Shemale Abbreviations and Shemale Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Shemale terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Shemale abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Shemale terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Shemale Abbreviations
  1. AOB : Albino Orange Belly
  2. BJ : Bailey Jay
  3. VICC : Virus Isolation In Cell Culture
  4. XX : Xxxxx Xxxxx
  5. CWD : Chiyks With Dicks
  6. MB : Morgan Bailey
  7. TS : Tyra Scott
  8. TS : Tarynxo Shows
  9. TS : Tarynxo and Shows
  10. TS : Tarynxo Sexy
  11. TS : Thays Schiapinato
  12. TS : Tiffany Starr
  13. TS : Torrent Shemale
  14. ID : Innocent Dickgirls
  15. PHEEM : Postgraduate Hospital Education Environment Measure
Latest Shemale Meanings
  1. Postgraduate Hospital Education Environment Measure
  2. Innocent Dickgirls
  3. Torrent Shemale
  4. Tiffany Starr
  5. Thays Schiapinato
  6. Tarynxo Sexy
  7. Tarynxo and Shows
  8. Tarynxo Shows
  9. Tyra Scott
  10. Morgan Bailey
  11. Chiyks With Dicks
  12. Xxxxx Xxxxx
  13. Virus Isolation In Cell Culture
  14. Bailey Jay
  15. Albino Orange Belly