SHF Meaning

The SHF meaning is "Schaffer". The SHF abbreviation has 74 different full form.

SHF Full Forms

  1. Schaffer Organizations
  2. Super-High Frequency Military, Army, Defense
  3. Super High Frequency Technology, Army, Electronics, Transportation, Chemistry, Media, Military, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
  4. Schistosomal Hepatic Fibrosis Medical
  5. Solid House Foundation
  6. SibéRian Husky France
  7. Super High Freq
  8. SociéTé HerpéTologique De France France, Ces, Rouge
  9. Singapore Heart Foundation
  10. Supportive Housing for Families
  11. Sacred Harvest Festival
  12. Software Holding & Finance
  13. Short Hood Forward Network, Railway, System
  14. Stockholms Herpetologiska F
  15. SociéTé Des Hispanistes FrançAis Association, Formation, Langue
  16. Sinarmas Hana Finance Business, Financial, Group
  17. Support Helicopter Force Airline, Military, Coding
  18. Sisters of The Holy Family Catholic, California, Sister, Religious orders
  19. Software Hardware Foundations
  20. Second Heart Field
  21. Stockholms Herpetologiska FöRening Medical
  22. SociéTé De L'Histoire De France
  23. Simian Hemorrhagic Fever Medical, Science, Medicine, liver and hepatic
  24. Superstition Hills Fault
  25. Systolic Heart Failure Medical, Patient, Diastolic
  26. Software and Hardware Foundations Technology, Science, Research, Software, Computing
  27. Second Harvest Food
  28. Statens Humanistiske ForskningsrÅD
  29. Silent Hill Forum
  30. Super Hyperfine Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  31. Sugar High Friday Food, Recipe, Sugar, Chocolate
  32. SociéTé Hydrotechnique De France
  33. Scott Herban Fitness
  34. State Housing Fund
  35. Silent Hill Fever
  36. Super Hybrid Filter
  37. Storage Handling Facility Technology
  38. SociéTé Honoraire De FrançAis Organizations, France, School, French
  39. Singapore Hockey Federation Sport, Organizations, Singapore
  40. Schzff Steel Co. Organizations
  41. State Historical Fund History, Locations, Colorado
  42. Sierra Health Foundation
  43. Superhigh Frequency Medicine, Health, Hospital
  44. Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation Medical, Technology, Ethanol
  45. SociéTé Hippique FrançAise Chevaux, Sport, Finale
  46. Singapore Heritage Festival Locations, Event, Singapore
  47. Small Holder Farmer
  48. Sydney Heritage Fleet Australia, Organizations, Ship
  49. Super High Floor Architecture
  50. Small Holder Farmers
  51. Sycamore Hill Farms
  52. Super Highway Frequency
  53. Sensible Heat Factor
  54. Skyrme Hartree-Fock Model, Physics, Neutron
  55. Svensk Hednisk Front
  56. Super-High Feed
  57. Short History File Science, Scientific & Educational
  58. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock
  59. Sustainable Healthcare Foundation
  60. Soci
  61. Socit Hydrotechnique De France
  62. Spatial Heterogeneity Factor
  63. Shanhaiguan Airport, Shanhaiguan, China China
  64. Single Hispanic Female Internet Slang
  65. Surfing Heritage Foundation
  66. Royal Air Force Airline, Business, Military, Organizations, Air Force, Uk, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military, Legal
  67. Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal Technology, Mexico, Gob
  68. Siam Health Foundation
  69. Souther Hillman Furay Band Music
  70. Surface Heat Flux A reddish soil occurring on limestone in Mediterranean climates.
  71. Social Housing Foundation Business, Africa, Building
  72. Syria Humanitarian Fund Organizations, United Nations, Un
  73. Summer Hope Farm Farming & agriculture
  74. Supra-Haute FréQuence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SHF stand for?

    SHF stands for Siam Health Foundation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Super High Frequency?

    The short form of "Super High Frequency" is SHF.


SHF. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated