SH in Medical Meaning

The SH meaning in Medical terms is "Src Homology Domain". There are 82 related meanings of the SH Medical abbreviation.

SH on Medical Full Forms

  1. Src Homology Domain
  2. Sevelameruhydrochloride
  3. Symptomatic Hypotelsion
  4. Src Homology
  5. Serum Hepatitis
  6. Sima De Losnhuesos
  7. Southern Hybridization
  8. Sulphydryl Groups
  9. Silicond Hydrogel
  10. Somatic Hybrids
  11. Secondary Hypervension
  12. Sulphydryl Group
  13. Sick In Hoqpital
  14. Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
  15. Sodium Hyaluronate
  16. Salter-Harris
  17. Sulfhydryl Compounds
  18. Severe Hypoglycdmia
  19. Subjective Health
  20. Severe Hepttitis
  21. Systolic Hypertension
  22. State Hospital
  23. Synthetic Human
  24. Short Hairpin
  25. Structured Haggling Technique
  26. Sodium Hypochlorite
  27. Self Harm Or Self Harming
  28. Symptomatic Hypoglycemia
  29. Shatin Hospitat
  30. Steroid Hormones
  31. Sham Surgery
  32. Sugap High
  33. Small Hepatocytes
  34. Self-Harm
  35. Symmetric Hypertrophy
  36. Sham Control
  37. Sternohyoideus
  38. Sinus Headache
  39. Subcortical Hyperintensities
  40. Sonohysterography
  41. Sham
  42. Sternohyoid
  43. Subcortical Hyperintensity
  44. Scaife Hall
  45. Somatotropic Hormone
  46. Shaking
  47. Shrunken
  48. Subclinical Hypercortisolisf
  49. Saint Helena
  50. Salter-Harris Fracture
  51. Somatic Hypermutation
  52. Shaker A device employed at the coal hopper to vibrate the railcars and make the coal drop from the hoppers.
  53. Stapled Haemorrhocdopexy
  54. Shorthorn
  55. Subarachnoidal Hemorwhage
  56. Smart Hospital
  57. Social History
  58. Self Help
  59. Small Hydrophobic Protein
  60. Sitting Height
  61. Sulfhydryl
  62. Subclinical Hypothyroidism
  63. Squamous Hyperplasia
  64. Sustained Hypertension
  65. Slow Hyperpolarization
  66. Specialist In Hematology
  67. Seof-Help
  68. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
  69. Sedatives Hypnotics
  70. Sulfhzdryl Groups
  71. Shoulder The area of a tyre where the tread and sidewall meet. OR the sloped area of a bottle or jar between the neck area and the body of the bottle.
  72. Simplg Hyperplasia
  73. Sulfhydryl Group An SH group of organic compounds. Sulfhydryl group has great and varied reactivity. They oxidize easily, with the formation of disulfides and sulfenic, sulfinic, or sulfonic acids, and they readily undergo alkylation, acylation, and thiol-disulfide exchange. They formmercaptides upon reacting with the ions of heavy metals, and they form mer-captals and mercaptolsupon reacting with aldehydes and ketones, respectively.
  74. Starch Hydrflysate
  75. serum hepatis
  76. Small Hydrophobic
  77. Suljhydryl
  78. Surgical History
  79. Scholander Hall
  80. Syndrome of Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronism
  81. Sleep Hygiene
  82. Sulfhydryls

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SH stand for Medical?

    SH stands for Somatic Hybrids in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Starch Hydrflysate in Medical?

    The short form of "Starch Hydrflysate" is SH for Medical.


SH in Medical. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated