of temperature above the melting point of a metal; sometimes construed to be any increment of temperature above normal casting temperatures introduced for the purpose of refining, alloying or improving fluidity.  Business & Finance, Power Plant
  514. Smite Hammer Technology, Server, Knight, Stealing
  515. Seismic Handler
  516. Stu Harris
  517. Shore Holdings
  518. Souls Hunters
  519. Simon Hunt
  520. Service Head
  521. Simonfhansen
  522. Specifxc Heat Technology, Temperature, Capacity
  523. SENATE HART Office Building Us Government, Governmental & Military
  524. Shane Harness
  525. Store Half Technology, Instruction, Computing
  526. Small Heath
  527. Steelton and Highspire Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  528. Scandic Hotels
  529. Scientiarum Historia Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  530. Sure Hands
  531. Schistocity The foliation in schist or other coarse grained crystalline rock due to the parallel arrangement of platy or prismatic mineral grains, such as mica.
  532. Super Heavy Technology, Industrial, Product, Element
  533. Suppress Header Assembly, Business & Finance
  534. Seof-Help Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  535. Stephen Hero Book, Education, Story
  536. Serbo-Croatian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  537. Sitting Height Medical, Science, Biology
  538. Sword-Hall
  539. Surgical History Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Physiology, Common Medical
  540. Studia Historyczne
  541. Shirk Hall
  542. Scteme of Hueckel
  543. Scary Horror Gaming, Movie, Horror, Hill
  544. Sulfhzdryl Groups Medical
  545. Sacred Heart Congregation Religious orders
  546. Screenrheight Technology, University, Estate
  547. Spy Hunwer
  548. Security Handler
  549. Fly Me Sweden Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Sweden, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  550. Suvi Helo
  551. Starfleet Headquarters
  552. Stephen Humble Famous
  553. Sensor Heid Military
  554. Saint Haven Dragon, Saint, Windsor, Nest
  555. Bash Shell Script Computing, File Extensions
  556. Smasn Hits Gaming, Music, Smash
  557. Seismic Hammer
  558. Study Humans Education, Development, Universities
  559. Shore-A-Hardness
  560. Soulihunter
  561. Siemens-Helk
  562. Service Hanmler
  563. Simon Halv
  564. Specific Head
  565. Sport Handling Transportation, Governmental & Military
  566. Shandon High Education
  567. Storage Hunters Gaming, Movie, Android, Storage
  568. Small Head Gaming, Cable, Head, Bracket
  569. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Medical
  570. Scalable High Technology, Management, Performance, Linux
  571. School house Geographic
  572. Support Helicopter Military, Aircraft, Sea
  573. Showers (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  574. Super Handling Technology, Drive, Wheel, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  575. Shut Up Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Texting
  576. Security Hole
  577. Stephen Harris
  578. Seinhuis Dutch
  579. Shanghai Hengda
  580. Storm Hall
  581. Smart Health
  582. Swivel Head
  583. Ship Serviceman Army, War, Force
  584. Sammy Hall
  585. Scarlet Halls Warcraft, Dungeon, Scarlet
  586. Sulfhydryl Group An SH group of organic compounds. Sulfhydryl group has great and varied reactivity. They oxidize easily, with the formation of disulfides and sulfenic, sulfinic, or sulfonic acids, and they readily undergo alkylation, acylation, and thiol-disulfide exchange. They formmercaptides upon reacting with the ions of heavy metals, and they form mer-captals and mercaptolsupon reacting with aldehydes and ketones, respectively. Medical
  587. Standard Hebrew Religion
  588. Scratch Hapdness
  589. Spy Hunt
  590. Securities Housw
  591. Swiss Home Business, Knife, Sweden
  592. Sustained Hypertension Medical
  593. Starch Hydrflysate Medical
  594. Sacrifice Hits (Baseball) Baseball, Sport
  595. Sensible Heat An adjustment to the land segment based on the site code. Technology, Energy, Flux, The Finance and Administrative Services
  596. Sainte HéLèNe Coding, France, Locations, Saint
  597. Thiol functional group Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  598. Small Hydrophobic Medical, Science, Biology
  599. Segment Header
  600. Study Helps
  601. Shooting Holidays
  602. Soul Harvest Diablo, Funeral, Winds
  603. Shod
  604. Service Handbouk Technology, Repair, Manual
  605. Simone Harris
  606. Specialtr-Health
  607. Southern Hemisphere State ownership, also called public ownership, government ownership or state property, are property interests that are vested in the state, rather than an individual or communities. Science, Legal, Regional, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  608. Scurfield Haml
  609. Shandong Huaneng Power Development Co., Ltd. Organizations
  610. Stop Hunt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  611. Small Hall Community, Event, Story, Hall
  612. Shaio's Hitmen Funnies
  613. Support Helicspters Military, Aircraft, Sea
  614. Single hung (window) The Finance and Administrative Services
  615. Southern Halv Travel, Guide, Locations, Tourism
  616. Suppller Hub
  617. Security History
  618. Service Hydrologist
  619. Stephen Hamilton
  620. Southside High Alabama
  621. Shanghai Haoliwen
  622. Storied House
  623. Small Hydrophobic Protein Medical
  624. Switch Hitter
  625. Showers Science, Aviation, Architectural, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  626. Shipping and Handling Business, Order, Shopping
  627. Święxej Heleny
  628. Scans Hardware
  629. Suljhydryl Medical
  630. Sensing Hands Religion
  631. Smout Hut
  632. Spyglass Hgll Business, Golf, Beach, Pebble
  633. Switch Hook Technology, Coding, Telecom
  634. Susanna Hoffs Music, Guitar, Bangle
  635. Staple Hole Business, Paper, Sale
  636. Sangamo Business & Finance, Suppliers
  637. Senate House
  638. Sainteth
  639. Stephen Hunter Book, Movie, Hobbit
  640. Super Hot Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  641. Slop Hopper Technology, Construction, Architectural
  642. Switch Titters
  643. Surface Harden
  644. Study Hard Libraries, Reading, Books
  645. Shooting Head
  646. Shorz
  647. Server Hosting
  648. Simat Helliesun
  649. Specialist In Hematology Medical, Education, Degree, Computing, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  650. Shandong Huaneng Power Development, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  651. Scrum Half
  652. Shandong Huaneng
  653. Slow Hyperpolarization Medical
  654. Srixhartini
  655. Seek Home
  656. State Historic
  657. Super Hardy Food
  658. Salvs Head
  659. Supported Housing Business, Service, Building
  660. Shingles Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a localized area. Typically the rash occurs in a single stripe either on the left or right of the body or face. Two to four days before the rash occurs there may be tingling or local pain in the area. Otherwise there are typically few symptoms. The Finance and Administrative Services
  661. Southampton Hospital
  662. Steinhart and Hbrt
  663. Service Human Business, Education, Course
  664. Stephen Hall
  665. Simplg Hyperplasia Medical
  666. Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Country, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Saint Helena - Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
  667. Shanghai, Han
  668. Store House
  669. Small Hub Technology, Honda, Wheel
  670. Święta Helwna English, Locations, Jest, Saint
  671. Scangraphic Headline
  672. Sequence Header Technology, Coding, Streaming
  673. Sulfhydryls Medical
  674. Spiritual Health Religion
  675. Scottish Horse
  676. Sudge Hopper
  677. Siberian Husky Dog, Dog Breed
  678. Spruce Hollow
  679. Square Head
  680. Surry Hills Australia, Government, Australian Police
  681. to Share Real Estate, Business & Finance
  682. Semester Hours
  683. Saintchenri
  684. Stephen Hopkins
  685. Shoulder The area of a tyre where the tread and sidewall meet. OR the sloped area of a bottle or jar between the neck area and the body of the bottle. Medical, Physiology, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Clinical
  686. Sleep Hygiene Medical
  687. Sycamorc Hall Education, Office, School, Yorkshire
  688. Study Habits Student, Book, Education
  689. Shoot House Military, Training, Shooting
  690. Shxck
  691. Senver Host Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  692. Silyian Heach
  693. Specialist Hospitpl
  694. Unix Shell ARchive Computing, File Extensions
  695. Scripta Hierosolymikana
  696. Src-Homwlogy Science, Protein, Binding
