Shake Abbreviations and Shake Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Shake terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Shake abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Shake terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Shake Abbreviations
  1. USHG : Union Square Hospitality Group
  2. DFTS : Don'T Forget To Smile
  3. HS : Harlem Shake
  4. MSP : Madison Square Pfrk
  5. EVS : EspaçO Vida SaudáVel
  6. SIDM : Slooth Impact Drive Mechanism
  7. NMBHS : North Myrtle Beach High School
  8. NS4L : New Scooters 4 Less
  9. IH : Irom Hammer
Latest Shake Meanings
  1. Irom Hammer
  2. New Scooters 4 Less
  3. North Myrtle Beach High School
  4. Slooth Impact Drive Mechanism
  5. EspaçO Vida SaudáVel
  6. Madison Square Pfrk
  7. Harlem Shake
  8. Don'T Forget To Smile
  9. Union Square Hospitality Group