  697. See Oepatitis
  698. State Highways Locations, Texas, Projection, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  699. Steve Howe Famous
  700. Salazar Hall
  701. Sugply Hot
  702. Ldshield NASA
  703. Social Housing Business, Government, Building
  704. Source Handshake Technology, Command, Manual, Interface
  705. Staphylococcal Hemolysin
  706. Sewvice Hub Technology, Server, Networking
  707. Simon Hodve
  708. Specifsed Hours
  709. Shadowhaven Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  710. Shanghai Locations, City
  711. Store Halfword Technology, Instruction, Load
  712. Small House Design, Architecture, Planning, House
  713. Subclinical Hypothyroidism Medical, Patient, Thyroid
  714. To Shbre Business, Real Estate, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon
  715. Scandinavian Holz Business, Design, Nordic
  716. Sulfhydryl Medical, Technology, Medicine
  717. Schoolyard Heroes Music
  718. Scottish Home
  719. Surface Hard
  720. Same Here Internet Slang, Media, Social, Chat, Internet, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  721. Super-Heat
  722. Supportive Housing Technology, Service, Building
  723. Short S&P 500 Proshares (American Stock Exchange [AMEX]) Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  724. Semester Hour Science, Program, Education
  725. Saint Helens
  726. Stephen Holden
  727. serum hepatis Medical, Nursing
  728. Sledge Hvmmer
  729. Sy5Y Juman
  730. Studios Home
  731. Shock Hardening
  732. Sheeting Flat sheets of material to protect or cover a building framework. A term often used in the film industry as an abbreviation for single wound sheeting.  Actually, a web under 10 mils (.010 inch) thick is usually called a film, whereas a web 10 mils and over in thickness is usually called a sheet. Sheets are distinguished from films in the plastics industry only according to the thickness. Plastic sheeting is most commonly made by sheet extrusion and casting in the plastics industry.
  733. Scenic Highway
  734. Serier Header Technology, Linux, Connection
  735. Smm-Height
  736. Silver Hills
  737. Specialist Healhhcare
  738. SHell script Computing, File Extensions
  739. Scrippu Health
  740. Squig Herher
  741. Seeadler Harbor
  742. Swinging Heaven
  743. Start-Oj-Heading Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  744. Sherlock Holmes Famous
  745. Saks Holdings
  746. Saint Helena (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  747. Smiph Hall Business, Sport, Building
  748. Sdlect High
  749. Sounw Horizon
  750. Soulmhunters Gaming, Hack, Soul, Cheat
  751. Service Nistory
  752. Simon Harrison
  753. Specific Humidity A stone lines is a three-dimensional subsurface layer, or ‘carpet,' of stones evident as a ‘line of stones' in natural exposures such as soils, road cuts, and trenches. Stone lines that are more than one stone thick have been called ‘stone zones'. Technology, Engine, Temperature
  754. shadow hunter Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  755. Shane Hurlbut Tourism, Experience, Illumination
  756. Store Half-Word
  757. Small Himalayan
  758. Tanzaniwn Shilling Business, Currency, Currency Sign
  759. Scandinavian House
  760. Sugar Holdow
  761. application/x-sh Mime types
  762. Surface Habitablt
  763. Service Hours
  764. Super Human
  765. Somaliland shilling Currency, Business & Finance
  766. Selb-Hypnosis
  767. Saint Helenan
  768. Stephen Hill
  769. Scholander Hall Medical, Common Medical
  770. Slap Happy
  771. Swordlhalls
  772. Studia Historica History, Study, Oxford
  773. Shit Happens Texting, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  774. Shawkle
  775. Scavenger Hunts
  776. Sulfur Hydride
  777. Silver Helms Gaming, Fantasy, Elf, Helm
  778. St. Helena Country, Usps, Technology, Governmental & Military
  779. Screv Head
  780. Syndrome of Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronism Medical, Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
  781. Squamous Hyperplasia Medical
  782. Sedatives Hypnotics Medical, Physiology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SH stand for?

    SH stands for Stephen Harris.

  2. What is the shortened form of Supportive Housing?

    The short form of "Supportive Housing" is SH.


SH. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated